Beastmastery Battle and DamageShift

How exactly is the damage from DamageShift transferred? Is it a fixed amount or based on multipliers?

I ask because does:

A fire mantis yelps in pain as a young phoenix bashes him.
You shift the reserved damage of your last strike forward.

... mean that I am wasting the DamageShift because it is based off my beast attack?

Best Answers


  • Awesome, thanks!
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    I don't think it works exactly that way; there are many times I've gotten a critical hit that killed something and did not have any extra damage to carry over.  I'm rather doubtful that I'm getting exactly the amount of damage it takes to kill the mob quite that often.

    My observational experience (for what it's worth) leads me to believe that it just keeps a multiple of whatever damage attack was used, for example:
    1: I have a damage attack that does 100 damage.
    2: Mob has 150 health.
    3: I get a 4x critical hit.
    4: I get 200 damage to carry over to my next attack.

    It's either that or sometimes damageshift just decides not to tick for some reason.

    But yes, it stores that damage into a variable and -any- attack you do has that damage added to it, so that means Ilistala gets a lot of kills for me. :)
  • I assume that if you get a critical attack on a damageshifted attack, works like (base attack) x (critical multiplier) + damageshift instead of (base attack + damageshift) x critical multiplier?
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