Hey people,
We've had a little bit of time since the event chain with the Bloodtide Coven went down and I wanted to reflect with you upon the OOC side of this. I was barely evolved in the events as they were all vastly outside my native timezone and the times that I could play, so all I can personally contribute is based on the bits and pieces that I saw.
To take the side of the Bloodtide Coven, a side that was very likely to be upon the losing side and "eat dirt" , takes quite a leap of faith to be the "bad guys" in a story that will likely not end in success for those people. And I feel as a player base, we've not done the best job in supporting people taking an active role as our villains in this arc. I found it a marvellous idea and would've enjoyed what I read and hear a lot more, if I wouldn't have had also the feeling that most participants on the Bloodtide Coven got handed very poor reactions IC and OOC.
While I can not speak for those people actually in the coven, the various things that I've heard and seen, suggest to me that none of the participants feel encouraged to take a similar risk in the future again. I know even of one Player who wonders if their character is not at their end.
I feel, it is worth to reflect and have a discussion about how we would like to handle this in the future and how we could support people who are willing to put their characters on the line for the sake of a story. I also think, reflecting as to how people taking such excursions can return to their respective orgs afterwards without facing expulsion or similar potentially character-ending consequences, would be a good idea. (Don't get me wrong, actions have consequences, but I feel no one should have to fear the risk of losing their character because they were on the wrong side of an event).
What are your thoughts on this matter? What are valid things that a character could be faced that would not result in people losing all joy in their characters / get kicked out of orgs? What can we do to support people better OOC?
I, for one, commend all of those who did dare to take part despite the risk and hope that, at least in the future ,we can avoid punishing people quite so harshly for participating in events.