The Ascendancy of Avurekhos Yfae'dren

EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
I didn't see this posted yet, so here's a log of the event up until the celebration following. I think I cleaned up all the extraneous stuff in between, so, I'm sorry if there are any left!


Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter intones, "Are we ready to begin?"

Everiine nods, signaling his readiness.

Erebos nods his head emphatically.

Selenity nods her head affirmatively.

Erebos idly twitches his tail.

Arien gestures, her arms open wide to beckon the five representatives forward.

Kazel nods her head emphatically.

Everiine, covered from head to do in swirling, ritualistic tribal paint, steps forward.

Selenity steps forward as well, the skirt of her dress billowing behind her as she does.

Arien raises her hand for silence, and begins to speak.

Erebos bows his head and closes his eyes. Soft breaths carry a light intonation of words, something consisting of growls and various chuffles. Before long, he raises his gaze, stepping forward.

Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter intones, "We all are gathered, bearing tokens of the realm that thrives all around us, strengthened in our oaths of unity, the bonds we have cultivated as a people of Serenwilde in past, present and future."

A blazing silver beam speeds across the firmament, wreathed in ethereal mist.

Her voice soft, but powerful, Pretty Guardian Selenity Siar'luin of the Arrey Arrane says, "The names of those who lead us in the beginning are written here, united here, for our sight, and that of the Shelterfolk. Their spirits linger, our ancestors heed to us to answer their wailing calls."

Ryboi D'Varden, High Priest of the Moon says, "In this, we have come, to begin the process of binding one who shall seek to be a part of this sacred land forever, never parting from the grace of its changeable seasons, the everturning cycles of its life."

Raising his voice to be heard across the circle, you say, "In this, we do invoke the Mother Moonhart to grant us the capabilities of blessing and ritual binding, so that we all may grant strength and power, to this chosen individual whom the people and the hosts of all have selected."

Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says, "May the harmony and intent of our words speak with one voice, Great Spirit of the Serenwilde, we five may not be the kin of the founding ones, but by oath and bond we are kin by heart and action."

Looking at those gathered, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says, "Let us join hands and begin."

Everiine crooks the two staves he carries under his arms and extends his hands, taking those on either side of him.

Arien Siar'luin clasps the hands of you and Selenity, lifting her arms to begin part of the circle around the ritual bowl. Her eyes glimmer with a brief flash of silver as she stares into each individual's own returning gazes with a faint smile.

Erebos joins hands with those on either side of him, his elbows bending slightly to create a more circular form.  His eyes flashing to the two, he smiles in excitement, before focusing back on the ritual bowl.

Selenity Siar'luin takes a hold of Arien and Ryboi's hand, looking to the others present, before her gaze focuses once more onto the ritual bowl.

Ryboi joins hands with thoese around him, lifting his arms to join the circle around the ritual bowl. A broad smile appears on his face.

Her voice intoning with great care, and tenderness, Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says, "We are of the Earth, its ground, its dust and bounty. Tending the trees, the roots that grow deep beneath us, the roots that allow us to stand here now. We are but seedlings when there is nothing to nurture, we are but wanderers when there is no place that is home."

Her eyes lowering to gaze beneath the platform to the roots of the Mother Moonhart, Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says, "Without Earth, there is nothing."

The branches of the bowl twist upwards in a welcoming gesture, the gnarled bark of each beginning to gleam with buds of newborn flora and fauna flicker in and out of sight upon them. With a heaving wind, all present feel grounded upon the platform as a connection along the air gathers with suspense. The tongues of the trees rise and flex with creaking arrays of an ancient cacophony, as if preparing for an omen to pass.

Projecting his voice for all to hear, Ryboi D'Varden, High Priest of the Moon says, "We are of the Water, giver of life, taker of the souls, nurturer of Earth, ruled by the Awakened Spirit of Mother Moon. There is no harvest without the rains of the seasons. There are no mortals without the tides, rivers, lakes and streams that rejuvenate all, and cleanse all."

