The Indignity of Fae (in which Ambassador Shevat does NOT give a tour of Hallifax to a damn pixie)

DaraiusDaraius ShevatThe juror's taco spot
A little thing that happened. Was it supposed to be something more? Did I botch it because Dar doesn't doesn't give a hoot about fae? I don't know, but it was cute.

The Portals of Hallifax.

A trio of moonhart leaves drift through the air, trailing motes of silver in their wake.

Daraius's whiskers twitch abruptly.

[head over to teahouse to check the ledger, see only Maellio and Aruin buying stuff lately]

Daraius emits a short, soft growl.

[head over to the opera house to check the logs, consider announcing a viewing]

You smell the loam of the Serenwilde drift through the air, mingling with the fragrance of ozone 
that permeates the Hallifax towers.

Daraius exhales sharply, casting a wary glance around the auditorium.

(Hallifax): You say, "Citizens, please be alert to any mounds of dirt or other foreign contaminants 
you may see about the city, and alert a custodian of sanitation to address it."

(Hallifax): Elanorwen says, "Would that be a case of Serenwilde pollinating as it seemed earlier?"

(Hallifax): You say, "Perhaps. I've detected the scent of something foreign and forestal."

(Hallifax): Elanorwen says, "I guess we could ask them about the situation, too..."

(Hallifax): You say, "It has been ongoing?"

(Hallifax): Elanorwen says, "It just happened a few minutes back."

The hands on a small silver watch read about half past six o'clock in the evening.

You tell Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein, "Good evening, Ambassador. Are you aware of any recent event 
by which moonhart leaves may have found their way into Hallifax?"

[head down to check on REDACTED]

Isluna tells you, "No. I am not. Interesting. They are just leaves?"

Isluna tells you, "There are where you are?"

A moonhart leaf drifts in from the north, trailing motes of silver.

You peer at a moonhart leaf unscrupulously.

You pick up a moonhart leaf.

You tell Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein, "We have witnessed leaves floating about amid motes of 
silver, and I have detected the distinct scent of loam. In fact I have found a leaf here in the 
lower wards."

Isluna tells you, "I will join you."

The large waxy leaf from the moonhart tree is vaguely shaped like the antlers of a stag and glitters 
with a soft silver sheen. It has a fragrant earthy scent.
It weighs about 170 pounds. [holy sh!t that's a heavy leaf]
It has the following aliases: leaf, moonhart.

You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with motes of bright light.

You feel the thrum of power course through your hands as you touch the leaf, its natural magic warm 
and light.

Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and then quickly 
solidifies as Isluna comes into view.

Isluna curtseys gracefully before you.

Daraius Shevat bows his head politely to Isluna.

His lips curling slightly in an expression of mild distaste, you give a moonhart leaf to Keyll 
Arrane Isluna Amar'gein.

Isluna ponders a moonhart leaf thoughtfully, looking it up and down.

You state, "It appears to have a certain magical quality to it."

You ask Isluna, "Is that typically of moonhart leaves?"

Daraius retrieves a pristine white handkerchief from his inner jacket pocket and 
dutifully wipes his paws.

Holding up a second leaf, Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says, "Yes, it is. They are alike in shape, 
size and look and smell."

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to you, "I can think maybe a novice came here, while holding the 
leaves and left the realms. But that seems odd."

His eyes dimming slightly, you say, "Do they serve any known function?"

The sensation of power lingers on your paws, its subtle vibrations edging toward your core. You hear 
the gentle whispering of the fae, as if they stood near you.

Daraius becomes suddenly rigid and his fur bristles in agitation.

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to you, "The fae, pixies tend to visit the forest. They like to 
hide and play. We use the leaves to lead them back to Mother Moonhart."

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to you, "It is a way to provide power, and they give the gift of 
magic to the Flame."

Flattening his ears against his head, you say, "Noted. I am confident it is not the case of a novice 
visiting, given the pervasive nature of the odor and the sensation I just felt."

Daraius brushes down his fur, his ears swiveling to capture any errant sound.

Slowly nodding, Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says, "It is odd, I am not sure how they found their 
way here."

You say to Isluna, "I detected the sound of voices, much like the fae, insofar as I remember them 
from my ill-fated time in Faethorn."

With a low growl, you say, "I have made every effort not to engage with them since that time."

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to you, "Yes, I am sure it is a uncomfortable feeling."

Laughing merrily, a pixie flutters in from the northeast.

Daraius flattens his ears against his head.

No larger than a newborn kitten, the pixie looks like a doll-sized version of an elfen, except with 
gossamer wings that beat at an amazing speed. His large green eyes are filled with laughter and 
mischief, and his movements are quick and jerking. Dressed in a tunic of leaves and wielding a tiny 
wooden bow, the pixie is prone to suddenly somersault in the air and twirl about gaily.
A pixie seems to be unafraid.
He weighs about 6 pounds.
He is loyal to the Free Collective of Serenwilde.
You cannot see what a pixie is holding.
It has the following aliases: pixie, fae.

A pixie giggles wildly and flits into the air.

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says, "Ah."

Isluna gives a moonhart leaf to a pixie.
A pixie giggles at Isluna, as he is already following someone, and gives back the leaf.

A pixie crosses his arms on his chest, sticks out his lower lip, and pouts.

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says, "Really?"

