Props to @Uzriel politely and regularly inquiring with potential attendants. Staying classy while tirelessly working to support the culture of his city.
Honestly, the more i read about/see Li-Varili, the more i enjoy Her rp. i am both excited and terrified to poke her, She holds no punches, it's pretty awesome.
I can't wait to read a stripped-down version of the great fish fight - there was way too much else going on for me to appreciate it at the time, but by all accounts it really stole the show!
I just want everyone to know how EXTREMELY FREAKING AWESOME that Terentia is!!! She's played with such intensity and power that She manages to really IRL make you feel like your CO popped up in the barracks and caught you grumbling about your officers. Sweating. Pressure. DELIGHT. Seriously such a fantastic character, and nails the 'I'm Disappointed, Do Better' vibe while making you actually want to do better instead of just feeling bad and getting discouraged.
I have returned to once more scream from the rooftops about how amazing Lantra is. Seriously, if you haven't gotten yourself a helping of that sweet, sweet Lantra RP, you're doing yourself a disservice. (Tavi is great but allies and enemies should be sure to nudge the big Lady herself, absurdly layered and well-developed character )
Riiiip, you have just created a new sketch demand us completionists all want but never knew even existed.
For those curious, there's probably like a 3 second window to snap a sketch (I never realized there was an actual NPC and thought it was just room emotes)
Magnagora's event was great! A lot of us were feeling left out on the fun of events, so it was great to not only get ours but also have a fun investigation that was in-depth, brought up some interactions with favorite Magnagoran characters, and added some great lore for those of us who love the noble family dramas.
Another rave for everybody getting to play a role in it, it isn't particularly fun when in events when the room is a chaotic mess of everybody talking at once, or if it's the same one person doing everything. It felt like most people got a chance to have a moment.
I hope somebody can post up some logs, I have logged it - but with the Bloodfaire coming up I doubt I will be able to clean it up anytime soon.