Gazing at everyone around him, Ryboi D'Varden, High Priest of the Moon says, "Without Water, there is nothing."

In a delicate flourish of bursting colours, rings of moonglory petals blossom outwards from the buds, sending vines entwining about the ritual vessel that collects the plantlife's new, misted dew within its centre. Soft gasps and murmurs echo throughout the area, as the observing fae and spirits take heed to another sign of Moother Moonhart's acceptance.

Her gaze lifting and her voice nearly ethereal in quality, Pretty Guardian Selenity Siar'luin of the Arrey Arrane says, "We are of the Spirit, centre of the soul, song of the heart, voices of the children we have forgotten that were within ourselves. Life has no meaning without spirit, ruler of passions, mind, and determination, bearer of emotions, connector to the heart of each living thing. We are the voice often heard in silence, or in loud throes of comprehension."

A knowing smile coming to her lips as she speaks, Pretty Guardian Selenity Siar'luin of the Arrey Arrane says, "Without Spirit, there is nothing."

The liquid drew pulses within the low ring of the vessel, as the area around you fills with a sense of understanding and serene peace. The faintest of arias drifts through the canopy, and throughout the Serenwilde on the voices of spirits rising to ansewr the call of the people as the heavens stir above, with darkened clouds reeling. Ethereal waves of light begin to interconnect with the leaves of Mother Moonhart in the same moment, their silver strands like the hands of the spirits raised in exaltation.

Patchou the Moon Cat stares about the room with her eyes that glow an eerie silverygreen.

His voice deep, old, and full of wisdom, you say, "We are of the Fire, sturdy and strong, drive for the spirit, overseer of Earth, protector of its boundaries, destructor and creator of all things natural, in disaster or control. We are the sons and daughters of the elements, and can return to them when our time is done. Shedding blood for the cause of others, to replenish the Spirit, to renew like Water, and be a champion of Earth."

Nodding affirmatively, you say, "Without Fire, there is nothing."

A sudden strike of lightning snaps through the canopy of the Moonhart Mother Tree, causing the visible weavings of light to sizzle and crackle as smoke laurels up through the leaves. Rumbles of thunder drum closer with each passing moment, as the smell of embers and windswept leaves whips across the platform. The smoke drifts with keen direction, settling across the ritual vessel before entering the water itself.

Arien kneels and stretches her spine backwards, flaring her arms out in suit. In an instance, feathers dress her body, and you hold your breath to witness this regal, swanlike pose.

His accent thick and rolling, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says, "We are of the Air, brother of Water, maker of storms and clouds, meditations of the mute dead, resonations of the soul untold  Breathe us in, for life, breathe us out for death. It is we in harmony that move the earth, the trees and waters, the mystery of my name and purpose within everything, every being that bears the reflections of life and nature's balance."

Continuing after a brief pause, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says, "Without Air, no other element would continue to change."

A hush of air surges, whirling the smoke upwards with its cleansing aura, to reveal the clearing upon the platform to be shimmering and pulsing with power. The silver of the net of lights is now arranged in a swirling dance of thrumming essence that sends small quakes down your spine.

Arien loosens her hands gently, beginning to lift the tiny moonhart nut within her hands, she holds it cradled within the shell of her palm. Her eyes shine with joy as she waits for the others to part their own linking.

Everiine separates his hands and takes up his staves once more.

Selenity releases her hands from that of those whom she had held onto.

Ryboi bows his head, separating his hands ready to impart a white lily into the ritual bowl.

Selenity bowing her head, she strums her lyre once, the spirits around her turning towards her to listen attentively.

Lifting the silvery moonhart nut between two fingers and raising it high, Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says, "With this seed, I ask that Mother Moonhart understand that even from the smallest things can grow the wildest, the solid foundation of earth and wholeness, the wrath of many in one."

Erebos bows his head, separating his hands from those he once held so tightly.  He smiles faintly at the ritual bowl, the air carrying soothing words from within his chest in but faint whispers.

