Freedom Pigeon

LavinyaLavinya Queen of SnarkAustralia
(This is what happens when you're discussing silly things in Skype and are then inspired to log into Lusternia...) @Alary

The Portals of Hallifax.

You hear the frantic flutter of frenzied wings as a large white object careens into a nearby wall, falling unceremoniously on the ground in a heap of frazzled feathers.

You suddenly scoop up the corpse of a large white pigeon.

Travel spam…

Before the Eternal Flame.

You incline your head politely to those around you.

You say, "Greetings, my drunken friends. I come bearing a gift."

You have emoted: Lavinya holds aloft a fat white pigeon.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Yay pigeon!"

Tirah closes her eyes and inhales deeply, absorbing the scent of her surroundings.

Tirah exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from her lungs.

Jiquel asks, "Oh really?"

You say, "Freshly scraped from the ground in Hallifax. It's most clean there, save for the pigeon droppings."

Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame rolls her eyes heavily.

Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame says, "Bunch of boring crystal freaks, I tell ya. All cold and emotionless - probably not a heart that beats in the whole damn city."

Herald of the Sacred Circus Tirah Mzithrei, the Riotous Ringleader has trails of smoke coming from her nose.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Excellent, we can roast it on the fire."

You clap your hands together merrily.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Any fire."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Pick a fire."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "There are lots of fires."

Alary points accusingly at the Eternal Flame.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Or we could use the Flame."

You say, "Will the pigeon be edible afterwards?"

Entranced by you, Jiquel emits a long "Ooooh."

Jiquel says, "I do not think so."

You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."

Jiquel asks, "Won't the flame eat it?"

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "We can use my staff to prop it aloft."

You say, "What you need, is a spit, right there, for roasting things over the flame."

You have emoted: Lavinya looks thoughtfully at the leaping flames.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "I am petitioning the council for a spit."

Somewhat irritably, Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis says, "So you said..."

You say, "It would be most useful, I imagine."

Alary bows respectfully to you.

You say, "I think, when it is roasted, I shall call it..."

Dramatically, you say, "Piegon."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Excellent name."

You nod your head sagely.

Jiquel ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."

Alary pets a wood commodity ingratiatingly.

You have emoted: Lavinya systematically begins plucking feathers from the pigeon carcass.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath kneels down and begins to construct a make-shift spit using her staff and some extra pieces of wood.

Alary ceases to wield a fiery basalt staff in her left hand.

look pigeon

A large white pigeon lies dead, ready to be supper.Iari fidgets impatiently.

Cheerful, multicoloured flames burst into life before blazing a brilliant white, joining the towering inferno.

You say, "Ugh such distasteful work, where is a servant when you need one."

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis frowns and says to Alary, "Why am I here?"

Cheerful, multicoloured flames burst into life before blazing a brilliant white, joining the towering inferno.

You give the corpse of a large white pigeon to Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath.

Jiquel frowns at you.

Jiquel says, "Poor bird."

You say to Jiquel, "Poor bird that will be my supper."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath spears the pigeon carcass on her staff and places the speared carcass before the Flame with dramatic elegance.

You have emoted: Lavinya licks her lips.

Iari taps her foot with mild impatience. 

A single feather falls woefully from the carcass.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says to Iari, "You don't have to stay."

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis frowns and says to Alary, "No one has told me anything!"

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath begins to turn the spit slowly, eyeing the carcass carefully so it does not char.

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis angrily says, "I don't know why I'm here, so how should I know if I want to stay or not?"

You have emoted: Lavinya waves a hand impatiently towards the roasting pigeon.

Sadly, Jiquel says, "Poor birdie."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Lavinya brought us a present, the biggest pigeon ever!"

Calming abruptly, Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis says, "Oh. Thank you."

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis says, "What are we doing with it?"

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Gonna eat it."

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis says, "Oh."

Iari wrinkle her nose in distaste.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says to you, "Spice it?"

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis asks, "Did she by chance bring the biggest apple ever also?"

Frowning, Jiquel says, "Roasting it..."

Flames lick the pigeon's rotund body, roasting it to a crisp brown as it spins and spins on the spit.

You have emoted: Lavinya rubs her hands together excitedly as she watches the roasting pigeon.

