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Member, Gods
  • Re: What are you reading?

    I've just started The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi, which is acclaimed as "one of the most insightful texts on the subtle arts of confrontation and victory to emerge from Asia." (View Post)
  • Re: Cats for Adoption

    Thanks for the well wishes. We found a no-kill rescue, and my roommate's friends picked up the cats and delivered them without hassle. We're definitely going to keep an eye out for anymore strays and… (View Post)
  • Cats for Adoption

    Where I live, a couple of stray cats wander the neighborhood. One of them unfortunately gave birth to three kittens a few weeks ago, and in an attempt to prevent overpopulation, my roommate and I cap… (View Post)
  • Re: General Dissatisfaction

    As a general rule of thumb, で indicates the "event location" -- something is happening at the place that precedes で. 「今年はブラジルでFIFAがあります。」 = FIFA is in Brazil this year. に… (View Post)
  • Re: What are you playing?

    PC: Shadowrun Returns; Papers, Please; Hotline Miami; Kentucky Route Zero; Sleeping Dogs I also have XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Brothers to play, having bought them recently, and I've also had the urge … (View Post)