Prettified Artifact List for sale!

ZouviqilZouviqil Queen of Uberjerkiness
It looks like this:

I'm selling it for 2 credits. Here's why you might want to know about it before you buy it...

Why does it cost anything?
Because I put effort into making it.

Isn't 2 credits perhaps undervaluing yourself if you put enough effort into it for it to cost anything?
No, not at all! It's far from complete and needs tweaking that I lack the want to put effort in for.

What's wrong with it?
  • It's not optimized for speed
  • Not all the artifacts have been added
  • There are no aliases for customizing the look and category names
  • There's few to no comments on the code itself

If I buy it, what alias do I use to make it work?
  • myarti
  • myartis
  • myartifact
  • myartifacts
  • my arti
  • my artis
  • my artifact
  • my artifacts

If I want to add more artifacts to the list since it's not showing all of mine, what should I do?
Go to the "Each Artifact" trigger and add an elseif statement as described.

How do I purchase this from you?
Transfer 2 credits to Zouviqil and send Zouviqil a message saying "artifact list:". Your e-mail should receive an e-mail from my Google account with the link.

How do I install this thing?
Import the two XML files, make sure they're activated, enjoy.
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