Marcella + Enchantress = interesting conversation.

The shrill cry of a bird of prey disturbs the tomb-like quiet of the shrine, not the least subdued by the subterranean location.

You have emoted: Marcella snorts to herself, discarding the noise as a bird having accidentally flown into the underground. It would find its way back out.

The distinct flapping of wings echoes from right outside as a black shape wings by the doorway. There is a peculiar sound and all goes still while velvety indigo fog roils into the shrine, pooling about your ankles.

You have emoted: Marcella stands, drawing herself up to her full height. Eyes narrowing, she removes her helm and holds it under her arm.
remove helm
You remove an ancient great helm.

The fragrant fog roils by the statue, rubbing against it affectionately, before shooting upwards to reveal the form of Drocilla, the Enchantress.

Drocilla appears out of thin air.

look drocilla
She is a radiant immortal and is breathtaking to behold, radiating a painfully sublime and gentle beauty that inexplicably drains the vibrancy and colour from all else in the room. Shimmering with an eerie effulgence, Her almond-shaped eyes are a cruel, sharp lavender; sculpted with grey and violent shadows, they draw the onlooker with their mystical allure. Her tawny skin is creamy and flawless - the visage of utter beauty, elegance and perfection - and Her high cheekbones are touched by the gentle shade of a rose. The glossy scarlet red of Her lips stands out against these soft hues with a generous fullness that makes them deliriously tempting. Every subtle movement of Her perfectly poised figure exudes a raw confidence that dominates Her surroundings, Her superlatively shaped jawline held with regal posture. Intoxicating and addictive, an entrancing scent drifts in Her wake like a cloak of perfumed silk. She is wearing an august gown of liquid, pale gold ribbons, a pair of knuckle rings, each bearing a dangerous talon that extends past Her fingertips and an elegant pin of lapis lazuli.
Her silken hair, a hundred shades of burnished gold, is pinned like a crown of molten gold atop a visage of utter perfection. The thick, detailed braids wrap about the head with nary a disobedient wisp in a polished updo that wreathes Her face in a smouldering halo.

You snap to attention zealously and stand with perfect military posture as ready as can be.

You say, "Hail, Enchantress."

One hand caressing the statue of the Orlachmar, Drocilla tilts Her head to the side, observing you from beneath a curtain of eyelashes.

Shrine of Orlachmar.Imagery of death is eminent on the walls of this large chamber, intermingling with symbols of power and strength. In the center of the room is a large statue of Orlachmar, the Elder God from whom orclach are descended. A variety of offerings have been left at the foot of the statue, including food, gold, weapons, corpses, jewels, and other loot that the ur'dead inhabitants of the catacombs feel honor the power of their God. Growling in rage, this ur'dead shock trooper looks about with disdain. A hunting trophy bearing Dyagho's head is here, a grisly reminder of the power of a skillful hunter. A hunting trophy bearing Erebos's head is here, a grisly reminder of the power of a skillful hunter. Drocilla, the Enchantress dominates Her surroundings with regal poise, impossibly radiant and beautiful.
You see a single exit leading north (open door).
[ (v6299) @ the Ruins of Shallach, {north} ]

A bone white nightmare emits a blood-curdling whinny as she stomps the roiling clouds beneath her.

After a brief silence, you say, "Have You come to pay respects?"

One hand against the statue, Her eyes searching the statue's face thoughtfully, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "One does not pay respects to a..."

Softly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Peer."

After a moment's hesitation, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Friend."

You say, "It must suffice to fondly remember Their memory, then."

Drocilla squeezes the stone arm softly and pulls Her lavender eyes away from His likeness.

Musingly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Do you intend to be away from Magnagora long? The novelty has worn off."

You say, "Just this month I have acquired a majority of the Iron Council in support of my return, Lady Enchantress."

You say, "The prevailing thought seems to be 'If we eject people for speaking their minds, we are no better than the Celestines.'"

With a roll of Her eyes, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Took long enough, I would have loathed to be bothered by the necessity of bringing you back Myself."

You say, "I am honored that You would think it a necessity. I have found this experience and time to meditate galvanizing."

You say, "I suspect there may be upheavals not long after I return."

Drocilla rests Her elbow upon the statue's shoulder and leans Her cheek against the arm, Her expression thoughtful as Her eyes are fixed upon yours.

