Race: Changeling (lately, gnome - but she's still learning this
Gender: Female
Guild: Moondancers
City/Commune: Serenwilde
Order: Lisaera
Hair: long white braid
Eyes: emerald
Height: average (5'6 ish?)
Build: Slender
Defining Features: Pale, anxious
Piercings: -
Scars: -
Strengths: Hmm. Active, wants to be helpful, can be enthusiastic, try include others, wants to learn
Weaknesses: Anxiety and poor student, often requires handholding to learn and desires reassurance that she's not screwing stuff up
Attitude: usually a mix of eager and terrified, but wants to be involved but rarely knows how.
Morals: wants to be good, tries not to let people know how crazy she is. Those who know the crazy and are still okay with her and the incompetence - she'll stand by them forever. Or, until they get sick of her.
Pet Peeves: feeling invsible or incompetent
Best way to piss me off: be vague or ignore her
Best way to get on my good side: Aetherhunt, compliment her ability.
Color: Silver and Purple
Tertiary: aetherhunting (Healing)
Tertiary Skill: FirstMate (aurashift)
Primary Skill: ummm totem wolf
Location: command chair of her Tristree, or empath grid, anywhere, but partial to Dreadnought
God/Goddess: Lisaera
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Lleuke&Ryboi. (though couldn't tell you who house head is)
Artifact (don't have to own): circlet or divine spark
Commodity: wood - don't do much with commodities
Animal: her eagle mount, who hates her.
Item owned: bracelets - gifts from people she cares about
Village/forest/region: aetherspace
NPC: no idea
Memory: first time surving karibidean/dragon combo. maybe.
Song: -
Drink: whiskey
Goals: Be able to pilot while hunting, learn aethercombat, learn more lore and practical survival so feel more useful.
Amibitions: learn enough to feel ambitions are realistic
Hair: Very long,dark-red and tied up into a high chignon/krobylos with a ponytail that falls below it ending to her butt and she also has two face-framing tendrils.
Eye: Light blue.
Height: 7 ft 8
Build: Muscular
Defining Features: None.
Piercings: None.
Scars: None.
Strengths: Willingness to learn,protective,loyal.
Weaknesses: Quite vain about her height and muscles.
Attitude: Brave,Strong
Morals: None
Best way to piss her off: Calling her "stupid" or "unintelligent".
Best way to get on her good side: Just respecting her.
Color: Red,Green,White
Location: Paavik
God/Goddess: Krokano.
Drink: Sweet and sparkling wines.
Goals: To be a good sentinel and thus to guard important places and people.
Rival: None yet.
Best Friend: None yet.
Idol: Krokano,Paavik Family
Best personal achievement: None yet.
Worst personal achievement: None yet.
Proudest moment: None yet.
Most shameful moment: None yet.
If I could make one wish: She doesn't have particular wishes.
Why you should hate her: She call people from other races of lesser height, "midgets".
Why you should love her: She can be friendly and protective sometimes.
Why you should fear her: Because she's a daredevil krokani warrior.
Why she is harmless: She doesn't attack people without a reason and even if she does so,she can be easily distracted.
Hair: Changes regularly due to a mild obsession with hair curios, but in reality: dark brown ringlets.
Eyes: Blue-grey
Height: Tallish
Build: Very lean
Defining Features: None?
Piercings: Er, several.
Scars: None.
Strengths: Creative, eager to help, ferociously motivated under the right circumstances.
Weaknesses: Sometimes prone to loneliness, and self-doubt.
Attitude: Slightly pessimistic, courteous, generally friendly.
Morals: Generally solid. Guiding principle: Never knowingly cause harm.
Pet Peeves: Prioritising personal/organisational/family status and advantage over everything better.
Best way to piss me off: Be a bully.
Best way to get on my good side: Do something unselfish.
Color: All of them, what is this?
Location: Her manse, Lambency.
God/Goddess: Crumkane.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): None, has never had much interest in leaders or leadership.
Artifact (don't have to own): Medallion of Beauty. Also, manse shop.
Commodity: Sugar. Or gems.
Animal: Wakabi
Item owned: Um... pretty much all 250 of her curios. But the tipsy teapot in particular.