Arien lifts her eyes towards the highest reaches of the Mother Moonhart Tree for a moment of contemplation before lowering the nut into its centre.

Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says, "Hear us, Beloved Spirit, impart upon us the wisdom of your ways."

Upon contact, the seed lands within the smokecrowned waters, immediately clamoring around the ritual vessel in a full revolution before settling eerily at the centre, standing upright. Layers of the mercurial strands of light hovering above begin to peel from one another, descending to knot around the grooves of the seedling.

Softly, Ryboi D'Varden, High Priest of the Moon says, "I bring the gift of life from what grows within, Mother Moonhart, may it bring joy and newness that shall rejuvenate your sapling kin that all lie beneath you."

Ryboi D'Varden, High Priest of the Moon says, "Hear us, Beloved Spirit, impart upon us the wisdom of your ways."

Ryboi squeezes the flower's water droplets across the seed, before putting it in the bowl.

With an immense shift, the canopy of the Mother Moonhart Tree stretches and parts all of her strong branches with a rustle of leaves and trunk as the Full Moon above brilliantly shatters a beam of moonlight upon the bowl. Misting with silversapphire light, the beams separate and halo about you upon the platform, bathing you in the warmth and renewal as the seed grows laden with the waters, and begins to sprout.

Erebos idly twitches his tail.

Eyes closing half way as she strums her lyre once more, Pretty Guardian Selenity Siar'luin of the Arrey Arrane says, "I sing the song of the spirits, the great ancestors that have lived within and around since your great creation." She pauses and takes a breath, a fond smile crossing her lips. "They come this day to awaken Serenwilde, and rouse from earth to bough to rejoice in unity, I give the gift of spirit incarnate."

Pretty Guardian Selenity Siar'luin of the Arrey Arrane says, "Hear us, Beloved Spirit, impart upon us the wisdom of your ways."

The spirits surrounding the Keyll Arrane rise in a flurry, their voices earsplitting as they wail in many songs, all combining into one that drives the storm roiling above into pure turmoil. Passing through each of the bowl with a violent tremor, the sapling begins to take shape, its leaves and fragile twigs extending as it begins to hover through the stasis of the Moon's illumination.

Stepping forward toward the bowl, you say, "The gift of fire, I bear, pure heat and passion. Blessed with the Great Spirits of Serenwilde, I entreat you, awaken and with each token of the elements of Nature, arise and bestow what is to come."

Everiine unties the cord holding a carved bone talisman to his wrist and holds it up for all to see before placing the blessed item in the bowl.

With a resounding clatter, the bone talisman bursts into bluewhite flames as it lands within the bowl, leaving the other items surprisingly intact. Yet the platform beneath your feet hems and haws, as if Mother Moonhart is now stirring from her dreaming, yet knowing state.

His accent remaining harsh, yet calm, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says, "Bestowing the final gift of wind, we await your sign of acceptance, oh Spirits, ancestors of old, mighty and young, brash and wise. Rise from the final death, and bring wind!"

As the shriek of the heralding screams of a banshee, the glacial wind rushes across the Mother Moonhart tree, causing leaves and all manners of creatures to tumble from its boughs in a rough cascade. It does not wane against the strength of Her trunk, and continues to ring in your ears as the air pulls harshly at all of your garments.

Through the raging wind, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth exclaims, "Hear us, Beloved Spirit, impart upon us the wisdom of your ways!"

The gust knocks all at present to their knees, slamming into the bowl. The ingredients within all combine at once with a blip of energy as fire, water, earth, spirit meld as one. A ricocheting plume of silverwhite ash and dust jump from the centre of the ritual vessel, showering you with its many fragments onto your visage.

All at once you feel the serene calm of understanding in your mind's eye, as the visions of the founders of the Serenwilde bestow upon you the knowledge to complete the task at hand. The buffeting roar soon quiets as the Mother Moonhart settles within Her place once more.

