Library Question

Hey, am I just really confused or is something going on with the Library's Culture scoring?

According to the help file:
 Libraries begin each year with a set credibility rating. So long as a
   library maintains this top rating, that library will receive a bonus.
   If a critique is found valid, the library the book came from will be
   penalized. Likewise, if a critique is found invalid, the library who
   critiqued the book will be book penalized.

Now, that set credibility is 150, I believe, right? Currently, my Library has 125 so we've lost the bonus. I don't understand why this is, as we published two things and both of them passed the critiquing period successfully. Nor, to my knowledge, did we critique anyone else's books so we couldn't have lost credibility through a failed critique. I also noticed that my Library is not the only one at 125 currently.

So, has the credibility rating system changed in some way and, if so, in what way has it changed? Because it's not really fair to have it not work like it says it will. How are we supposed to know how to keep the rating where it needs to be to keep the bonus? If there's something in some news post I've missed explaining all this or some other helpfile besides the HELP CULTURE one that does, some helpful person point it out to me!



  • There was a rejection in Hallifax for something that isn't suppose to be a valid reason for one, so we (Hallifax) lost our credibility bonus last round. So to make up for the mistake, the other libraries lost their bonus this round because the library code is apparently complex/old it can't easily fix these types of errors.
  • Ah. Well, I guess that makes some sorta sense. Strange, but as long as there's a reason and it'll go back to normal after this.
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