Somewhere below your feet, you hear the wailing of thousands of trapped souls.

You say, "I will not bore You with the specifics of that. However, this is an excellent opportunity for me to ask You something that has been on my mind."

Drocilla remains quiet, speaking no further though it is apparent there were words at Her lips. She remains leaned against the stone statue, the warmth of Her golden visage a stark contrast to His stone likeness.

Pausing briefly to find the correct words, you say, "Do You believe Magnagora may ever be in danger from the Legion? Would it be entirely out of order to prepare for the possibility that some day His discipline will fail, the Chaos He professes to His followers will consume Him, and that He would come to devour us all?"

The muscles in Her jaw tightening slightly, Drocilla lifts Her head from the statue's shoulder. "No," She finally admits, "I do not think it possible in the current situation, the details of which are, perhaps, not known to many."

You have emoted: Marcella puts a plated hand to her chin, grasping it thoughtfully. "It is hard to draw conclusions when one does not know all the details," she admits.

Drocilla is about to add something but thinks better of it. Instead, She amends, "True, but it would be rude of Me to speak of His secrets. Have you ever asked Him?"

You say, "I have not had the opportunity. Most of the accusations I threw that resulted in my expatriation were actually words against His...productivity. It does not seem to me that He has done anything for Magnagora's interests for over half a century, and is seen as little as the Forbidden One. I asked the Warlord whether he was so angry just because the Legion would be able to refute my words just by showing up and has not."

You say, "I suppose that was the last straw for him."

Bits of stone and plaster crumble down from the ceiling overhead.

You say, "There was an event years ago where someone greatly respected in the past returned, tried to take control as if they still had all the respect they had then, and practically tore Magnagora apart. I do not see a difference between a divine or a mortal attempting to do the same thing."

A glint of merriment to Her lavender gaze, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Is that what resulted in your exile? That were your exact words?"

You say, "The situation was that the Legion's godrealm was being attacked, and they were coming off a loss. I was teaching a shard of Clangorum how to wield an axe properly during this time, and when the Warlord railed against the ur"Guard for not showing up, I told the city as a whole that I would rather fulfill my race's ancestral ties to the clangoru, assist with gathering Gaudiguch's good feelings towards Magnagora, and train up novices in combat than defend the Godrealm of a useless God who hadn't made any evidence of Their presence known for long enough to become practically irrelevant."

You say, "Those, are basically my exact words."

Your eyes sparkle with amusement.

Shaking Her head lightly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "My dear Loremaster, it is not upon the Divine to be... productive as you say. We are not citizens of Magnagora to apply ourselves to its day to day glory. The city is blessed by Our very presence, by Our teachings and guidance. We have Our own agendas, which typically ally with that of Magnagora, it profits from Our power both literaly and otherwise."

Quirking an eyebrow, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Are the cultists of the Legion not made better every day by His teachings?"

Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Do they not act in a manner that He would find pleasing, therefore applying to His teachings, for the betterment of Magnagora?"

Smiling thinly, you say, "I disagree. Order is preferable to disorder, and the regimented teachings of an army to the chaotic ones of a cult. An iron fist with firm control."

Somewhere below your feet, you hear the wailing of thousands of trapped souls.

You say, "The warriors beneath this place speak of the holy Stasis of Urlach's Undeath, which is practically opposed to His Word."

You say, "I am inclined to agree with them."

Pursing Her ruby lips, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Nay, those are not His teachings. Not even close."

Somewhere below your feet, you hear the wailing of thousands of trapped souls.

Pressing an advantage, you say, "Then I am woefully mistaken. Is it my fault, however, when instead of being taken aside to be educated, I am reviled and exiled for expressing ignorance instead? Is it not their fault that this ignorance is propagated?"

Drocilla turns to the statue, Her eyes searching His faces as She poses the question, "Is it any better than you insulting their God without knowing His teachings?"

Bits of stone and plaster crumble down from the ceiling overhead.

You say, "They certainly do not give off the impression that I am wrong. I did ask about His teachings, to Leolamins and Xiiolin ago. They told me that they would happily allow themselves and Magnagora to be consumed, as it would be 'an honor to be part of Him.'"

