I believe what is needed more than outright banning is self-policing by the players who participate in OOC clans and other OOC channels. I understand the need for convenient methods of discussing mechanics and other things that would be awkward or cumbersome to try to discuss IC, but I start to see and experience major issues when things like politics and other organizational matters are discussed in OOC channels rather than in the channels already provided IC -- where those who would prefer to avoid OOC would be able to participate in such discussions or otherwise be aware that they have taken place. Personally, I would rather not be in any OOC channels save perhaps one that is reserved for mechanics-talk, and keep my immersion as intact as it can be.
As I've mentioned before elsewhere as well, I do feel that the social aspect of OOC channels takes away from IC social interaction and therefore further immersion, but again, this comes down to self-policing.
@Afollia Daughters aren't supermobs, not even close. With that clarification out of the way, I'm sure you knew it, just didn't read that way. As for org's supermobs dying, it causes really harsh consequences that take a very long time to restore. While I understand that this is to rally players and stimulate combat, we first need to get over the combat hurdle first. There is no lack of combat events that happen on a daily basis, the lack of combat stems from those not wanting to partake, rather than having nothing to partake in.
Not trying to take sides here, but I did warn about this last year in my thinking that the new Night mech shouldn't have a faster aeon and free asthma considering if they wanted asthma they should go hexes instead. I still think it should be on the same balance as waning or bring waning in the line of the same speed, but that's just me.
Now that I had some sleep, it comes to mind too that, astrologist have access to asthma via papaxi(?) and aeon via aapek when the stars right, and can be worse if antlers are positive. So that is likely something to let sink in the scheme of things with free aeon/asthma and spam access via hexes/astrology.
Also on old alts that I played as SD prior to the new changes, I had no issues of toading most people in one on one situations without having to need the full final twist, but rather final twist was needed for the more experienced or chunky players to tango with, so it was definitely doable.
Voting no - Admin resources are already stretched as is, given that the majority are volunteers and are usually committing what time they have to other things like bug reports, issues, etc without also needing to moderate/approve clans on top of that. People can decide for themselves if they want to be part of a clan by joining/leaving.
You can choose not to join the OOC clans imo. Also I feel like if I needed to ask an OOC question to a number of people, it'll be a problem if such channels weren't there
Seems kind of pointless, really. Go debate those target enemies out, go focus positive on that ally colossus - no log hopping necessary. Unless they're just fishing for more dailycredits on other characters? Which are bound credits, so no transferring to the other character or anything.
I'd be more uncomfortable with someone logging out of an alt in one alliance to instantly go play for the other side. Seems more fair and impartial to either play it out as whoever you are when the event starts, or to just go sit it out entirely.
Is it seconds abuse to log into one character for an event (revolts for example) to help one win then log into another character in your alliance to help another org?
Speaking of quests and some being so controversial or just outright harmful, I had a few ideas? This is specifically for Project Soulforge and Tainted Broadcast Centre. As they are now, only one org benefits and everyone else suffers, hence why they haven't been done in...how many years? (Actual question). Instead can we make it that the person who completes the quest decides who is effected? We have the tech required in quests like Stewartsville already to recognize specific words. So it could come down to this:
Quest NPC: Who would you like to punish? Player: Celest Quest NPC: Any other you would like to punish? Player: No
Quest NPC: Very well, Celest will be punished.
Honestly could just make it list the table values that were added by the player like it already does, again, in Stewartsville to solve the murder and recap. Applying that tech to these controversial quests might actually spike their use. If Magnagora decided to complete Soulforge and keep Serenwilde and Hallifax clear, they're no longer upsetting allies. I personally believe giving that selection of which orgs get punished by the quest will motivate more players to do these.