That's why I had the idea of Ministries having their own aether/newsboard - at least then it's easy passed on to whoever is next and they can view past records like they would do in a clan. Just with… (View Post)
There's loads of clans as is, we'd have to make sure we have a clan slot, and then make sure all the aides have a clan slot, too. It can get messy, and someone might get missed. (View Post)
How easy would it be for Ministries to have their own aether [and newsboard]? I think for the likes of the Ministry of Education, Security, Power, Cultural Affairs, Librarian(?) would probably benefi… (View Post)
If this was within the last hour or two, most of those 12 people were on Ethereal fighting. If you're talking on aethers, it gets lost in the spam of both clan talk (targets, strategies, gro… (View Post)