I always say *this* year's Solstice event and visions are the best and will not get any better, but...this time I'm pretty sure I won't correct myself later!
A loud crash reverberates throughout the city, followed by quiet murmuring and what might be described as panicked squawking.
Mesetha Chum yells, "Repeat that for me again, Mosachi. You did f

g what?"
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "I assure you, it was with the best intentions. And we really need to get the beasts back."
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage asks, "What's with all this yelling?"
Vyell massages her temples, her patience visibly wearing thin.
Expasperatedly gesturing, Mesetha Chum says, "This bloody imbecile just... He... Lizards..."
You look thoughtful and say, "He lizards indeed."
Mesetha Chum throws her hands up in the air and glares at Mosachi Xeeth, uttering, "Tell them. Before I gut you myself."
Vyell tilts her head and listens intently to Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu.
Clearing his throat, Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Yes, well, I was trying to mutate some lizards to better feed Drachou in his weakened state, and they might have... escaped? And might have a taste for wakabi."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "We do quite need them back, unfortunately."
You smile and say, "Splendid."
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage asks, "Like this one?"
Vyell brandishes the corpse of a giant black lizard menacingly.
Her voice raised just slightly below yelling, Mesetha Chum says, "No. We will kill them, and you will not do something this stupid again."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "No. They're... bigger."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Much bigger."
You look surprised and say, "I love them already. Where should we start looking?"
Bowing slightly, Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "If you would all be willing to discuss this in my laboratory... I was hoping to have Mesetha help, but it seems that will not happen."
With a nervous laugh, Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "It is a skill. But yes, it seems Mesetha really wants them dead."
You ask, "What's a skill?"
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage says to you, "Being both slow and fast."
You look to Vyell and comprehension flashes across your face.
You say, "Different strokes for different folks."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Something about damaging the postal system or... something crazy like that. I was just feeding them wakabi gizzards."
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage says, "I can see where they'd get a taste for wakabi from."
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage says, "Much as I want to feed the Guardian, we can't be hindering the mail in the process."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Well, that said. I am glad to pay if you would return them to me. Though I suppose Mesetha wants them dead."
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage says, "Nothing stops the mail. The mail is a sign of a functioning society!"
You say, "Mesetha is a spoilsport. I'm sure the little darlings would be just fine in your care."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Indeed! They've only escaped twice thus far."
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage says, "And what steps have you taken to stop further escape?"
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Well... it's always been fine unless we got a delivery via wakabi. Then they seem to go a bit nuts. But how often does that happen?"
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage says, "Aren't all deliveries by wakabi? Perhaps we can just give the Post a 'Do not deliver' notice for you after this."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Perhaps. Or I could move them to a different food source."
Vyell shrugs helplessly.
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "But yes, if you would like to assist me, I can give you some food to attract them."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Or you could kill them and give them to that shrill woman, I suppose."
Vyell D'Cente, Desert Sage says, "Alright, let's get to work. Where do you expect the lizards to be? The city streets?"
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Oh, yes. Quite unfortunate, that. I was raising them to be food for Drachou in the unfortunate event that he needs corporeal food again, but it seems they escaped. If you're interested in helping, please take these bags of food and bring them back."
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu hands over some large bags of gizzards to Vyell, blood leaking from the thick burlap.
A look of understanding crossing her features, Vyell nods her head slowly.
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu says, "Most likely. They are likely looking for more food and warm places to bask."
Vyell sniffs a sack of gizzards, trying to decipher just what that smell emanating from it is.
Vyell curls her nose up and grimaces awfully.
Moving back and forth with ridiculous speed, an oversized lizard clutches a bag firm in its mouth.
An enormous creature stretching easily three feet long, this oversized lizard bears the obvious signs of fleshwork experimentation and manipulation. Heavy and bulging, the eyelids which hang over its eyes are entirely clear, allowing the bloodshot eyes beneath to perceive the world: the yellow sclera and pitch, slit pupils often dilating and shrinking in rapid succession as though it were attempting to blink. Misshapen, added appendages aid its four oversized appendages in movement, skittering this way and that like malformed pseudopods with claws and tentacles pulling it along the ground. Stubby and unsuited for flight, webbed wings sprout from the base of its long, oversized tail - which itself is tipped with three long barbs. A soggy, smelly bag can be seen gripped in its mouth, bulging with excretia that fills the air with the rancid scent of rotting innards.
Vyell gives a sack of gizzards to an oversized, fleshworked lizard.
An oversized, fleshworked lizard flicks its tongue out at a sack of gizzards, tasting the air around it before voraciously digging into the sack and pulling out a choice piece of lung.
Voraciously finishing its newfound meal, an oversized, fleshworked lizard quickly falls in line with its newfound best friend.
(Gaudiguch): You say, "Oh! OH!"
(Gaudiguch): You say, "They're ADORABLE!"
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke an oversized, fleshworked lizard.
An oversized, fleshworked lizard stares at you idly, chewing on a piece of kidney.
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu quickly nods his head and rounds up the overgrown lizards into a pile of waiting cages, verifying the health of each of them and sending them off with a robed assistant.
Mosachi Xeeth, Master of Mu turns and smiles, tossing a bag of gold into your hands. "Thank you. You are furthering excellent research here," he offers, "and I might be growing a bit attached to the buggers."
You have received an incomplete lamp of the Great Pyramid as a quest reward!
an incomplete lamp of the Great Pyramid
Looking like a blatant tripping hazard, an unfinished lamp resembling the Great Pyramid glows here.
Easily recognised as a miniature replica of the Great Pyramid during its construction, the unfinished pyramid shell of this lamp is made of warm sandstone carefully and lovingly carved into exactness. The steps leading up its mass wind along the outside before vanishing into the interior, and a glimpse into the lamp's top reveals the recreation continues as the stairs wind around the inner portion of the pyramid. Colourful, cheerful flames spring from within, appearing to erupt from a scaled model of a young Guardian Drachou, every colour of the rainbow crackling merrily as they spill from his nostrils to shed light through not only the unfinished top but in a bright beam from the balcony upon which a miniature replica of the Nexus keeper herself stands. Polished golden chains extend from the corners of the unfinished section of the pyramid and stretch out to a thick ring of the same material, allowing the lamp to easily be carried about by hand or hung on one's person.