You say, "I do not find it reassuring that they would allow the Basin of Life to be consumed in obtain the power to defend the Basin of Life."

Drocilla begins to pace in slow, measured steps about the statue, fingers trailing the stone. "What is it to you if they wish to devote their lives to His glory? That is their prerogative. It also has naught to do with His teachings."

Somewhere below your feet, you hear the wailing of thousands of trapped souls.

You say, "When they would also devote others' lives, such as the city's, it becomes my business."

Pausing on the statue's other side, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "It still has nothing to with His teachings, nor is there any relevance between theory and application. I have no doubt that My Evanescent would be overjoyed to sacrifice their essence should I require it. But do I? No, same with Him. They have faith and profess it proudly to all but trust He, nor I, would actually do it."

Crossing her arms, you say, "Why do you not seek it?"

Musingly, a touch of admiration to Her tone, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "That has always been a facet of the DisOrder, complete and utter faith in the Legion and His mystical teachings."

Questioningly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Why do I not seek...?"

You say, "The essence of your followers."

Her ruby lips parting to reveal snow-white teeth in a predatory smile, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "They are more useful alive."

Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Mmm, more entertaining too."

Drily, you say, "I see. Are you then advising me to treat these claims as...the unlikely events You say them to be? To not put as much stock in the possibility of their happening?"

Drocilla turns Her luminous gaze to the statue, taking in the detail before Her eyes pause at the offerings gathered at its feet - gold, weapons, skulls, precious jewels. "Is He not still worshiped, even though He is no more?"

Continuing on as your query still hangs in the air, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Are His deeds any less because time has passed? Or Urlach's?"

Proudly, you say, "We are Orlachmar. Through honoring our Shaper, we honor our very selves. These offerings are as much a testament to the power of our species as they are an offering to Orlachmar the Furious."

Drocilla arches Her eyebrows as the silence rings heavy, Her question unanswered.

You say, "I suppose deeds live for as long as their effects are still felt through the ages."

You say, "Orlachmar saved the Legion's life."

You say, "His presence in reality today is an evidence of His deeds."

Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Why then would you insult Morgfyre, just because His attention is turned elsewhere. His teachings, His deeds, His power remains, and is as worthy of respect as it has ever been."

Ponderously, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I will consent that to defend His Godrealm is a choice every Magnagoran ought to make on their own, the insults, however, were quite unseemly."

Softening, you murmur, "It is truth that You make sense."

Returning Her gaze to the statue, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I understand your worries, Loremaster. It is in your nature to think ten steps ahead, to be ready, to be on the lookout for anything that might befall Magnagora."

A smile playing on Her lips as She indicates the statue with a tilt of Her head, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "You are, after all, a part of Him."

You nod solemnly.

You say, "...You had mentioned that You were...friends?"

Drocilla murmurs something unidentifiable, Her lips twitching as She muses upon Her reply but in the end replies nothing and just nods once.

Turning Her eyes back to you, forced mirth in Her voice, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Would it comfort you to know that should it ever happen, you would not even notice for you would be gone in an instant? That has to be comforting, no? I am uncertain how mortals perceive these things."

You say, "In a way, it is."

Encouragingly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "There is eternity or oblivion, and it would be someone else's problem afterwards."

Slowly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Like... Mine."

Bits of stone and plaster crumble down from the ceiling overhead.

You say, "If anything of the like did happen, I would prefer it to begin somewhere else in Lusternia, since then it would give the Gods a chance to stop it. And then wherever it happened would be gone. A world without Magnagora...practically doomed."

Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Perhaps that ought to be more of a comfort - it is not in My interest, nor My brethren's and Magnagora is under Our aegis."

You shrug helplessly.

Off-handily, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "There are families in Magnagora bound to Me in Oath by blood, that Oath goes both ways, Loremaster."

You say, "I am glad to hear it. One of the surest ways to raise my choler is a Lord or Lady who does not understand that they have responsibility to their lessers just as their lessers have responsibility to them."

Somewhere below your feet, you hear the wailing of thousands of trapped souls.

You say, "It is one of the reasons I have had ire against Mysrai over the decades - it has seemed to me that They treat their followers capriciously, like a game, and toss them aside or order them to die for sheer amusement."

The air wavers as Drocilla leans Her head back and laughs openly, the sweet sound vibrating in your ears.