Daraius takes a measured step back from the pixie, his unblinking gaze fixed on the 

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to a pixie, "And who are you following?"

Sprite-like eyes wide, a pixie exclaims, "I just wanted to see the big sparkling towers!"

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to a pixie, "Oh?"

A pixie begins to follow Isluna.

A pixie nods his head emphatically.

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to a pixie, "Have you seen them?"

A pixie looks around once, twice, and then shakes his head.

A pixie says, "No, now I want to play with the fluffy doggy."

A pixie hugs you compassionately.

Daraius becomes suddenly rigid and his fur bristles in agitation.

A palpable ripple passes through Daraius's aura of serenity.

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to a pixie, "I am not sure he is up for such games."

You say to a pixie, "That is quite enough."

You say to Isluna, "Control this creature."

A pixie flattens his wings to his back and stands rigid, then makes his face as narrowed and grumpy 
as possible.

Grumbling in his throat, as if in a growl, a pixie says, "Control this creature."

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to you, "I am sorry, but I am not a tender. The fae.. Are the fae."

Daraius's eyes dim, but his expression remains unchanged.

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to you, "Worry not, I am sure he means you no harm. They are just 

A pixie giggles happily and then pauses, his nose twitching. At once, he sneezes, sends motes of 
light cascading in every direction.

Isluna smiles softly at a pixie.
A pixie tickles Isluna mercilessly!

Isluna gives a trillingly melodic laugh.

Wiping his face like a sick child, a pixie says, "Wait. I don't like it here. The doggy made me 

A pixie sneezes again, sending bursts of light directly toward the Hallifaxian Ambassador.

Holding his nose, his sprite-like eyes wide, a pixie says, "Bud whud ith happeningk."

Daraius retrieves his handkerchief again and slowly wipes his face.

You say, "Back to Faethorn with you, then, or wherever the novices take you."

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to a pixie, "Then where shall we go?"

Sniffling, his feet swaying on the spot, a pixie says, "I thingk dat I amb allergic do tha puppy."

A pixie nods his head at Isluna.

A pixie sneezes at you, failing to cover his mouth.

Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein says to you, "We shall retreat, I thank you for alerting me to this."

A pixie waves his hand wildly in a happy goodbye, then sneezes again.

Isluna leaves to the southeast.
A pixie flutters off to the southeast, barely suppressing a giggle.

A soft growl rises in Daraius's chest, but he maintains his composure, carefully 
wiping away silver motes from his fur and garments.

[back to the Matrix]

Daraius releases a white handkerchief, smeared with silver, towards the Matrix, where it swirls 
about before dissolving into nothing.

Elanorwen tilts her head curiously at you.

You state, "It sneezed on me."

Force Commander Elanorwen Pavok, Wind Flower says, "The handkerchief?"

You say, "The pixie."

Opening her mouth wide, Elanorwen gapes in wonder.

Force Commander Elanorwen Pavok, Wind Flower says, "Didn't realize we had sick fae out and about 

Elanorwen peers at Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix unscrupulously.
Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix gazes out across the skies, a distant look in his eyes.

You say, "It appears I was the vector for the allergen."

Force Commander Elanorwen Pavok, Wind Flower says, "It's allergic to loboshigaru?"

A soft growl in his chest, you say, "I suppose so. Which is a promising condition if it means I will 
be spared further contact with the fae."

Elanorwen flashes the world a charmingly crooked grin.

Isluna tells you, "Hello. I want to say, that was a bit of a unfair assessment of you."

Execumatrix Kiradawea Startail Wave physicist asks you, "You do not like the fae?"

You tell Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein, "Pardon?"

Diplomatically, you say, "There are individuals and guilds responsible for their maintenance, so I 
am content to limit my exposure to them."

You say, "Just as a citizen of the forest likely has no interest in the polyhedra of Continuum."

Isluna tells you, "The words of the pixie, and the actions. It was a pleasure talking to you."

Showing that she understands, Kiradawea nods her head slowly.

You tell Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein, "Ah, of course. My expectations for courtesy are limited 
when it comes to fae. While I would hope they do not become a regular occurrence, what is the 
protocol for contending with such incursions in the future?"

Isluna tells you, "Well, as the leaves are a distraction to them, if you have one give it to them 
then come here to Mother Moonhart. They must be taken to the flame in the Glinshari Circle and 
brought back to Mother, then they will leave to faethorn."

Daraius dips his muzzle politely before turning to leave.

Isluna tells you, "If you know where the flame is, you don't have to come to Mother Moonhart first. 
Just there tends to be someone here and they can help whom ever find the Flame."

(Hallifax): You say, "Be well, good citizens, and stay alert for future incursions of fae creatures. 
Ambassador Amar'gein of Serenwilde informs me that they are easily distracted and can be peacefull 
led away by moonhart leaves, which any citizen of Serenwilde should be capable of retrieving."

You tell Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein, "Understood. Thank you. I trust the wayward pixie has been 
dealt with?"

Isluna tells you, "Oh yes, he is back with the other fae."

You tell Keyll Arrane Isluna Amar'gein, "Very good. Do be well, Ambassador."

Isluna tells you, "Just remember, they are inquisitive creatures, and playful. I am sure some might 
enjoy learning about Hallifaxian ways, and be adept listeners to the ideas and teachings. May the 
ancestors protect you, and yours."
I used to make cakes.

Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."


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