You say, "Oh that smells good, yes yes very good."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath drizzles a little bit of spice onto the bird, carefully distributing it throughout the corpse.

Hovering over Alary, you say, "Careful now, don't overdo it, just enhance the natural flavour."

Indeed, the smell is mouth-watering, spiced with tantalizing flavours and radiating with the heat of the Eternal Flame.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Of course."

A redolent aroma envelops Alary as a gentle breeze wafts striking petals of carnelian hue about her, fluttering gaily like streamers on the wind.

Jiquel creases her brow in a frown.

You say, "Be free, little bird, free of the oppression that bound you. Be free to feed me."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Delicious bird."

Jiquel's eyes widen in disbelief as she shouts, "Oh my GODDESS!"

Jiquel asks, "Is it really that good?"

You nod your head sagely at Jiquel.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath continues to carefully turn the spit, her staff warming with the heat and cooking the bird from the inside too.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "There's a reason we're using my staff, internal cooking too."

The Eternal Flame roars with righteous fervour, engulfing the bird whole as it waffles a bit on the makeshift spit.

You have emoted: Lavinya glances curiously at Alary.

"Eep!", Alary screams in fright.

You say, "You are burning it!"

Iari tilts her head and listens intently.

You fret over everything that might go wrong.

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis looks thoughtful and says, "That didn't sound good."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath quickly removes her staff and waves it about.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "I didn't do it! The Flame has it's own mind!"

Jiquel snickers softly to herself.

Rubbing her hands together, Jiquel grins with evil satisfaction.

In answer to the pyromancer's call, the flames soft and demure, allowing for a more manageable atmosphere.

You mutter, "N.... trus. . .runken cook."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "I am perfectly sober."

Jiquel says, "Who may the drunken cook be?"

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Just a touch insane."

You wave your hand dismissively.

You say, "I always presumed the very air in Gaudiguch was filled with the fumes of alcohol and weed."

Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame exclaims, "Baby, this is where it's at!"

Jiquel thanks the Eternal Flame profusely.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath hands the staff to you, the bird speared on it.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Think it's done?"

Jiquel stares implacably about herself.

You have emoted: Lavinya inspects the pigeon carefully.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Also, that's a common myth we perpetuate, quite a bunch of us are generally mostly sober."

Jiquel stares implacably at you.

Solemnly, you say, "It is done."

Jiquel says, "Who is coming?"

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Excellent."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "You have something to carve it with?"

Finger extended, Alary pokes a flame bladed dracnari dagger.

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis looks thoughtful and says, "I have a blade."

Iari waves about a blood-red greatsword energetically.

You stroke a ritualistic Ouroborian dagger tenderly.

You say, "I am a nihilist. Of course I carry a blade."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath sticks out her tongue and says, "Telekinetic, always have a dagger."

You say, "Let us partake of this sacrifice, of the symbol of Hallifaxian oppression given freedom in the flames."

Iari's ears perk up with a sudden interest.

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis asks, "Why is it a symbol of oppression?"

You say, "It is the very scourge of Hallifaxian society, is it not?"

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis looks thoughtful and says, "I...don't know."

The charred pigeon droops slightly as it slips from its speared mantle, looking pitiful.

You say, "The lowly pigeon, fit only to drop excrement on their statues."

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis looks thoughtful and says, "And if it scourges them, shouldn't

You say, "But no longer! For now, now it is delicious fuel for the body, sustenance."

Jiquel rolls her eyes in your direction and smacks her forehead with her palm.

You stare implacably at Jiquel, and she shrinks from your gaze.

Jiquel asks, "Yes?"

Using your tongue and the roof of your mouth, you make a quiet clicking noise.

You say to Alary, "Your children are impertinent. Let us feast."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "She's not ours, Celest's."

You wrinkle your nose in distaste.

Jiquel says, "Wrong."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Or was."

You say, "Well that explains it all, I suppose."

Dryly, Jiquel asks, "Explains what exactly?"

You grace Jiquel with your most manicured, charming and utterly false smile.

Jiquel taps her foot with mild impatience.

Steam hisses from the roasted pigeon, an errant flame flickering on its rump before sputtering out.

You say to Alary, "The piegon is going to burn!"

