Is the hamster hunt a chaos hunt or a regular one? If the Wayfaire comes, will Jeramiah get a shipment of Czigany Toy curio crates? For funsies, can we make Death/Harmony be main-continent only? (Or … (View Post)
That's disappointing. It seemed like a cool end of year event-related long-term sapping the power of the barrier that holds back Kethuru thing. Or something. Burns because Sun! "Your bug has bee… (View Post)
It is for sure these celtic (irish) folk songs. Jaunty, lots of refrains to sing along with. A few maudlin memories smoothed over by the sweet and bawdy bits. (View Post)
You should just come back. You always took pride in being fierce without having a ton of artis, powers, etc. So, just make a new newbie and come back and play with us again. :) (View Post)