The connective roots of Mother Moonhart begin to twist and dance as the canopy and foliage dance with joy as the awareness of the entirety of Serenwilde aligns at once.

Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter intones, "We all now move from this platform, to the Mother."


Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says, "We now move into assembly, call upon your fae and totem animals, let them be present for what comes."

"We will endure till all else is crumbled and dead." sings Niina, mournfully playing a lustrous glass violin traced with silver scrollwork with deep rhythmic harmonies.

Arien reaches upon her forehead, feeling the remnants of the fragments, she beckons the five representatives to a place below the canopy of Mother Moonhart, before allowing them to arrange their own guild representatives within circles, as tree rings within a trunk.

Everiine Silvermoon, covered in the dust, moves to stand next to Arien

Arien Siar'luin turns to Enyalida, smiling softly as she beckons her near.

Avurekhos purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully gathers his thoughts.

Enyalida approaches, lowering her hood to uncover her face, painted in stripes and whorls, with a conspicuous red circle central on her brow.

Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says, "We must share the wisdom of Mother Moonhart to all of you, leaders, pass it to those who are of your guild."

Arien Siar'luin extends her right hand, wiping her brow with smudge as the green man reflected on her features as she traces the symbol of the triple moon upon the center of her brow

Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says to Enyalida, "We have been given the wisdom of binding, no power within this earth shall break it."

Nodding solemnly, Enyalida Zayah says, "Nor any beyond."

Arien Siar'luin turns and begins to assist with the other guilds, walking over to Ryboi.

Jaamil follows up shortly behind Ryboi.

Enyalida Zayah turns to Anjou, bending slightly to paint a corresponding symbol on her brow.

Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says, "Please, do this all at once. We have little time to waste."

Anjou beams broadly at Enyalida.

Erebos paints a symbol upon his own brow.

Ryboi D'Varden turns to Jaamil and draws the symbol of the Triple Moon with the centre sitting between his eye brows

Ryboi D'Varden, High Priest of the Moon says to Jaamil, "We have been given the wisdom of binding, no power within this earth shall break it."

Arien Siar'luin follows over to you, Selenity, and Erebos, retracing their own symbols.

Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says, "We have been given the wisdom of binding, no power within this earth shall break it."

Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter says, "We have been given the wisdom of binding, no power within this earth shall break it."

Selenity Siar'luin turns to face Niina and nods to her, smiling. She paints a symbol onto Niina's head, whispering, "We have been given the wisdom of binding, no power within this earth shall break it."

Avurekhos walks widdershins nine times amongst those assembled.

Arien nods her head emphatically.

Everiine approaches the group of centaur hunters and gives them a tribal salute before bowing low. He traces a triple moon in the dust on his forehead with two lines for horns. Scraping the dust from himself, he approaches each one of the centaurs and does the same, saying, "We have been given the wisdom of binding, no power within this earth shall break it." Once finished, he turns around and sees Adasser standing there. Grunting to himself, he approaches the elfen guard and gives him the same mark.

All around you, the spirits of nature begin to manifest in swirling lights and gusts of air. Petals and loose branches leap and spin, twisting toward the budding Ascendant.

Heir Jaamil says to Lleuke, in Elfen, "We have been given the wisdom of binding, no power within this earth shall break it."

Adasser, an elfen guard gasps softly, allowing the Chief too mark his brow with the triple moon.

Nodding in conclusion of the Assembly, Arien Siar'luin Arien retakes her place amongst you and Selenity. She straightens, and begins once more.

Hierophant Arien Siar'luin, Chalice of Winter orates, "Within this full moon, we have seen what is to come. An oath of oaths  A power rises, pleading to be harnessed by one."

Ryboi D'Varden, High Priest of the Moon says, "In her boughs, She spoke to us, imbuing nature?s trust in dust. With heart open and minds thus, we bless and bestow upon this wouldbe Ascendant the power within our earth."