Village/forest/region: Tolborolla
NPC: Tantus Stickypaw, because he sells Goodies (including... including CHOCOLATE).
Memory: Happily T has many good memories, and couldn't pick just one favourite.
Song: The one about the floating cows and the teapot trees
Drink: Tea
Goals: Happiness for all
Amibitions: All achieved, none left
Nemesis: What?
Rival: Eh.
Best Friend: All her best friends are dead. Position open.
Idol: Never had any
Best personal achievement: Winning the Seal of Beauty
Worst personal achievement: Um... redacted, to protect the innocent and the guilty.
If I could make one wish: More time with spouse.
Why you should hate her: T will make zero effort to conciliate the few people she really dislikes. If you manage to get on her bad side, she will 100% ignore you.
Why you should love her: She is quick to forgive, very willing to go out of her way to help the majority of people, and there isn't much she wouldn't do for her few close friends.
Why you should fear her: You... shouldn't, T is about as scary as a sheet of wet tissue paper.
Why she is harmless: She has neither impulse nor inclination to cause harm.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Well people, there would be a lot more chocolate in this world, for a start.
I'm gonna try this for the sake of participating... Though it's hard to do about half of it, since I've only been playing for barely a week... I'ma just remove the things that have an n/a answer for her.
Character Name: Reylari
Race: Furrikin
Gender: Female
Guild: Aeromancers
City/Commune: Hallifax
Order: None, yet. Undecided between two.
See: my forum avatar, basically.
Height: Four foot-ish
Build: Not skinny, not fat.
Defining Features: Large ears. A tail almost as big as she is.
Strengths: Talkative with people she's comfortable with. Not prone to laziness (unless I'm AFK doing stuff). Generally always willing to help; doesn't care TOO much for death, unless it's for "pointless PK" reasons.
Weaknesses: Sometimes finds it hard to actually talk to new people. Overly blunt in the way she speaks, can be seen as a "weakness" under certain light.
Attitude: Loud. Argumentative about stuff she doesn't agree with. Pretty sure @Gero was on the verge of killing her, during a domoth.
Morals: Ideally tries to stick to the Collectivism of Hallifax. If someone's going to hinder those, she'll speak out about not doing it.
Pet Peeves: Willful ignorance; people who refuse to admit that they're wrong, despite it being openly noticeable.
Best way to piss me off: ^ pretty much. Or just general asshattery. Probably won't piss me off, moreso gets boring to deal with, so I won't.
Best way to get on my good side: Don't piss her off within the first 5 minutes of talking?
Color: She likes the colours her beam generator fires out.
Location: Hmm... So far, probably Hallifax's nexus world. It's neat.
God/Goddess: Dun have One, yet. Has yet to learn about Them.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Only have had one, and she hasn't met her yet.
Commodity: Silver! Shiny! Or cloudmarble! Aerochem.
Animal: Fennecs, she's one!
Item owned: Her trusty BOOMSTICK (beam generator)
Drink: Cocoa.
Goals: So far; finish her advancement so she can prove herself more.
Weaknesses: She cleaves HARD onto the beliefs, relationships, and accomplishments she forged--try to take them away from her and she will react badly. She also isn't afraid to tell things like it is, no matter how upsetting that may be.
Attitude: Formal but not frigid. Generally confident about her abilities. She becomes much more expressive around people she is comfortable with.
Morals: Tries to refrain from judgement and prejudice. Acknowledges that there may be no single answer to anything. Has faith that everything will turn out well in the end so long as you try your best in everything.
Best way to piss her off: Being condescending about her beliefs or trying to change them forcibly.
Best way to get on her good side: Have deep, non-aggressive conversations with her. Also, bring her rare flowers to catalogue.
Best personal achievement: Publishing her first song, will hopefully be replaced with "Publishing her first play."
Proudest moment: The day she found her family.
If I could make one wish: Second tradeskill. No, multiple tradeskills.
Why you should hate her: May come off as inexpressive and cold, due to her formality and straightforwardness. Her efforts to remain neutral in any situation may also be less than endearing to some. Frequent soulrips and slumber.
Why you should love her: She's never malicious, and is happy to help you out if needed. She gives all she has to what she does.
