Disclaimer: This is in no way a fully developed idea, and I fully expect that if it ever gets implemented, it won't be completely as written. Constructive criticism is welcome, but preferably in a way that refines the idea rather than just totally trashing it.
Some people have been talking about guild incentives/rewards/etc outside of plain rp/progression (I can think of at least one report this season that touches on this subject, and there's been at least one discussion on the official Discord about it). I was thinking of a minor way to tell the guild that someone has done a lot of stuff for the guild without having to commune/cityfavor or recommend them to the guild leader or promote them. Maybe they've done a lot of themed designs, or helped a newbie, or wrote a book, and you want to make them feel good about their progress. Alternatively, it could involve a whole new system of progression in a guild.
My suggestion is the guildfavor, which could be implemented one of two ways. The first is that there is no mechanical tracking of guildfavors, letting the guild manually track how many favors a guild member has received, set its own number of tiers, and manually set rewards; however, this would be entirely manual, and could be tricky compared to my other proposed option.
The second option has a set of guild tiers (either public or private, but always trackable by the guild leader, and possibly a new priv to view them), which would be mechanically entirely separate from and have no bearing on guild rank (I imagine an individual guild could set up different rewards for promotion for achieving different tiers, however). I would suggest a maximum of 7 tiers, and a minimum of 3, on average 5. I imagine to move up a tier, you require a certain number of guildfavors on top of any you've already earned, like city/communefavors. For example, it could be 3 favors to move from tier 1 to tier 2, and then 5 to move from tier 2 to tier 3, etc.
Each tier could have different benefits for each guild. Each guild could theoretically have unique titles for each tier, as the same with ranks. An example with 5 tiers is below under the spoilers; this is hardly an exhaustive list, and I imagine many people would have different ideas of where things should be, or things I personally haven't even thought up.
Guild Tier 1: little to no change, as everyone starts on tier 1.
Guild Tier 2: having access to a hidden guild emote.
Guild Tier 3: having access to a hidden room in the guildhall, and/or demigod flavors.
Guild Tier 4: having access to an otherwise hidden shop bin in a guild shopkeep's wares that could sell a few rare items specific to the guild, such as signets (guild stoles).
Guild Tier 5: being able to access a locked guildhall quest to receive a guild honor.
Having the guild tiers would result in a highly customizable reward system for each guild, and in a way that makes it formal and fairly easy to track. I expect limitations similar to commune/cityfavors would be implemented (such as only being able to give 1 guildfavor per weave), and guilds would likely make their own guidelines for how guildfavors may be earned.
Again, this is a fairly rough/beginning of an idea, and I do not expect it to be implemented. If anyone has suggestions or ideas, feel free to put them down below.