If a MD demi-Viscanti willingly starting breathing poison at people, it would be a pretty bad act of blasphemy. They're willingly flaunting that Tainted part of themselves, and that's someth… (View Post)
It seems like power can appear visibly. Serenwilde's essence is silver, for example, and I don't see that being some empathic sense of 'silver' (does that even make sense)? Instead, it seems to visib… (View Post)
I was going to do an RP rave, but all of you are a delight. It's the people that make Lusternia amazing, whatever the paid or volunteer admin do for the rest of us. Never forget the community is Lust… (View Post)
Fox is actually, finally open to rebooting Firefly again. The pessimist in me says it's no simple thing to get both Joss Whedon, or perhaps Nathon Fillion back on board too, and just what are they go… (View Post)
For those of us who have little or no interest in curios, the whole trading system doesn't work when trying to trade stuff away to the people who actually want them. On the off-chance I do want a cur… (View Post)