What hunting artifacts do I get first?

QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
So, for hunting, what artis should I get, and which is more important? Should I buy all the first level ones, or go all in on upgrading one?

Blunt Enhancement (boosts chain damage) (75/150/300 credits)
Rune of Fitness (bonus health) (125/250/500 credits)
Rune of Health Regeneration (125/250/500 credits)
Divinus Whip (275 credits)

Or maybe?
Critical Hit Rune (200 credits)


  • Health or Critical.

    Though arguably, the former is less important with vitals being normalized, and generally everyone seeing a rise in their health pool anyway. It may well be that a RoA is better than a health rune at this point.

    Criticals will always be useful. There's a reason why the level 4 goes for a premium.

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