Pretty Guardian Selenity Siar'luin of the Arrey Arrane says, "His spirit has been found worthy, the ancestors have spoken, but they require the binding of the soul, for such power to be open."

You say, "After all is done, and each guild has concluded their part, we must return him to the last of Nature's cycle and our Mother's beating heart."

Pride in his voice, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says, "In unity, in strength, we shall begin."

Erebos idly twitches his tail.

Erebos steps forward, his clawed hands resting peacefully on his sheathed shofa at his sides. His eyes flash silver against the light and shadows, casting a strange contrast against the environment about him.

Raising his hands before him, palms up, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says to Avurekhos, "Avurekhos, my friend, I stand here to represent the Kui in this, a most important of matters. You have long since stood as a vanguard of the Serynwodenhillirim..."

Erebos slowly brings his hands together, and as the palms collide, thunder sounds in the distance.

Lightning quakes in the skies above, followed swiftly by a crash of thunder that fades into a low rumble. An ethereal wind picks up slightly, foliage from the trees twisting and twirling about the Wrath of the Crone.

His hands quickly move to join one another, the right clasping over the left's thumb into conjoined fists, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says to Avurekhos, "I bid the wind come, and bring with it Spirit Bull, may His Wisdom and Strength judge you, and find you worthy."

Avurekhos nods his head affirmatively at Erebos.

Erebos chants vehemently, his tones encased in an icy tone that carries many snarls and growls. Slowly, his eyes begin to slow a soft blue, his words becoming louder, until the wind completely robs him of them. This doesn't stop his chanting, though, as his maw continues to move in silence.

As if on cue, the rumbling grows into a loud clashing, as through the bushes and trees runs Spirit Bull, his form consistent of bright blues and hazy yellows, the colors combining into sparks of power as His hooves clash against the ground below him. The Spirit halts, and with Him so does the wind.

Spirit Bull glares at Avurekhos, snorting vehemently, the action causing the wind to gust with each huff, and with it His words are carried, though his snout never moves.

Spirit Bull says to Avurekhos in deep, thunderous tones, Herald of Her Storm, I see you. I judge you now, and have found you worthy of this sacred Bond. Your heart is true, and your eyes flash with the wisdom of lifetimes well spent.

Erebos suddenly loses focus in his eyes and shudders, then looks curiously refreshed.

As if to emphasize this point, the winds strengthen, bringing with them the most bitter of cold, the touch of Winter's Embrace. Spirit Bull bursts into a charge once more, His head lowering at Avurekhos as if to gore him. As the Spirit makes impact and all hope for the man seems lost, the Spirit bursts into motes of blues and yellows, leaving a bright glowing aura about Avurekhos. Reacting to this, the Moonhart shudders, and almost seems to reach out to him.

As the winds die down Erebos lowers his hands back to his sides, his mane disheveled. His gaze locks on Avurekhos, his expression grim.

His accent harsh, Sigira Erebos Siar'luin, Winter's Teeth says to Avurekhos, "Let it be known, now, that Spirit Bull acknowledges your worth, you have been judged. Let the Wind of Her Storm carry you to heights unimaginable."

You take some wood and light it with your tinderbox, causing it to erupt into a soothing fire.

Standing tall, his face illuminated by the flickering flames, Everiine raises the Staff of the Moon and the Staff of the Hart aloft. The flame highlights the paint covering his body, and his lips move in a feverish chant. Moments pass, then minutes, and he finally lowers his gaze back to those assembled.

You say, "The Serenguard protect the Serenwilde from all threats, those that would threaten our borders, and those within that would sunder our unity. This mandate has been passed down generations, a bond between our kin, a fierceness in our blood."

A blade glints in the flickering light, procured from a pack hidden in the grass, and Everiine holds it to his hand. Slowly, he draws it across his palm. The blood wells up in his hand and sizzles as it drips into the fire.

The fire sparks and flares suddenly. Everiine smiles as figures emerge  a story unfolding within the flame and smoke as vivid as if you were all silent observers to history itself.