Why you should fear her: Crystallizing flesh since 2016.
Why she is harmless: Mostly plays on mobile.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Bunches of startup programs for young ones seeking to leave their mark upon the world. And flower gardens everywhere.
"May this be the first of many new experiences for you, Heart of the Crescendo," Czixi says, smile quirking. "The future is an exciting place."
Hair: Short and black at the moment. He plays around with illusions a lot and I
sometimes forget the original
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6 foot or just slightly under
Build: Average.
Maybe a little soft due to a life of ease
Features: Little horns and a tail. Mostly the tail. Definitely the tail.
Eyebrow (that can be seen) – a lovely peacock
Scars: None
Strengths: Has absolute confidence in himself. Rarely if ever feels doubt
outside of his manse.
Women. So easily distracted. One in particular but women in general.
A bit of a flirt. Very outgoing. Will talk to anyone and quickly develop an
opinion on anything
Morals: of an alley cat? Feels something is missing in his life. Thinks it is
to do with him not having a family and being a viscanti outside Magnagora.
Makes him feel the need to be loved. Once he has more solid foundations, he
becomes much more loyal.
Pet Peeves: Indifference. Love him, hate him, just don’t ignore him. And cold –
spends winter on the fire plane
Best way
to piss me off: Ignore him
Best way to get on my good side: Play him some music
Color: Blue
Tertiary: Illusions
Tertiary Skill:
Primary Skill:
Aetherplex with the other reprobates, watching the world go by
Master/House Head (all time): @Talan, even before she was
Artifact (don't have to own): All of them? I have a huge pile of credits and
can’t decide what to spend them on – I want them all
Animal: Dragon
owned: Rainbow scarf
Village/forest/region: Mount Zoaka
need to get out more
Memory: First
Song: Too many to count – collects them from other
bards. Lets go with the Ballad of @Hezbit
Drink: Whiskey
when moping over women, otherwise wine
Goals: Seem to change regularly – was going to try and go back to Magnagora once
he had got his youthful exuberance out of his system. Would still like to be
adopted by a Magnagoran family but having met more of them, is having doubts
Rival: Does
not consider himself to have any rivals
Friend: @Thayan. Though once his fear of @Enadonella fades, Enadonella. Or if @Nikkakorra comes back, her. Anyone who talks to him for long enough really
Worst personal achievement: The pile of books sitting there waiting to be
moment: Seeing his first book in the library
Most shameful moment: First time drinking whiskey
Why you
should hate him: His arrogance, sense of entitlement, the confidence with which
he breezes through the world like he owns it
Why you
should love him: Once you get past that,
he is just fabulous! Wicked sense of humour, a willingness to try anything at
least once, a love of performing
Why you
should fear him: Do you have daughters? Hide them! Never let them see him, they
will run away with him
Why he is
harmless: He is a bard. With a lute. Could not be more harmless
If he
ruled the world, you'd best expect: No work to get done but it would be a beautiful
place. Until the illusions faded
Order: Hoaracle (Well, up until things went poof. She's still faithful though)
Hair: Complex curly/braided mohawk/deathawk, lots of gems woven in.
Eyes: Blue Height: 5 ft (tall ish for a faeling)
Build: Slim, but curvy
Defining Features: The hair
Piercings: ears Scars: nada
Strengths: Trustworthy, loyal, sticks to her guns. Compassisonate.
Weaknesses: Compassion is also her weakness.
Attitude: Generally good-natured and friendly. Very easy going about most things. Morals: Hates violence for violence's sake. She's a staunch non-comm. She'll hunt and kill only if necessary for survival/self defense. Pet Peeves: Liars.