Jiquel says, "Good."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Then stop holding it over the Flame!"

Shulamit sits herself down on a fluid crimson chaise couch and makes herself comfortable.

You have emoted: Lavinya snatches the pigeon back from the flames distractedly.

Shulamit flashes you a joyous smile.

You beam broadly at Shulamit.

Jiquel says to Shulamit, "Don't do that."

Grand Empress of Shinies, Shulamit Lunarose, Creator of Shiny Things says to you, "Hm...were you at the art auction? I remember being at an art auction with you."

Grand Empress of Shinies, Shulamit Lunarose, Creator of Shiny Things says to Jiquel, "Do...what?"

Shulamit erratically pulsates in hues of ruby, emerald and sapphire.

Iari gives a pained sigh.

Shulamit flails about helplessly.

You tell Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath, "Is it a Gaudiguchian citizen? It is asking to die."

Grand Empress of Shinies, Shulamit Lunarose, Creator of Shiny Things whispers, "What did I doooo."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says to Jiquel, "If you are going to continue to be rude to our guests and citizens, you may leave."

Alary creases her brow in a frown.

Jiquel disappears in a flash of light, teleporting by the power of the Gods.

Alary tells you, "It is not, and it's a thorn in my side."

Shulamit scratches her head in confusion.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says to Shulamit, "Ignore her, she is a rude little thing."

Alary hums a happy tune.

Grand Empress of Shinies, Shulamit Lunarose, Creator of Shiny Things says, "Oh...ok..."

You say, "The folly of the Light in her head still no doubt."

Grand Empress of Shinies, Shulamit Lunarose, Creator of Shiny Things says to you, "So did I remember that?"

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says to you, "Carve it!"

Grand Empress of Shinies, Shulamit Lunarose, Creator of Shiny Things says, "Or was it a daydream."

You begin to wield a ritualistic Ouroborian dagger in your right hand.

You say, "Right, now then, where was I."

Iari Damascene, Rose within the Oasis looks thoughtful and says, "You were about to eat the symbol of oppression."

You have emoted: Lavinya carefully holds the spitted piegon in one hand and lifts her blade, carving a chunk of tender roasted meat from its breast.

Utterly entranced, Alary emits a long "Ooooh."

Aloft upon the Chosen's blade, the pigeon gleams with a burnt radiance, tender as the meat slides off the bone.

Shulamit flails about helplessly.

Grand Empress of Shinies, Shulamit Lunarose, Creator of Shiny Things says, "Odd rain."

Alary licks her lips.

Hand quivering, you say, "Be free, little delicious bird."

You have emoted: Lavinya brings the roasted meat to her lips and takes a bite of the juicy morsel.

Grand Empress of Shinies, Shulamit Lunarose, Creator of Shiny Things says, "Eating it makes it free?"

Alary licks her lips.

Shulamit erratically pulsates in hues of ruby, emerald and sapphire.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Is it good?"

Mumbling around a mouthful of meat, you say, "Oh, now that's good."

Indeed, the meager pigeon appears to be a feast beyond all reason, as the viscanti devours the delicate, edible bird with finesse and peerless etiquette.

You have emoted: Lavinya daintily licks her fingers.

You have emoted: Lavinya d'Murani, Chosen of Legion slices another morsel and passes it with great ceremony on the tip of her dagger to Alary.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath takes the chunk of meat with great delicacy, licking her lips.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Oh moment, I want to /really/ enjoy this/."

Alary removes a dapper, crimson-banded black felt hat.

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath opens her tri-fold mouth wide, tasting the meat with her tongue before wrapping her tongue around it and sucking it into her gaping maw.

In fascination, Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Oooh, that was delicious."

You say, "Freedom tastes so sweet."

Blade in Ivory, Sage Alary Mes'ard, Ignited by Empassioned Wrath says, "Indeed it does."

The Eternal Flame roars in answer, vibrant with scarlet flame as it dances victoriously.

You have emoted: Lavinya muses in thought.

Alary raises her head, juts out her shoulders and proudly proclaims, "FOR FREEDOM!"

Shulamit peers about herself unscrupulously.

You say, "I should now cook and eat a lizard in the name of industry and progress."

Alary snickers softly to herself.

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