Shorter Logs Collection

EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
Sometimes I have logs that are longer than Quotes, but not really long enough for their own threads. I figure others might have similar logs, so I thought, why not start a thread to collect these? If you've got some short logs, post them here for all to read!


Everiine stands next to Cataka and lays his hands on the top of the low wall. No wind winds through his feathers, and he opens his wings to air them. "Are the accommodations as you remember them?" he asks, following your gaze.

"Aye, for the most part," Cataka Hurosh remarks, her eyes fluidly moving back to the night-covered forest. "Though, I remember the meals being a bit better in my time." She laughs: the sound thick, but not too loud. With a casual shrug, she stretches then leans back - her attention still beyond. Without looking back at you, she questions, "Is there something you needed?"

Everiine turns his head down and studies you with his deep, old emerald eyes. "I was going to ask you the same question," he replies. He turns and sits on the wall, hanging his wings off the edge behind him and crossing his legs at the ankles. Settling into his new position, he says, "I have known you but a little while, and I have never known you to be so quiet. If you need to talk, I am here to listen."

Cataka Hurosh shakes her head. "Well, it is certainly the case that you haven't known me much. I am loud and I am quiet. I carry multitudes." The igasho woman faces you and grins, revealing her wild teeth. "But in any case," she adds, "I am in need of nothing but my thoughts."

Everiine chuckles and his feathered wings flutter in the night. "You speak truthfully. I have not know you long, nor as well as I would like." The old trill steadies himself with fingers clutching to the wood. "If your thoughts are not solely for yourself, would you like to share them?"

Smirking, Cataka Hurosh says, "Unfortunately, they are for me at the time being. But perhaps soon enough they will be worth sharing."

Everiine bows his head and the feathers fall over his face; with a flick of his neck he shoos them back into place. "I understand," he says with a gentle smile. With one last look over his shoulder, to an unseen point far to the north and east of the woods, he rises from his seat and folds his silver wings to his back once more.

You smile and say to Cataka Hurosh, "May your thoughts be clear and bright, Centaur Sister."

Cataka Hurosh nods her head emphatically.

Cataka Hurosh says, "Take care, brother."

Everiine descends the steps leading down into the rest of the Lodge.



(After running under the scoop to get out of the rain)

Everiine searches the ground for enough kindling to start a fire. It takes some doing, but the hunter manages to cultivate a small flame, near which he immediately opens his wings.

Both nestle themselves close to the open flame - Asdushoc hovering her palms to gather its warmth.

Gesturing like Adushoc, Tokota Snowmane says, "What brings you up here, brother?"

You jump slightly as your eyes are covered, and a voice asks from behind you, "Guess who?"

"Ha!" Kethaera exclaims to Gabriella with gusto.

Kethaera, Hand of the Maiden says, "I knew it."

Gabriella bops Kethaera on the head.

"Shoo! Shoo!" Gabriella says to Kethaera as she waves her away.

Everiine watches the two, and as they move together, sit together, huddle together, he smiles, forgetting his frustration with the weather for a time. "You do, of course," he replies, wiping away the water dripping down his face. "I am told that you two have decided to live here together, and I wanted to congratulate you."

Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "You ruined everything!"

Kethaera, Hand of the Maiden frowns and says, "But I was coming to see him too!"

Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "Oops, I'm intruding."

Gabriella beckons to Kethaera.

Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "They're talking. We can come another time."

Everiine blinks at the sudden appearance of the two.

Gabriella gives you a peck on the cheek.

Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "Sorry about that."

Tokota Snowmane snickers softly to himself.

Gabriella points boldly towards the horizon and declares in a proud tone, "Onward!"

Adushoc zi'Prouep's crystalline form shifts to a cool sky-blue colour as she looks about.

Over her shoulder, Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "Nice to see you both!"

With bronze wings outspread, a giant eagle soars out majestically on air currents to the ether.

Coolly, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "You should attend to your kin. It is only polite."

Still looking down the hill, you say, "That was..."

You say to Adushoc zi'Prouep, "Oh, but I am! If I understand correctly, you are my kin now."

Flatly, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "We are not kin."

Tokota Snowmane snickers softly to himself.

Everiine purses his lips, not looking entirely convinced, but nods his head in acknowledgement of the claim.

Bowing his head, you say to Adushoc zi'Prouep, "I apologize for the offense."

Without a hint of emotion, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "There is no offense present, simply facts."

Everiine again acknowledges the truth of the statement, then turns his head curiously toward the silent centaur.

Tokota Snowmane smirks: the line of his lips adding shadows across his face from the campfire. With a shake of his head, the centaur offers you a shrug. "We are kin, but not all of us on this hill are," he remarks.

Tokota Snowmane tells you, "Or at least, not yet."

Recognition flashes in Everiine's deep emerald eyes, and his mouth curls into a soft smile.

You tell Tokota Snowmane, "May that day come soon, as I know it shall."

Pushing himself back up to his feet and folding his still, sadly, wet wings uncomfortably to his back, you say, "I suppose I should go and speak to my sister, who will not let me rest until we have done so."