As the smoke from the campfire continues to rise, a vision takes form deep within the heart of the flames. A tension lies over the wood. Those that are out look constantly over their shoulders, apprehensive of something yet unknown. Where they linger in groups the laughter and talk is forced and uneasy. This is a time of war, and yet it is a tricky thing, a sinister battle between those that might be your guildmates, your friends, your family. There is little trust to be had.

There are skirmishes and fights. There are assasinations and silent deaths in the shadows, and throughout it all, there is one figure that is most prominent  Grutina Oakvine. She had been a Hartstone Druid who set out to learn about the tainting of the onceGloriana, to see if she could find a way to cure it, but it maddened her, and corrupted her. Those that followed her warred with the loyal Serens, and there was little ground gained on either side. That is, until the dark Druids defiled Nintoba's tomb.

Wrath and rage, a righteous fury that spurred hoof and hand to battle. A spark leaps out from the fire, giving voice to the silence with a sizzling blast, shifting the vision into a scene of violence. The Centaurs came down upon us like a fearsome, unstoppable tide, making no discernment between those loyal to the Serenwilde and those warring against it. They fought for the desecration of their forebear's tomb, and slew all in their path. It was only when a contingency of loyal Seren were sent to them that they did stop, for, though they were quick to anger and terrible in their wrath, they were, and are, also very wise.

They called then for the forming of a warrior tribe, defenders of the Serenwilde that would protect it against all threats, including those, like Grutina, that grew from within, so that such horrible war between communemates, friends, and family would not again bathe the soil in our blood. Thus the Serenguard was born. Our first Champion was Laron Oakvine  the brother, and slayer, of Grutina.

You say, "Our first cause, our reason for existence, is the same today as it was then. We protect the Serenwilde. So too does Avurekhos Yfae'dren, Ascendant candidate. His blood he sheds for the first forest, the last forest, so that it may remain as such. Let the Warrior Spirits of the Serenguard judge him."

Everiine Silvermoon beckons Avurekhos to his side. "Come, Avurekhos." He stipes his cheeks and forehead with white paint. "May they judge you worthy," he intones, just before casting a handful of fragrant, bloodied leaves into the fire.

The smoke vision flickers and fades, relieving the clearing of its portents.

Avurekhos Yfae'dren steps forward to be by your side. Standing firm for what is yet to come.

From within the flame arises an ethereal wisp of smoke, glowing a faint silver before racing down into Everiine Silvermoon's chest. The Mark of the Jaguar on his face glows brightly, and the ghostly form of the cat envelopes him before fading, leaving only glowing silver eyes. Assuming a feral posture, teeth bared, he circles Avurekhos, inspecting him.

In a deep, echoing voice, you say, "I see that you are a Demigod, having transcended your mortality. Indeed, this takes a mighty hunter, but tell me: why should I give you My approval?"

Avurekhos considers his words before breaking his silence to the voice of the Jaguar. "Like the Hunter, so too have I studied my prey, using this knowledge to act against those of the Serynwodenhillirim, learning of their weaknesses and strengths before pursuing them in full. This wisdom I would impart upon my people so that they too can learn to better hunt those that stand against us."

Heir Avurekhos Yfae'dren, Bearer of the Silver Chalice says, "Who would harm the Serynwodenhillirim."

Nodding, Everiine Silvermoon closes his eyes, a deep rumble in his chest before he speaks. "Very well. You have proven your worth as a hunter. Walk with My blessing." Dipping his finger into a bowl of paint at his feet, he dots Avurekhos's right cheek with a smudge of orange, covering the white paint. His eyes glaze over, the Mark of the Hunter fades, and a silvery streak exits his body to dissipate into the forest.

Everiine Silvermoon suddenly winces, and the tribal markings on his body glow and burn. His body is overlaid, for but a painful moment, with that of a large, darkfurred Wolverine, leaving his eyes glowing silver upon fading. He flaps his wings harshly and snarls at Avurekhos, assuming a predatory posture. "I see that you have given much in the defense of your home," he says in a fierce, female voice. "You have shed your blood, and that of others, for her preservation. This does make you a powerful warrior, but tell me, why should I give you My approval?"

