Mudlet, two packages to import
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table-orderedPairs.xml - is a helper that iterates through a table in a guaranteed order (from Replaced with spairs() in Mudlet.
timequake-tally.xml - aliases, triggers, scripts to get timequake participants and convert log to IG date (d mmmm, ie., 6 Tzarin)
run alias `qtt on`, read some org logs, then `qtt off`
You can change the format of the IG date by modifying trigger 'timequake log converted date'.

A psionic bleed of emotions overflowed into the minds of users of telepathy and those of the kepheran race: glimpses of a worker going about her chores, tinged with an overwhelming feeling of loss and fear. The visions culminated in the location of Sahma, a young kephera from the Neferti Fungus Gardens, whose tears flowed in fear for the fate of her very best friend - Princess. Tridemon and Xenthos arrived first, greeted by a distraught young kephera cowering from the influx of illithoid within her hive. Quickly following both were Esei, Gurashi, Calioliahali and Sutekh.
Through a series of questions, Sahma revealed that she was distressed about the fate of her friend. She asked those gathered to help her sneak out from the Gardens and soon the group had gathered in her small cave located in the Northern Passages. Sutekh stepped forward to fully assist the young kephera, gathering what was needed to lure Princess back home, while the others spoke with Sahma and calmed her nerves.
Soon Sutekh had everything needed and headed off to find Sahma's pet. What he found surprised and astonished everyone while Sahma rejoiced. Slowly, Sahma's visitors departed with her thanks, leaving her alone with her best friend and pet Princess.
The month of Urlachmar was chaotic indeed, as the Avenger rose into the firmament to issue the Trial of Chaos to all mortals. The challenge, known to many, is a hamster hunt; but rather than simply collecting the furry rodents that proliferate across the known world, the truer trial is to keep one's grip tight around the Purple Hamster of Chaos. This mischievous creature, known to cause insanity and drunkenness within those who wield it, would randomly teleport both themselves and its wielder across the land, disorienting competitor and challenger alike.
For much of the challenge, Thalkros of Magnagora laid claim of the Hamster, being flung across the Basin of Life every so often, challenged by few. When he let go of the hamster, it was claimed by others, briefly Aeldra of New Celest, Lorina of Hallifax, even Galaphyrae of Serenwilde. But in the end, Thalkros reclaimed the anarchic creature, and held upon it until the end of the challenge, earning him the title of Sealbearer of Chaos. Congratulations, Thalkros!
Second Place (750 credits): Sutekh of Lusternia
Third Place (500 credits): Ayisdra of Hallifax
Fourth Place (250 credits): Nepenthe of Gaudiguch
Fifth Place (100 credits): Lisuarte of Serenwilde