I finally picked up CK2 yesterday, mostly just because of how much folks talk about it here. And O.M.G. This game is fantastic! I have no idea how you people get any Lusternia in, too. (View Post)
Both IC and OOC reasons. ICly, Riluna doesn't really view them as allies. Though the culture of "Fireseren" hasn't really been a thing for a long time now, that remains the best wa… (View Post)
@Ixion, do you ever have moments in your questing where you're so frustrated you just drop the quest? As in, is it just sheer perseverence, or some sort of questing voodoo that allows you to figure t… (View Post)
Spend 23 hours convincing myself I really can do this, 45 minutes panicking that I don't have the time to do this, and 15 minutes hastily assembling something that comes in late anyway. (View Post)