Avurekhos furrows his brow in thought, before speaking to the voice of Spirit Wolverine. "Having tempered myself in the heat of battle, and having shed my blood for the forest, I would not turn my back on it. Rather, continue to fight for its preservation and the people, as well as the many spirits that call it home."

The ritual markings flash again, causing Everiine Silvermoon pain, but he draws in a deep breath, contemplating the answer before nodding. "You have proven your worth as a warrior. Take My blessing with you." He again stoops to dip his finger in a bowl and runs a line of vivid red over the white upon Avurekhos's left cheek. Once done, he yells as the tribal markings flash again, and a silvery presence departs without a trace into the treetops.

Smoke billows gracefully from the fire, the tendrils coalescing into an Eagle that briefly flickers over Everiine Silvermoon's form. The Mark of the Eagle, and his silver wings, glow brightly, as do his eyes glazed with silver. His sturdy gaze fixes on Avurekhos, staring into his very soul. In a calm, mellow baritone, he says, "I see that you are a leader in your guild, your commune, and your Order. Such does take great wisdom, a great seer indeed, but tell me: why should I bestow upon you my approval?"

Heir Avurekhos Yfae'dren, Bearer of the Silver Chalice says, "Our people look up to me, and it is by my will that I would continue to lead us upon the right path that the Great Spirits have shown to us as well as the ancestors."

Everiine Silvermoon nods gravely and sighs in contemplation. After a moment, he says, "You have proven your worth as a seer. May you fly high with My blessing." He stoops one last time to dip his finger into a bowl and covers the white paint on Avurekhos's forehead with blue. A golden glow suffuses his body and unfurls, swirling gracefully skyward before fading, without a trace, into the treetops.

Everiine Silvermoon sways for a moment, regaining his senses, as every mark and swirl on him fades to dullness. Looking up to Avurekhos, he says, "The Warrior Spirits of the Serenguard bestow upon you Their blessing, and so does my tribe." With that, he retreats from the flames, shaken, as if burdened by some weight, until he merges with the throng of observers.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.


  • A+ for effort in all of those rituals
  • I was nervous conducting the rite on behalf of the Moondancers actually. But Lisaera was pleased. So I am comforted by it all.

    You recall that 2014/12/06 00:40:58 - Lisaera said:
    "And yours, Moondancers - beautifully written. My Daughter is proud of your work."

    Deciding to teach Arcanis the ultimate lesson in manners, you point a finger imperiously at him and
    call the curse of the toad down upon his head. You watch in satisfaction as warts break out over his
    skin which then turns green and slimy. Finally, he shrinks and transforms into a large, ugly toad!
    With a telepathic sigh, a pooka tells you that he has lost control of Arcanis's actions.

    In order to put the pathetic life of a warty toad out of its misery, you lift a foot and bring it
    down mightily on its bloated green body.
    A warty toad's back breaks under the weight of a heavy foot, its innards spilling out and leaving a
    messy stain on the ground.
    You have slain a warty toad.
    A warty toad wobbles about uncertainly and turns a pale shade of green before suddenly stretching
    and transforming into a demigod. Shaking his head, Arcanis stands before you where once there was a
    toad, looking slightly disoriented and perplexed with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.
    Arcanis drops the corpse of a pixie.
    Arcanis drops the corpse of a pixie.
    Arcanis drops the corpse of a pooka.
    Arcanis drops a stalk of faeleaf.
    Having been too much for the mortal threads of Arcanis, he screams in agony as flames engulf his
    body and burn it to a crisp.
    You tell Lord Fist Arcanis De'Unnero, Chosen of Wrath, "By the by, let that be a lesson in manners.
    I don't need friends to kill some of you one on one."
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Well deserved, Avuscendatar! And Arien and co, that was awesome.