Best way to piss her off: Best way to get on her good side: Give her sweets and exchange recipe ideas
Color: Blue Tertiary: Healing
Tertiary Skill: Farheal
Primary Skill: Harmonics
Location: Transcendental Aviary
God/Goddess: Hoaracle/Isune
Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Ileein & @Arel
Artifact (don't have to own): Beauty Mask
Commodity: Sugar Animal: Turilira
Item owned: Wedding band Village/forest/region: Faethorn
NPC: Billium the scholar
Memory: Maellio's marriage proposal
Song: One of Irillia's symphonies
Drink: Cocoa
Goals: To boldly go where no one has gone before... Seek out new life... new civilizations: Find Jojobo and beg the people there for cocoa trees, adopt more siblings, befriend a nimbuli and coronuli, get Demi. Ambitions: Patron of the Arts
Best personal achievement: Reaching 90th circle in [redacted] years of playing Worst personal achievement: Reaching 90th circle in [redacted] years of playing
Proudest moment: Getting her first design ever approved Most shameful moment: [redacted]
Why you should hate her: Aw. No hate allowed!
Why you should love her: She will cook for you and feed you all the things.
Why you should fear her: She will cook for you and feed you all the things.
Why she is harmless: She's just a little old widow with a never-ending tray of sweets.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: to be well fed.
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots. Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
Best personal achievement: 80th circle. Worst personal achievement: Not doing anything productive during an entire weave.
Proudest moment: She is proud of herself all the time, the absolutely proudest moment is yet to come. Most shameful moment: Showing her crazy to her mentor.
If I could make one wish: Fates! Please let Tristanna find a man who doesn't go dormant on her!
Why you should hate her: She acts rather emotionless towards you until you earn her trust.
Why you should love her: You won't find a more loyal companion from this side of the basin.
Why you should fear her: She is able to hurt you, one way or another..
Why she is harmless: She's just doing her job. What she thinks and what she does are not always in harmony.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Dictatorship.
Since it's been a year or so, I figured I'd go back and pull this up again. Hey @Portius you should do it, too, unless your favourite god is still Isune.
Hair: Short, wound in a delportian braid like an ivory halo with two straight, uneven strands behind an ear each.
Eyes: Currently colourless and hidden behind a mask, because of story reasons. The right is normal, the left has six smaller pupils surrounding the middle one.
Height: 9'5"
Build: Svelte
Defining Features: An eery, vaguely humanoid mask of inky obsidian that covers her face from view.
Piercings: L/R ear.
Scars: None visible.
Strengths: She's dedicated. Once she takes something to heart it remains there, and while she can be seen as ephemeral she is quite loyal to those who she holds close to her heart. Somehow she's become a respected figure, and has been sought out for advice and wisdom that she never hesitates to give. She does not hold grudges for too long and is always willing to forgive, but never forget. Anyone can be redeemed, because even the gods make mistakes.
Weaknesses: She has hideous self-esteem and often experiences crippling doubt in her path and herself. She needs someone to give her approval, whether it be a divine, spouse, or fraternal figure.
Attitude: She's cold and condescending but can turn warm and motherly at the first given opportunity. While she tries to be quiet and reserved, she will give attention to anyone who seeks it.
Morals: She doesn't quite know herself at the time. She always learned that ends justified whatever means were used to obtain them, but recent events have caused her to reconsider. Pet Peeves: Repeating herself more than once, disrespect and blatant disregard of station. Things tight around her neck.
Best way to piss me off: Dismiss anything people try to do that doesn't immediately involve death and/or killing as inconsequential. Interrupt rituals/plays/what-have-you with nonsense.
Best way to get on my good side: Be sincere and don't take everything at face value - form opinions based on your own experience and never be afraid to admit you were once wrong.
Color: Indigo.
Tertiary: Telepathy.
Tertiary Skill: Mindlink.
Primary Skill: Engage
Location: a fragrant garden before the Theatre of Bloody Threnodies
God/Goddess: Drocilla, with Mysrai close behind.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Lavinya
Artifact (don't have to own): Crown of the Emanations
Commodity: Silk
Animal: Spiders
Item owned: A svelte, lupine cloak that Pectus gave her before she retired. It's been customised to never decay, and she never removes it.
Village/forest/region: Delport.
NPC: The little urchin who stole aboard my ship.
Memory: The look of pride she saw on her own face, mirrored in her son Vanyel's eyes after he saved the Basin from the skinrot plague.
Song: The lullaby Pectus sang her when she was a child.
Drink: Blood wine.
Goals: Make things right.
Amibitions: Once to be the first Avatar of Drocilla. Now...she doesn't really have one.
personal achievement: Lavinya enjoyed the very last painting she ever made, or plans to make for some time.