The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.

Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Darling, whichever way you see My words is fine by Me."

Your eyes sparkle with amusement.

Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "As for Mysrai, I would have thought you learnt that lesson with Morgfyre just a moment ago. That which you perceive is not necessarily truth."

You say, "Hence my qualifying statements about seemings."

Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Mm, whether it is a game or amusement or capricious nature, one cannot tell from the outside looking in."

You nod your head emphatically.

Somewhere below your feet, you hear the wailing of thousands of trapped souls.

Drocilla shakes Her head slightly from side to side, half amused, half in thought.

A gentle breeze, ethereal and filled with motes of cold moonfire, fills the skies with pale clouds, the dancing lights of the flames glimmering like stars. The ancient presence of the Silver Goddess manifests amidst the array, Her motherly gaze returned to the First World.

You say, "Ah. One more thing on the topic of 'seemings'."

You say, "I wrote this a bit ago. You might like to peruse it."

You give a pitch-black pamphlet of crimson flames to Drocilla, the Enchantress.

A touch of displeasure crosses like a shadow over Drocilla's face suddenly, quickly replaced by indifference.

Nonchalantly, you say, "If it does not concern You, toss it aside, but I would be remiss if I did not offer You information in return for Your advice."

Drocilla furls up the scroll with a nod and deposits it into the aether off-handily.

Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Return to Magnagora but make amends with His DisOrder first. Whether or not you seek to stir up trouble afterwards, it will not be helped if there are legal nuances and bothersome things to be used against your return."

You say, "Very well."

Pointedly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "And you do, in fact, owe Him an apology."

Drocilla flashes a charming smile that never touches Her eyes.

A dark and seductive voice murmurs in your ear enticingly as Drocilla dissipates into a velvety indigo mist, leaving in Her wake a sense of unrestrained longing.


  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Sounds like someone needs to come have a chat with me.

  • And stop quoting Leolamins out of context!!


    06/30/2014 19:37 Silvanus channels the power of the Megalith of Doom for you, stripping you of your Vernal Ascendant status.......bastard!!

  • Boo to someone as proud as Marcella going back to Magnagora with her tail between her legs, with a clearly volatile and consumptive Traitor harbored and worshiped in their midst.

  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Shaking Her head lightly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "My dear Loremaster, it is not upon the Divine to be... productive as you say. We are not citizens of Magnagora to apply ourselves to its day to day glory. The city is blessed by Our very presence, by Our teachings and guidance. We have Our own agendas, which typically ally with that of Magnagora, it profits from Our power both literaly and otherwise."

    How you didn't just haul off and whack her for this I don't even know.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • In retrospect..
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Daraius said:

    Shaking Her head lightly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "My dear Loremaster, it is not upon the Divine to be... productive as you say. We are not citizens of Magnagora to apply ourselves to its day to day glory. The city is blessed by Our very presence, by Our teachings and guidance. We have Our own agendas, which typically ally with that of Magnagora, it profits from Our power both literaly and otherwise."

    How you didn't just haul off and whack her for this I don't even know.
    I believe Zvoltz himself said he wasn't beholden to Hallifax as its citizens would be.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    edited December 2014
    Yeah and Daraius doesn't have any fond feelings for Zvoltz either. Serve the Collective or gtfo. :)
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    On a slightly related note, I wonder what would happen if an org voted to remove one of their divine.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    edited December 2014
    What would happen if an org voted to sacrifice all gods to the Collective?

    (P.S. @Marcella your logs are amazing. Will you hurry up and get unenemied from Hallifax already?)
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."

  • The gods would probably kill them.

    (Will you hurry up and remove Elanorwen/Elanorwen actually quit like she says she's going to already? also maligorn broke my heart permanently by calling me a super-nigge- i mean, an orc)
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Lavinya said:
    Man I miss Zvoltz! I wish we'd gotten the opportunity to go deeper with the olive branch He extended to Morgfyre. Was kinda nice having someone from another org wanting to be friends with one of ours.
    Viravain and Raezon were buddies for a while, we even had a Raezon shrine in Glomdoring and allowed people to follow Him.  He was the only Traitor who was given that status.

    Things changed after a while, especially with the friction between Glomdoring / Magnagora early on.  So, I guess what I'm saying is: Blame Fain.
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