  • That was a lot of fun!

    I worked pretty hard on the Shofangi ritual, still feel it is subpar, but everyone was happy with it, so like @Jaamil said, it is comforting.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA
    Only a couple hours before the event, I was given the Serenguard ritual, which had been perfectly written to just copy and paste... for a female faeling, who wrote the ritual and had been practicing and tweaking it for weeks, ready to perform it :). With having to get that bone amulet and empower it (then to have it decay 5 minutes before the ritual, only to have Miakoda save me!), I didn't have any time to rewrite the lines, so was rewriting them on the fly as I was typing them. For this log, I corrected the botched emotes...
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Heh, welcome to events. 
  • Selenity said:
    As for me, Sondayga, and Niina...

    ... I think Sondayga and Niina only got a copy of the ritual last minute or nearly so. I wrote the ritual and was expecting it to be me, Isluna, and Emmaline. I grabbed Niina as a fill-in...

    ... and then the ritual came and neither of the others were about. Aaaaagh! Luckily, Sondayga was on. I was planning to just solo it (it would be awkward with two people) and Sondayga was like "We can do this, don't worry!" He sent us prepared-versions of the ritual I wrote (so, he made the songs into songs) and we went over how it'd be done.

    ... what you read was the first run-through of the Spiritsinger ritual.

    There was no practicing beforehand.

    There was no intense RL days or IG days of planning.

    And somehow, we managed it.

    All my love to @Niina and @Sondayga for being able to put up with me panicking during the ritual, and for us being able to pull it off!

    Dear next ascendant: We are shoving you against the Moonhart face first until you become ascendant, that is your ritual.
    Actually that's how it was even with us. I totally forgot that the Moondancers already had a back-up ritual that was in the books. Had I known that I would've done that instead of coming up with my own. Though the copy everyone received, could've been rehearsed as well. (I know I kept flipping through the book to see where we were currently in the ritual and communicating back and forth with Ryboi on it too.) Apart from that, I loved the event :D
    Deciding to teach Arcanis the ultimate lesson in manners, you point a finger imperiously at him and
    call the curse of the toad down upon his head. You watch in satisfaction as warts break out over his
    skin which then turns green and slimy. Finally, he shrinks and transforms into a large, ugly toad!
    With a telepathic sigh, a pooka tells you that he has lost control of Arcanis's actions.

    In order to put the pathetic life of a warty toad out of its misery, you lift a foot and bring it
    down mightily on its bloated green body.
    A warty toad's back breaks under the weight of a heavy foot, its innards spilling out and leaving a
    messy stain on the ground.
    You have slain a warty toad.
    A warty toad wobbles about uncertainly and turns a pale shade of green before suddenly stretching
    and transforming into a demigod. Shaking his head, Arcanis stands before you where once there was a
    toad, looking slightly disoriented and perplexed with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.
    Arcanis drops the corpse of a pixie.
    Arcanis drops the corpse of a pixie.
    Arcanis drops the corpse of a pooka.
    Arcanis drops a stalk of faeleaf.
    Having been too much for the mortal threads of Arcanis, he screams in agony as flames engulf his
    body and burn it to a crisp.
    You tell Lord Fist Arcanis De'Unnero, Chosen of Wrath, "By the by, let that be a lesson in manners.
    I don't need friends to kill some of you one on one."
  • As for composing and getting everyone to land awake at the right place along with the right time, it took about a month and a half for everyone to get ready OOCLY. I'm really happy how this has turned out for everyone, and so glad that people had a great time, I sure did.
    Her storm-coloured eyes a muted blue, Lisaera, the Silver Goddess says, "Only sorrow can come from a rotting thought, My child, just like roots that have been drowned. You are a paragon of the wisdom I would see spread throughout the Serenwilde, but even the strongest minds must find release."
    A shimmering liquid appears in your inventory smelling sweetly of something carbonated. It vanishes in a puff of silver smoke seconds later.
    I write things
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