Three questions: mimc, karma nature, steed+custom

Hey Gang,

Got three random questions.

What does hunting: mimic actually do? I've been told a few things now and done some testing but can't confirm anything.

Does karma blessing nature factor into the level 3 limit for health regen? I assume it does but the list in HELP COMBAT ARTIFACTS is specific.

     *NOTE ON REGENERATION: Regeneration abilities include totem spirits like moon, tree and river bonds, stag form, moon drawdown,       sacraments honor, athletics regeneration, lich form. It does _not_include regeneration by items enchanted by Mercy, Perfection, and Beauty.

Does cavalier: steed and custom beast stack in the level bonus for a mount? In other words, is it possible to have a level 14 mount? This is important because beastmastery: battle damage is based off of beast level, right?

Thanks again, gang!

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