You chuckle long and heartily.

The corners of Tokota Snowmane's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.

Adushoc zi'Prouep's crystalline form shifts to a cool sky-blue colour as she looks about.

In an effort to be polite, and perhaps repair the damage done from earlier, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "Take care then, Tokota's brother."

Once again smirking, Tokota Snowmane says, "Aye, take care, brother."

Bowing low, you say, "Take care Tokota's..." He pauses, choosing his words carefully. "Take care, Tokota's," he says to the lucidian. And to the centaur, "Take care, Adushoc's."

The centaur barks into a laugh, though the lucidian woman remains silent. Her colour shifts - from its characteristic emerald green to something more pastel.

Everiine grimaces one last time, flips up his hood, and ventures out into the downpour.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.


  • @Kethaera and I totally ruined that moment for you. SO SORRY.  And yet, so true to life of a younger sister and her friend as a duo when they are at one of their more mischievous moods. >.>
    "You are so much bigger than you think you are," She says, fervently. "You are a beacon of hope that shines through the world with every step you take. You are My beacon, Gabriella, and you shine even into the darkest of nightmares."
    The air sparkles with silver motes of light as a silken voice says, "You will see growth and strength where others will see weakness. You will walk with Us as a paragon of Serenwilde's power, for you have already walked this path before."
  • Poor @Everiine, girls fighting over him all the time. And... centaurs, obviously.
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA
    Don't worry @Gabriella, I think Ev ruined the moment himself when he implied that the relationship between Tokota and Adushoc had reached a point further than it had (though Tokota seems to want to take it there). Though he recovered with that bit at the end, making Adushoc blush. I think. Pastel lucidian is blushing, right? Right?
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA

    The old bird ducks under the scoop of the Elder, his wings and cloak wrapped tightly about his aged form. From beneath the layers Everiine slams his fist against his chest in a tribal salute to Sakima Stonemane.

    Blowing into his hands to warm them, you say to Sakima Stonemane, "Greetings, Elder. You would think with the Sun acting strangely it would be warmer here. That was an erroneous assumption."

    Vapor escaping his mouth, Sakima Stonemane says, "You would think, but who is to say, and who will tell what will come now."

    Hunkering down under his cloak for warmth, you say to Sakima Stonemane, "That is actually why I came to you. Surely you have noticed the Sun. Our brother Tokota and his companion Adushoc have observed omens and unusual activity, respectively. But the omens are not clear." He pauses to blow into his hands again. "I was wondering if the stargazer here in your herd has observed the same omens, but has perhaps interpreted them more clearly."

    "No," the elder says with a shake of his head. "Ours has not determined much else, but such is the case with augury. It is quite indeterminate. Tokota might call it subtle, I might call it vague." Sakima Stonemane smirks as he folds his arms around his chest.

    Everiine sighs and shakes his head. "That is what I expected to hear, but I would rather ask than not. I do not understand the art of augury, but perhaps one day, I shall learn." Some of the trills head feathers have stiffened with ice and he flips his head side to side to free them. "Thank you, brother. I hope that the stars will soon shed more light on this mystery."

    Sakima Stonemane nods his head at you.

    Sakima Stonemane says, "Your words to the heaven's... ears?"

    Sakima Stonemane peers about himself unscrupulously.

    Putting a hand to his head, you say, "I cannot begin to contemplate the implications of the heavens possessing ears."

    Sakima Stonemane smirks.

    Wryly, Sakima Stonemane says, "I imagine it depends which spirit is the heavens."

    Everiine narrows his deep emerald eyes. "You do realize that, now that you have planted the idea in my head, I shall be forced to meditate on it until I find a suitable answer, aye?"

    Sakima Stonemane chuckles. "I wouldn't have imagined anything less from you, brother."

    Sighing in exaggerated despair, you say to Sakima Stonemane, "I suppose I should return to the slightly warmer woods and accept the fate you have set before me."

    Nodding at you, Sakima Stonemane says, "Keep warm."

    Glancing up at the stars of the night sky, you say to Sakima Stonemane, "And you, wise elder brother."
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA
    From a few encounters today while running around:

    Dipping into the sheltered vale, you say to Caedir Aormeah, "Caedir, you know the back paths and trails of these woods
    better than almost anyone. Should we need to evacuate the forest folk who call the Serenwilde home, I am counting on you
    to help lead them to safety."

    Turning to you, his face sunburnt and raw, the ranger shakes his head. With a measured tone, Caedir Aormeah says, "I do
    not think so, High Chief. It would seem that those flares are not harming the forest whatsoever. The forest appears safe,
     save for the heat itself."

    You say to Caedir Aormeah, "Let us pray that it stays that way. Nevertheless, I want to be prepared. I hope you are
    right, my friend."


    Everiine shields his eyes from the sun and bows quickly to Mebor Greenhunt.

    A flare of energy lashes out from the corona of the Sun, uncurling through the heavens toward Hallifax. As the lash of
    blazing light diffracts through the crystalline city, it splits off into several washes of power that cascade down
    toward distant locales.

