To Love a Glamour

TacitaTacita <3s Xynthin 4eva!!!11
Once upon a time, in the lofty cify known as Hallifax, Beacon of Harmony, there lived a young trill painter named Maerad Windwhisper. A shy girl, she nonetheless had a very active mind - delighting in capturing the often-overlooked beauty in the world around her. As a follower of Lady Isune, she was of course kind and gentle, but being so young and inexperienced often lacked the wisdom and empathy of her elders.

One thing that Maerad knew nothing about was love; love had eluded her all her life, and she began to wonder if she would ever feel it at all. She loved her Mama and Papa and sister dearly, of course, but it was not the same.

Then, one day, everything changed.


You flash Allyrianne a joyous smile.

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody smiles and says to you, "Is that a painting of a meeting with the Lady?"

The images within it blurred and ever so slightly disformed, this watercolour depicts a single figure. Of an unwieldy height, this trill holds herself with a grace that clearly does not come naturally to her - though her back is straight, her shoulders hunch ever so slightly in the manner of one seeking to retreat from focus. Her face, though not picked out in great detail by the indistinct watercolours, is alight with interest as she gazes at the room about her. A jeweller's workbench lies before her, dozens of gems piled up neatly upon it, a small hammer seemingly forgotten in her hand as something else takes her attention. Though alone in the room, she is surrounded by an incandescent series of lights in the air that almost seem joyous in their amusement. Unlike the almost monochromatic trill herself, the enigmatic glow has been depicted in all the colours of the rainbow. A beautiful warmth seems to suffuse the lights, the focus and attention paid to them lending their otherwise incidental forms a prized place as the focus of the image.
It has 253 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 37 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of Shifting Current Maerad Windwhisper.

You have emoted: Maerad's eyes gleam with politely suppressed pride as she nods, adjusting her careful grip on the painting.

Almost dreamily, you say to Allyrianne, "She was - it makes me wish I could find the words."
Amusement and sympathy mingled in her voice, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "I know the feeling. But you have done a good job of capturing Her joy with your paints. It is-."

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody breaks off, frowning, slightly.

You look up at Allyrianne curiously.

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "Have you met Inedra?"

Shaking her head, you say, "I have not, no."

Oddly hesitant, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "Do you have time, now?"

You nod your head emphatically.

You begin to follow Allyrianne.

You follow Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody up to the sanctuary of Isune.

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "This is the entrance to the glade of Isune, where our Lady slumbered for many many long years."

You follow Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody north to a tranquil, fragrant glade.

Softly, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "Here."

You have emoted: Maerad tilts her head, a slightly confused expression on her face as she glances at the sculpture.

Softly, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "Lady Isune has suffered much. Inedra was sculpted that the Lady might receive some relief from her emotions, specifically the keenest of her anger, the deepest of her sorrow, and the most bitter of her joy." 
A flicker of light washes briefly over the sculpture's crystal eyes.

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "But such emotion is at times too much, even for Inedra, and so we can... help her, by taking some of the Lady's memories from her, for a time."
A flicker of light washes briefly over the sculpture's crystal eyes.

You whisper, "She's ever so beautiful. So lifelike, even though she's made of things that are hard, without life. But here, in her eyes -" She raises a hand up, almost as if wanting to brush her fingertips through the glittering motes that surround the sculpture. "There's something else." Frowning slightly, she looks over at you and asks, "How could mortals possibly bear the emotions of a Goddess?"

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "By seeing only a little, only briefly."

After a moment of regarding the statue quietly, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "[A secret codeword]."

The sculpture's crystal eyes flash brightly, and emotion suddenly fills its marble face. A ripple of coloured light engulfs the sculpture as it begins to transform.

The proportions of the sculpture begin to change, growing and expanding until it reaches a towering height. Its carved hair transforms into flowing locks, its marble limbs softening and flushing with colour. A dusky floral scent envelops the figure as she stands complete.

A radiant smile crosses Inedra's face as she stretches languidly.

You have emoted: Maerad lets out an almost inaudible gasp.

In an undertone, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "I have not seen her in such a... glad mood before."

Approaching the sculpture and standing a little braced, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "You need not take a memory if you do not wish to, but I-."

Allyrianne brushes a hand against Inedra, Oracle of the Aesthete's cheek, motes of twinkling sunlight surrounding them briefly before winking out of existence. 
Inedra's eyes flash gold like the morning sun, her jewelled lips parting slightly as her marble hands reach for Allyrianne's amidst lambent motes of light.

Gaze glassy with sunlight, Allyrianne exhales as she steps back from Inedra's hand, flush with sudden joy.

