For commune constructs being raised, the gold comes from the Ministry of Power coffers, would it be possible to have the commodities needed to build the constructs come from the commune's stores, rat… (View Post)
I don't think it's very nice or fair to start pointing fingers at an org that you think should be axed - regardless of whether you have played in that org before / are currently in that org / had a b… (View Post)
*nervous laughter* "Hello, I'm your other lecturer, and here is a group project for you! Another powerpoint! FOR WEEK 4!" "Hi! I'm another lecturer, it's not a group project but I'm go… (View Post)
Welcome to 2nd year, here is another group project. For week 4. That's 2 weeks away from tomorrow. 10 minute powerpoint presentation. e_e BECAUSE THE GROUP THING REALLY WORKED LAST YEAR, LADY! (View Post)
Yes please! I think with the cost of the never-ending syringe, I was surprised that it was only 1 per month. I would definitely buy it then if it was changed to 1 per IC day. And I really, really lik… (View Post)