Are Poems Profitable?

A short, but amusing interaction with papa @Parhelion

Answerer Parhelion Ceartas, Evader of the Shears says, "Mm. That reminds me."

Answerer Parhelion Ceartas, Evader of the Shears says to you, "Your mother informs me that you're formally dating this Emlyn now."

You say, "That's correct."

You say, "I thought I told you?"

Answerer Parhelion Ceartas, Evader of the Shears says, "You told me you thought about it."

Comprehension flashes across your face.

You say, "I wasn't sure if she had liked me but I made some confirmations."

You say, "And wrote some poetry for her."

You ask, "I think it was the poetry mostly?"

A wry smile spreads across Parhelion's face.

You take a lover's journal from a professional black briefcase.

"A Yellow Heart: Both Hopeful and Distraught", By Lawrence Ceartas (Page 2)
Bright Eyes
When I look in your eyes I see all the stars of the sky
I see how they how they sparkle and I love how they shine,
but they never looked like that when they looked in mine

The things I hear when no words are spoken
How cherished are the sounds of silence not broken
The slow breathes of warm air exhaled
The security of interlocking fingers held
A feeling perforates, a kindness so true
How does one accurately describe

Longer than Infatuation
From crystal landscapes to the crashing waves
How you've held my eye for many days
A voice that's as divine as Supernal praise
And a smile warmer than Brother Sun's rays
How could I articulate you in a poetic phrase?

You give a lover's journal to Answerer Parhelion Ceartas, Evader of the Shears.

You say, "On page two "You" and "Longer than Infatuation" are about her."

Parhelion looks about himself suspiciously.

Parhelion fans himself with his hand, trying to keep cool.

Parhelion gives a lover's journal to you.

Parhelion nods his head emphatically.

You peer at Parhelion unscrupulously.

You say, "I could write some for you to give to mother on your anniversary if you'd like."

Answerer Parhelion Ceartas, Evader of the Shears says, "Gods, no."

Answerer Parhelion Ceartas, Evader of the Shears says, "If I wrote your mother poetry, she'd expect it."

You say, "Do you think I could start a business with selling wonderful poems for every occasion?"

Answerer Parhelion Ceartas, Evader of the Shears says, "I don't see why not, but if people know you're doing it, you wouldn't sell them for very long."

Mimicking a falsetto, Answerer Parhelion Ceartas, Evader of the Shears says, "This is very sweet, but I think Lawrence wrote this, and not you."

Parhelion's eyes sparkle with amusement at you.

(Market): You say, "Trouble wooing a love interest? Have a special anniversary coming up? Poems for sale for any occasion!"

Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.


  • You'd be surprised how many prominent wedding ceremonies and vows (particularly in Celest) were secretly ghost-written for a nominal credits fee. I am sworn to secrecy about whose. (Besides, who can remember?)
  • Lendren said:
    You'd be surprised how many prominent wedding ceremonies and vows (particularly in Celest) were secretly ghost-written for a nominal credits fee. I am sworn to secrecy about whose. (Besides, who can remember?)
    I will become the hallmark of lusternia
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