Being theoretically possible and being actually, practically doable, are two different cans of worms entirely. To be entirely technical, neither sleep nor aeon are "required" for the kill c… (View Post)
It depends on what you mean by "competitive," I guess. The grass is always greener, it depends on what side of it you're actually dealing with, etc. I've met very, very few combatants over … (View Post)
Semantics, I guess. What it's 'essential' for having any flexibility on the one-track railroad that is Moondancer offense. My personal opinion isn't that it is impossible without gu… (View Post)
I'm fairly confident it's just your GR=point. 19s are worth 19 points, leadership is worth 20. GR7 is worth 7, etc. That's why you can get to GR4 with only 3 leadership favours, bu… (View Post)
I think there was an announce once that said no tradeskill items are ever supposed to become permanent. Knowing that, you could still customize them, I guess, but know that they wil… (View Post)