Little package to grey out completed tasks in GUILD TASKS LIST

So I was bored, and annoyed by the fact it wasn't immediately obvious which tasks in GUILD TASKS LIST I had already completed, so I wasted like an hour on this little package.

NOTE: It's not a real .zip package, I couldn't get that working lol. Probably best to unzip it and add the xml instead


There's an alias, "GTLIST", that gets everything ready (pagelength, enabling triggers etc) before sending GUILD TASKS LIST MERIT, then puts things back the way they were again. The trick won't work unless you use this alias, though if you wanted it to be more "built in" like, you could always overwrite the normal command with this one i guess and it should be fine?

You will also need to check GUILD POINTS LIST (the normal way) so mudlet knows what tasks you've already completed. I experimented with getting this to save to the profile folder, though, so after the first time it shouldn't be necessary to do it again after a mudlet restart.


NOTE (again): I took the ticks out of the version in this XML. They were all tangled up in my stupid custom echoes and not worth the trouble of including, also not sure if everyone else shares my obsession with the colour "orchid". You can put them back if you want i guess?


  • Oh awesome, I was just sharing that emotion of annoyance like a week ago. Thanks! 
  • Great idea Reyl. This looks fabulous.
    The cool night-time breeze shivers in the arid caress of the streets of the capital city, brushing the earthen taste of dust across your lips.
    A blessed silence falls upon the city for the moment, most activity confined to the towers and the
    theatre due to the snowy weather.
    Pinprick points of light twinkle in the deep black overhead, their brightness full of a cold,
    hungering malice.
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