Worst personal achievement: Had her Voice taken away by Drocilla in Her mask, became a mindless, soulless puppet that was separated from her consciousness.
Proudest moment: Currently none.
Most shameful moment: Realising that every time she tried to make things better in a situation she was messing it up, and considering becoming a hermit to repent. If I could make one wish: To get to say good-bye to Pectus before she left.
Why you should hate her: She's the Oathbreaker, and she's hurt a lot of people intentionally. Suffers from Severe Special Snowflake Syndrome.
Why you should love her: Once you get to know her, she's really not so bad.
you should fear her: What she lacks for in immediate, deadly skill she makes up for in cold neglect and intentional (but not mechanical) snubbing.
Why she is harmless: She doesn't know who she is or what she wants now, as a person, and just wants to make other people happy.
Attitude: Mostly warm and nurturing, fiercely loyal, but can be cold if she thinks it's required. Everything is water off a ducks back. Firm. Stubborn. Ill tempered. Down with conformity. Rebellious. Dislikes laws and rules.
Morals: Treat others how you wish to be treated. Lives freely. Keeps to herself unless needed.
Pet Peeves: Jaded attitude, bitterness, chip-on-shoulder syndrome, acting too sweet, drama queens.
Best way to piss me off: Only one person can. Can't let him know that.
Best way to get on my good side: Music, Aetherhunting, Hunting, Poems, Stories, Friendship, Tonics.
Color: Black
Tertiary: Wicca
Tertiary Skill: Hexes
Primary Skill: Moondance
Location: Undervaults, wandering the lands and getting lost...
God/Goddess: Undecided.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Rancoura was neat. (!st Guild Mistress) Ryboi&Aeldra
Artifact (don't have to own): Magical one. Want more. Need more.
Goals: Get a family. Complete her half-finished guild tasks. Continue to gain circles. Continue with @Saz and @Aramel training. Continue to listen to @Tristanna teachings. Lead more Aetherhunts, because she can pilot and whatnot. More quests!
Ambitions: Put on a musical performance, build a ship. Learn more stuff.
Best personal achievement: That would really be letting the cat out of the bag.
Worst personal achievement: Unfinished tasks.
Proudest moment: Completing her first honours quest. Learning to fly the Songbird.
Most shameful moment: Drinking rum and blowing up her crew.
Why you should hate her: She will deflect you like light off of water..? She's quick to the cut. Sharp sickle. Reserved- Watches everything.
Why you should love her: Will do anything for anyone. Compassionate. Fiercely loyal. Strong sense of independence. Eager, questions everything, loves to learn, loves music, loves to perform. Wicked sense of humor.
Why you should fear her: Well thought out.
Why she is harmless: Completely oblivious.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: No rules, laws, banning, enemying. Everyone free to visit each city, people could sort out their fights between them. Don't like Jo next door? Fine. Go steal his washing off the line.
Moon Priestess Ridien says, "The blood of an animal, however, can also be a tool. Consider fetishes -
- efficient, powerful tools created by ecologists. It is exactly as Kendra says -- a tool of bones
and blood that has been magnified, changed, enchanted. Made into a tool."
Eyes: Left eye is emerald green with a teeny sliver of hazel-green, right eye is pale ice-blue. Height: Short. Inherited from her mumma, Aerys!
Build: Petite with subtle curves.
Defining Features: Her eyes.
Piercings: Several but only ever have jewelry in her ears. Scars: She's missing a toe.
PERSONALITY Strengths: A good listener, always wanting to learn (sorry for my million questions), mostly takes time to help others even if she is busy/wants to do something else. Creative, very dedicated to something when she gets motivated. Kind & Compassionate (mostly). Fiercely loyal to following Mother Moon's teachings through the Canticle. Truthful.
Weaknesses: Gets distracted easily. Stubborn about certain things. Memory issues/Forgetful. She wants to do too many things at once.
Attitude: Has a can-do attitude, usuallay compassionate and helpful. Respectful. Morals: Values honesty, respect, and not hiding what your feelings/intentions are. Pet Peeves: People who don't understand personal boundries, general stupidity and disrespect to your elders.