You have emoted: Shifting Current Maerad Windwhisper watches Allyrianne intently, a nervous concern in her eyes.

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody lets out her breath slowly. "It was a happy memory." She says at last, her gaze still distant.

You have emoted: Maerad's eyes drift over to the sculpture, and she furrows her brow slightly in consideration. Clasping her hands together in front of her, she wrings them about nervously.

You have emoted: Maerad folds her wings at her sides and steps forward slowly, letting her carefully held poise falter and her naturally ungraceful gait show, her eyes locked with the sculpture's.

Brushing your hand against Inedra, Oracle of the Aesthete's cheek, your eyes meet as the warmth of the morning sun suffuses you both with the radiance of the aurora.
Inedra's eyes flash gold like the morning sun, her jewelled lips parting slightly as her marble hands reach for yours amidst lambent motes of light. "See what I see," you hear a soft voice echo in your mind.

In a place that feels distant as memory itself, you see the ethereal glow of Isune standing beside a God suffused with an aura of pale grey light. Lacostian smiles at Her faintly, majestic black wings unfurling behind Him as Her hand alights on His shoulder. He whispers to Her as the sun rises, "You have done well, fairest one," and the rays of morning light heighten the blush in Her cheeks as the dawn unfolds.

In words fervent with resolve, yet curiously unspoken from the Lady's lips, a feminine voice swears, "I would Sacrifice anything for You, I would give anything at all."

The scene winks out like summer sunlight, and you sigh deeply as you step back from Inedra's hand, clouded with thoughts of love.

You have emoted: Shifting Current Maerad Windwhisper stumbles slightly and reaches out to grab at Allyrianne's hand for support, holding her other hand to her chest. "Oh!" she whispers breathily, struggling to regain her footing.

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody grasps your hand firmly, providing you whatever support is  necessary, the distant gaze gone from her expression. "Lacostian?" She asks quietly.

You have emoted: Maerad nods mutely.

You whisper, "I've...I've never felt anything like that before. It's so strange, like seeing a colour for the first time."

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody whispers, "My first memory was one of great sorrow. I felt...I felt that I had never tasted true pain, nor understood joy, until that moment. It was..."

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody whispers, "Dangerous."

You have emoted: Shifting Current Maerad Windwhisper ruffles her wings slightly in embarrassment as she manages to regain her footing, straightening her back again and lifting her head up. Pink flushes of apology and gratitude gleam on her cheeks as she releases Allyrianne's hand, though her eyes still seem distant, almost distracted by something unseen.

Softly, you say, "When I met Her - She said that an artist was not merely the shadow of their work. That all beautiful things were once dreams, and those dreams had a dreamer. This feels - like having had a dream, and piercing through to the future and seeing that it is real, that it has been made - and that you made it."

You have emoted: Maerad clasps her hands together again to disguise their trembling, managing to add a weak smile to her otherwise entirely overwhelmed expression.

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "[A secret codeword]."

Inedra's eyes begin to close as a lassitude overtakes her. Her vibrant form shrinks rapidly, her face emptying of emotion and her limbs returning to their cold marble state.

The sparkle fades from Inedra's eyes as she becomes an inanimate sculpture once more.

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody tentatively reaches out with her wings to draw you into a feather hug. "To us, the Elder Wars are tales. Stories of our origins, of the origins of the Soulless. But only stories."

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "But to Inedra, all these things are now, and so yes, we can taste them as dreams made reality."
A flicker of light washes briefly over the sculpture's crystal eyes.

You have emoted: Shifting Current Maerad Windwhisper's trembling slowly abates, and she smiles at Allyrianne, gratitude shining in her eyes. "I think," she says carefully, "that there are very few gifts more precious than firsts - a taste, or a sight, or a feeling. She has given me it, but you bought me here. I don't think I shall ever forget that."

With a faint trace of a smile, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "I hope your mother will forgive me, for not letting her be the first to take you here."

You smile and say, "I am sure that she will."

he smile fading, replaced with a hesitating uncertainty, Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody says, "And... be careful. I am marrying Portius for many reasons, not least of which is that I love him, but if I sought to define love by... I do not think I would ever- perhaps in time."

Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody shakes her head abruptly. "Are you ready to return to Hallifax?"

You have emoted: Maerad's eyes glaze slightly with puzzlement, but she nods - the warning clearly heeded, even if not fully understood.

You say, "I think I am, yes."

You follow Symphonist Allyrianne, Aethereal Melody to before the Matrix.


  • Oh, I didn't know Maerad was Tacita. Heh. I had some good RP with her about that one picture she did of 'in the collective's service' or whatever it was called. Good logs!
  • Oh, I just loved reading this.  Beautiful story!
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