Zearia and Nievea (finally) get married

And I am a happy mom and am sharing :)

Many many thanks to @Delphas for throwin this together without much warning, it's appreciated man. :)


Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine looks to Zearia and then to Nievea.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine whispers, "You two realize this bond, formed as it may be by mortal hands, can only be rent asunder by Divine powers?"

Zearia nods her head emphatically.

Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe says, "I do."

Nievea nods her head in agreement.

Tainted Siren Nievea, of Nil's Symphony says, "I do."

Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe smiles over at Nievea, gently reaching out to take her love's hand.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine whispers, "Very good."

Tainted Siren Nievea, of Nil's Symphony smiles warmly at Zearia and takes her hands, squeezing gently.

Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe smiles over her shoulder at her mother and their daughter, her eyes moving to those of the family there with them.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine nods sagely to Zearia and then to Nievea.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "Let the brides join hands at this time, so they may show their dedication as they stand
honestly before the Pantheon."

Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe takes the hands of her love, looking into her eyes.

Tainted Siren Nievea, of Nil's Symphony squeezes Zearia's hand, lovingly.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "The Infernal Machine is a composite of many parts. Each is different and unique, yet each must find its place and mate with another."

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "We each bring our own assets to the greater whole. No two of us are the same, yet we each enrich and empower Magnagora."

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "Let one gear spin in isolation, and energies are wasted idly. Let two gears contest eachother and energies are destroyed in contention."

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "To transmit the awesome power of the Engine each and every component must know itself, yet it must work in union with others."

Tainted Siren Nievea, of Nil's Symphony listening to Delphas's words, she nods and rubs Zearia's hand.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "This is exactly what we are here to celebrate. The union of two Champions. The matching of two strengths such the combination is greater than the sum."

Vhaedryn arrives from the south.

With a flourish of his arm, Vhaedryn bows deeply.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says to Zearia, "Raise your joined hands, and raise them high. Show your true strength for all to see. Demonstrate your commitment to uplift, protect, and serve your great city, noble heritage, and beloved wife."

Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe nods and raises her hands, holding those of her wife as she does.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says to Nievea, "Lower your joined hands. Let all see you are an equal in this union, and demonstrate your commitment by showing your will."

Tainted Siren Nievea, of Nil's Symphony lowers her hands, along with Zearia's.

The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Delphas's lips.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "Just as two gears work with eachother to both improve and moderate mutually the other, you
two are now matched."

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "The strength of one shall be moderated by the wisdom of the other. The cunning of one will be augmented by the vitality of the other. You two, from this moment henceforth, shall ever progress forwards and onwards."

Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe smiles as she looks over at Nievea, her eyes locked on those of her love.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "May this pact be as eternal as the Pantheon who bless this union."

Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.

Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper tries to smile, but decides not to, instead adopting an oddly joyful scowl.

Crimson Mystagogue Delphas n'Kylbar, Ambassador of the Engine says, "The brides may.. ahh... excuse me, but I am unfamiliar with Magnagoran mating habits, so they may do whatever is proper and natural at this time."

The corners of Zearia's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.

Tainted Siren Nievea Feyranti, of Nil's Symphony chuckles.

Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe leans in and kisses her new lovely wife, cupping her cheek with one hand.

Nievea kisses Zearia passionately.

Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says to Delphas, "Gavriel and I stepped on each others feet at our wedding, and argued and killed each other."

You smile impishly and say, "Congratulations my dearest children. You make an old lady proud. Now pardon me before I get all sniffly and have to beat someone into forgetting they saw anything."



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