Best way to piss me off: Lying/dishonesty. People who complain about something and still do *nothing*. Best way to get on my good side: Be honest and kind, give her orchids and cupcakes/sweets.
FAVORITES Colour: White/Silver/Blue Tertiary: Healing (though she recently took up Hexes and still needs to learn)
Tertiary Skill: Sacrifice or Farheal.
Primary Skill: Being able to summon fae!
Location: An ancient cherry tree in the Moondancers guildhall.
God/Goddess: Lisaera (though she still likes Shikari, shh!)
Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Aramel and @Crek Artifact (don't have to own): Candy box.
Commodity: Sugar. Animal: Wolf / her eagle / and now her lioness
Item owned: Her athame. Village/forest/region: Tolborolla
Memory: She has so many! I'll give two: When Lord-and-Lady @Mysrai gave her a special poppy and when she had to do the quest to become a Cavalier - bonding with her eagle was very special (which tied in before she left Serenwilde, there was a mini-event with Bandrui where she told Anita that her eagle loved her very much)
Song: Ellindel's Song.
Drink: Tea! Though @Elarin is trying to get her hooked on champagne.
MINDSET Goals: To help Serenwilde and the Coven grow and flourish. Amibitions: Now that she hit demigoddess, her goal would be to win one of the Seals
(possibly trying for TA, ha!) And otherwise helping the forest and
Coven grow and flourish, try to motivate people.
Nemesis: Can't even think of one, but Avurekhos's leaving upset her much, especially when he attacked her for defending EtherSeren.
Best personal achievement: That one time a cupcake she designed came 2nd place in the Beauty Seal! Worst personal achievement: Probably changing the Moondancer advancement system and leaving for Glomdoring on the same day.
Proudest moment: Becoming a demigoddess. Most shameful moment: Arguing with her father as she left for Glomdoring, and still not made-up with him.
If I could make one wish: As above, that she could make-up with her father one day.
Why you should hate her: She can be over-bearing sometimes with giving sweets/cakes/happiness
Why you should love her: She's a good listener and friend, wants to help you, kind, will mostly stop what she's doing for you and of course, gives sweets and cakes!
Why you should fear her: She will eventually try to kick your butt when she learns to use her skills
Why she is harmless: She hasn't a clue what she's doing most of the time, and will likely want to be your friend unless you give her reason otherwise.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: No cities, all nature. Plenty of orchids and other flowers. More sweets and candy.
Hair: As a Trill - lots of fiery feathers. As faeling or human - short fiery reds and oranges.
Eyes: Left is Icy blue, right is polychromatic
Height: Various (yay changling)
Build: Lithe
Defining Features: Long list here. Ceremonial scars all over him, his unusual eyes, the jagged scars around his eyes. These persist through all changeling forms.
Piercings: none
Scars: Ceremonial scars all over. Yay Nekotai rituals!
Strengths: Loyal, dedicated, and eccentric.
Weaknesses: Combat, sap stories, and family.
Attitude: Typically very reserved.
Morals: He believes in truth and loyalty above all else.
Pet Peeves: Trying to impose upon someone's freedom.
Best way to piss me off: Betrayal. Nothing bothers him deeper than that.
Best way to get on my good side: Seeking the pathway to enlightenment.
Color: Saffron (or any other yellow)
Tertiary: Tarot
Tertiary Skill: D'varsh
Primary Skill: Transmology
Location: Stone of Many Stars, Mysrai's realm, and the Sunstone Sanctuary
God/Goddess: Mysrai
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Ragniliff or Dylara as head of the Stormcrows
Artifact (don't have to own): Changeling Cameo
Commodity: Gems
Animal: Egregore
Item owned: The shifting poppy from Mysrai
Village/forest/region: Vortex, Zoaka, and the Shifting City
NPC: Brennan Stormcrow
Memory: He has lived a long, long life. So there are quite a few memories. But currently his favorite one is of first interacting with Breandryn.
Song: -
Drink: Either Psychedelic Whiskey or a good white tea.
