What does deeding do?

What does deeding do? There are two help files. One is for deeding a clan to an organization, the other is a manse. But what does deeding do? What happens to the original owner? What additional controls are given to the head of the family for instance? Can the family head allow his power over the deeded land to be shared? What happens if the head changes? Can deeded land be given back to the person who first deeded? Can two people spend credits on a plot of land? What about mines, can two people or more harvest them? What are the limits? Do the things in shops reset, like with commune shops where you can buy a log, but that gets reset if you change the shop? If you have a stable, does the money now go to a family bank or organization bank instead of going to your personal wallet?


  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    The original owner no longer owns the manse or clan. The org that it was deeded to owns it. Each org has a representative (I think it's GA for guilds, Steward for Cities/Communes, someone with the priv for Orders, head for Families), which lets them shift around the current 'owner' of the manse or clan as they wish. 

    These people cannot give the power to swap around the current 'owner' to anyone else. 

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Deeding works as so:
    1) The owner of the manse (and only the owner) can "deed" it to an organization.
    2) The current owner of a manse / ship can "undeed" it at any time (yes, this means that if you are assigned to control an organization's ship / manse, you can cackle madly and run off with it, you dastardly thief!)
    3) Guilds / Cities / Communes have a position that can "change" the current owner of said deeded property simply by entering a command.  This means that they can assign the properties to themselves and then un-deed said properties.  Silly thieves.
    4) The current owner of the ship at any given time can still transfer ownership as desired; the only real difference is that there is an over-authority for Commune / City / Guild deeded properties that lets them switch it back to whomever they'd like.
    5) Some deeded properties count for family honour ticks as well.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    Costs them xp and crushes their spirit.


    Oh wait, that's deading.

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