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Member, Gods


  • Following a request from a player who wishes to remain anonymous, please enjoy the modern iteration of Malmydia's Hamadhi outfit, inspired by traditional/mythological hanfu:

    She is wearing:
    a gilded hairpin dripp…
  • My free time will remain quite hectic and I may be more sparse than normal for personal reasons from the coming Sunday on, though I will be regularly logging in to check on things. Letters are the preferred method of communication at present for ma…
  • Perhaps this is my favourite question. Since the links will take up the most space, I'll answer the bottom first. Malmydia would be coerced into joining, and would likely play a flute or similar woodwind, a place where she can make use of her e…
  • Oh that sure is a question. I was rather artefact poor, and did not have very many, but I quite enjoyed a piece of runed clothing that my character had, as it was a sentimental piece given to me by a player who I had only known through their in…
  • In the modern day, there can't be a more correct answer beyond Drocilla. She's drop dead gorgeous and if you disagree then...well, you may drop dead.
  • Amusement tends to be my reaction rather than PANEC, and can lead to fun times! The first example that springs to mind is Merceaux and the beggars, from my release event. The oft-forgotten eye of the numerous downtrodden and hungry in Magnagora was …
  • The 'containment room' I referenced is not a place where our characters go when we log out, but is instead a room that is used when we use a fancy new punishment known as contain! Not every god has it set up, and it's quite something to earn it…
  • I have an entire Malmydia playlist slowly working to completion that may one day be shared. However, this song is not on it, despite it being one of my most replayed of the past month. ETA: This song has explicit lyrics!
  • ^ This person is actually allergic to tea, and has swallowed a miniature Squibbles doll that consumes it all before it can drop down their throat.

    v This person is due for a check-up in my fulcrux.
  • There's been a bit of a lull, so let's spice things up! I offer you a challenge: show me the coolest, undocumented find that you think you've got. Bonus points if it's actually something that hasn't been shown here before! I'll start by offerin…
  • A member of my household is undergoing a corrective surgery that will have them laid up for a few weeks, so I will be more sparse than normal until they're back on their feet. Correspondence by letter/message will be the most actionable way to recei…
  • (Quote)
    No one had thought to ask Malmydia overmuch of it, but that is how she would address the creature! Perhaps it could yet come up in game?
  • Thank you Ein!

    As you can see, I was not the writer of the cipher but I was its mastermind! The Gnafia is an organisation that values clandestine ability, so of course their internal reports should be encoded not only…
  • (Quote) The sheer drama of the moment when Malmydia's sibling relations were revealed was only met by seeing Drocilla lift away the curtain in-character during my release event and seeing it all come together. The lore nerds in the audience w…
  • (Quote)
    1. Death and undeath mean a lot to Magnagora, especially. With the release of a healer goddess who would be aligned with the city, I thought it would be much more fun to have them examine it from a more scientific and medic…
  • (Quote)
    1. Malmydia is a role that has filled the game with a sense of wonder for a long time, in my personal opinion. She is certainly my favourite Elder, however biased that statement may be. I thought it was high time we got a chance…
  • As I believe is the case with a god's emergence, allow me to bump. Please, repeat any questions you would like to hear an answer to, or ask new ones at your leisure!