Goals: To see the Illuminati prosper
Ambitions: Return to a life free of leadership responsibilities
Nemesis: -
Rival: -
Best Friend: Breandryn, Rolan, Seraku, Riluna, his siblings.
Idol: Tzaraziko
Best personal achievement: Becoming Beloved in Saffron
Worst personal achievement: Being a part of the Kalin group that secretly controlled Gaudiguch.
Proudest moment: Finally accepting the call to Grand Cipher (was his lot to be one since day 1, but he gave it up)
Most shameful moment: Tearing out his eyes. Yes, Xypher is kinda extreme.
Why you should hate him: He carries a lot of secrets and won't share
Why you should love him: He wants to push everyone to be their true selves as his eye reveals to him. So he never means ill, though sometimes he is very firm.
Why you should fear him: He is the head of the illuminati.
Why he harmless: He has no capability or liking to fighting.
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: He doesn't need to rule the world. He was King of Gaudiguch once, and that was way more than his psychedelic mind could handle.
THE LOOK Hair: Black, one long braid, knee-length. Hair probably calf or ankle length unbraided.
Eyes: Bright green and curious. Height: Tiny, for shoulder-sitting.
Build: Slender
Defining Features: Eyes.
Piercings: Ears Scars: None, but I should probably add a few by now for all the shark shenanigans.
PERSONALITY Strengths: Kind and loyal. Extremely open and honest. Can (almost) always understand someone else's side of the story if they tell it. She will help you with anything you ask, as much as she's able.
Weaknesses: Lack of attention span. Has trouble comprehending: 1- changes 2- lies 3 - certain rules 4 - unkindness. Her opinion of you is easily influenced by cake. And because she can (almost) always understand/empathize with someone else's side of a story, it's difficult to get her to adhere to any ideological standpoints. Her extreme openness does not work out well for saying anything confidential around her, because she will repeat every single thing she's heard, said, or saw to anyone who asks. If you want her to keep something secret, you had better specify that it was a secret and should not be repeated. She will struggle with this concept, but will do it, because you asked.
Attitude: Friendly. Likes you immediately upon meeting you. You're interesting! Until you're mean, then maybe she won't love you anymore. Unless you give her cake, in which case she'll probably face an existential crisis. Stubbornly attached to the idea that everybody is wonderful, and if they're not, there's a good reason for it, and it can be fixed. Morals: There's no reason to hurt anybody unless you have to defend yourself. Pet Peeves: People who take her innocent nature and flighty attention span for stupidity.
Best way to piss her off: Lying, being rude, or having no better reason for attacking someone than "I felt like it." Best way to get on her good side: 1: Exist. 2: Be nice. 3: Have cake, or be pro-cake. 4: Be fluffy (any sort of fur will do). 5: Be tall and okay with having your shoulder sat upon. 6: Affectionate gestures - hugs, hair ruffles, even smiles. 7: Take her seriously when she says she's Danger Sized.
FAVORITES Colour: Shades of purple (lavender, violet, etc.), shades of yellow (honey, gold, etc.). Not at the same time. Tertiary: idk
Tertiary Skill: Not much of a skills person really
Primary Skill: Whacking stuff with a stick. Location: Inside the Pool of Stars.
God/Goddess: So far, Darvellan because he was nice when he spoke to her and funny.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): All of them so far! @Eldanien@Eicia@Malikai Artifact (don't have to own): Don't know much about artifacts!
Commodity: n/a Animal: @Auriella's ryujin, also firefly squids and tae'dae cubs.
Item owned: A fae-ridden tapestry coat bedecked with jewelled candy, by @Thayan Village/forest/region: Inner Sea
Memory: Being asked to join a family and have parents and stuff. She was feeling very lonely and out of place in Celest with nobody like herself around. A faeling-in-water story, so to speak.
Song: n/a
Drink: Probably tea, I don't think she's had anything else.
MINDSET Goals: To learn about her background, who her original parents were, why she was called to Celest when everyone insists she belongs in a forest. Amibitions: To become just like her heroes in Celest and to be super important to the city that someone will make statues of her everywhere, too. And maybe to grow an inch or two.
Nemesis: Anyone who is mean or rude just to be mean or rude. But she's likely to forget about it after a while.