    You say to Mebor Greenhunt, "Hail, Mebor. I come on behalf of the Seren. I--" He quickly shuts his eyes and shields them
    again until the flare passes. "I do not know for how much longer your outpost will be safe. The Sun's rays scorch and
    burn all in their path. I would prepare you and your companions to evacuate."

    Mebor Greenhunt tells you, "Belated hail, High Chief. I do not know how much longer either, but it would seem that we
    have not been harmed whatsoever. Perhaps it is just some luck, or cruel prank of the Fates."
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA

    Done before the previous post, but forgot to post.

    Also someone else add to this thread before all it is is Everiine talking to his favorite siblings... :D

    Everiine trudges up the hill, still covered in a sheen of sweat. Though it is night, he quickly ducks under the centaur scoop as if trying to get out of sight of the sky.

    Slamming a fist against his chest, you say to Tokota Snowmane, "Hail, brother." And turning to the lucidian, he says, "Hail, Adushoc."

    Adushoc zi'Prouep tilts her head skyward, taking in the nighttime sky past the scoop's leathery dome.

    Swirls of celadon suffusing her body, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "It is strange to think that this is my new home, but it is fitting. And of course, I can see the stars."

    He smiles softly and folds his wings to his back. "I am pleased you find it to your liking. And aye, what would the home of an astrologer be without the stars?" he asks. Then, his mood turning more solemn, you ask Adushoc zi'Prouep, "Has the changing of the Sun caused you or Tokota much difficulty?"

    Adushoc zi'Prouep fondly looks at the elder centaur nearby as she flushes a rosy quartz and her eyes soften in love.

    Searing, intense heat suffuses all things around you, causing beads of sweat to form at your temples.

    Thoughtfully, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "My calculations have been dampened by the influx of solar energies..." Here, the lucidian passes a glance to Tokota, who is trying to stare out into the sky - despites the Sun's glare. "Tokota has been having more troubles than I, I believe. Such is the vagaries of augury."

    You nod your head emphatically.

    The old bird glances at the blistering light outside the scoop and retreats further in. Fanning his wings to try and cool them, you say to Adushoc zi'Prouep, "I do not know what you have heard, but the sunpride tree has been damaged; the Goldenclaws took the opportunity during the Highwater incident."

    Pulling her gaze away from the sky-staring centaur to face you, the lucidian pauses to consider your words. Finally,, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "Do you believe that the sunpride tree is holding back this energy then? I will admit, I have not studied the sciences of botany..."

    Adushoc zi'Prouep flickers curious shades of light green, her head tilting slightly.

    Fanning his wings more quickly as the temperature rises, you say to Adushoc zi'Prouep, "Aye, that is what I observed with my own eyes. When the tree was planted and grown to its natural size, it released a... field, I believe, that held back the Sun. And it was not until the tree was damaged that the Sun began to exert its excruciating heat again." He squints his eyes and shields them. "Why, have you observed something different?"

    Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks over the world's edge, announcing a bright and shining new dawn.

    Adushoc zi'Prouep shakes her head. "No," she responds firmly. "I was merely standing I have no understanding of the mechanics of trees."

    You say to Adushoc zi'Prouep, "I admit, the magics involved in the growing of the great trees is beyond my ken as well."

    Adushoc zi'Prouep acknowledges the point with a nod of her head.

    Resting his hand against a support pole, you say to Adushoc zi'Prouep, "Honestly, I do not know where to begin in finding a solution to this crisis. I was hoping that perhaps something in the sky or stars was different this time, a clue."

    Turning to face both occupants, you say, "And, of course, I needed to see that you both were safe."

    Her mouth a thin, serious line, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "Certainly, my projects will be unhelpful if the Sun continues to radiate such energies. And whether Tokota's practices would be helpful..." She turns to stare at the centaur again, who now has pressed a hand against his forehead to mitigate the searing presence of daylight. "... I am still uncertain. Waiting for clues may very well just get us all burnt."

    Everiine fans his wings and kicks up a hot, uncomfortable breeze. "Then clues must be found," he states, though the statement brings him no pleasure.

    Adushoc zi'Prouep's crystalline form shifts to a cool sky-blue colour as she looks about.

    Flatly, Adushoc zi'Prouep says, "And if we all burn before then?"

    Where once there were clouds in the sky, now there is only light - painful, blinding light that lingers in your eyes even when they close.

    Everiine looks past the elder centaur at the blazing, scorching hillside, searing the image into his mind before closing his eyes and pondering that very real possibility. "Let us pray that does not happen," he says.

    Adushoc zi'Prouep nods her head.

    You say to Adushoc zi'Prouep, "I will do all that I can to prevent that from happening. You and Tokota are close to me."

    You stumble as the oppressive heat of the Sun bears down upon you, seeming to ignore the respite offered by shade and cover.

    As the Sun moves down its course, Everiine chances leaving the protection of the scoop. He slams his fist against his chest, first to Adushoc and then to Tokota before folding his wings in a shell around his body. "I will come for you if nothing but doom awaits us," he says, then quickly trots down the hill.
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
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