Idol: Probably @Bleuu. But she's in awe of/idolizes most of (who she would consider) the Celest OGs like @Romaan@Tridemon@Havastus@Lorina... and so on and so on
Best personal achievement: She made a cake! People liked it! Worst personal achievement: Tried to come assist to defend against raiders. Was straight up murdered in .004 seconds. Womp womp.
Proudest moment: Lighting that 45th beacon. Most shameful moment: Attacked a guy who was hitting her. Got immediately enemied to Gaudiguch.
If I could make one wish: Get unenemied to Gaudiguch. Rey no likey enemy statuses. Grates against her nature.
Why you should hate her: Pfft.
Why you should love her: Once you become her friend, she'll be loyal to you to the day she dies. It's possible to change this, but you have to be trying really hard to MAKE her hate you or she won't do it.
Why you should fear her: She's hell bent on world domination and bringing into existence an unending era of complete submission to her tyrannical rule.
Why she is harmless: She has not yet figured out how to accomplish this, and is probably going to try to logic everyone into it. That will likely go just as you would expect.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: There will be cake. Oh, yes. There will be cake.
Best personal achievement: Reaching circle 80...finally.
Worst personal achievement: Getting helplessly lost around every corner
Proudest moment: Joining Mag
Most shameful moment: Death by drinking whiskey
Why you should hate her: lolz.
Why you should love her: She’d give you the shirt off her back if you asked for it, she is eager to please and is usually agreeable. (Until she isn’t)
Why you should fear her: She’s not as clueless as she makes herself out to be.
Why she is harmless: Offer her a cookie and she’s your best friend
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Cookies running everywhere...but no, really, support from her where-ever she may end up. But will ask for someone’s head if they displease her.
Edit: as of the writing of this---the horse DID die...
Hair: Dusky pink. It is shorter at the sides and longer at the middle, falling over to one side or the other and swirling delicately.
Eyes: Sparkly and green. Height: Slightly above average for a Faeling (3').
Build: Slim and smooth.
Defining Features: Their relative androgyny and demeanor, surely.
Piercings: None yet! Scars: None yet!
Strengths: Very loving and caring. Values understanding above all. Excellent listener and navigator of social situations despite their apparent naivety.
Weaknesses: Some would say prone to being emotional, but they're actually very strong emotionally. Their biggest weakness is probably simply their incapacity to inflict pain, physical ineptitude and overall lack of confidence to make harsh decisions.
Attitude: Very caring and playful. Morals: They value all and believe in a Greater Good, that is the capacity of everyone to collaborate in making the world better for everyone else. They find this conflicts with most cities and communes and it makes them sad. Pet Peeves: Apathy and zealotry. People who deem emotions weak or lesser than logic.
Best way to piss me off: Be hateful and irrational. Best way to get on my good side: Be a decent bean.
Color: Green/Pink. Skill: Healing.
Tertiary Ability: SUCCOR (HEAL, CURE, EMPATHY)
Primary Ability: RESURGENCE
Location: Under the Moonhart, mostly.
God/Goddess: They've only met Hoaracle and Isune. (They did hear good things about Mysrai and they don't understand why They were bad.)
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Aeldra. Artifact (don't have to own): Beast Collar, probably?
Commodity: Wood. Animal: Spiders! They make beautiful webs!
Item owned: Doll of the White Hart. (First non-decay!!) Village/forest/region: Serenwilde.
NPC: Miakoda?
Memory: Learning Healing with their parents.
Song: Too many!!
Drink: Lemonade!!!
Goals: Become the best healer ever and befriend EVERYONE (ok they realize the last one is not that realistic but in a perfect world). Amibitions: Confirmed Best Healer and Best Friend Ever.
Nemesis: ???
Rival: ???
Best Friend: ... Good question.
Idol: Mother Moon.
Best personal achievement: Reaching 80th circle? (soon) Worst personal achievement: Crying about quitting their guild and then coming back immediately after realizing they'd done a silly.
I didn't like the summary ones because they make me feel like I'm telling you how to feel about them. Build your own opinions damn it!!!
Best personal achievement: God telling him he's doing well Worst personal achievement: Dropping poisoned foods in Hallifax and getting enemied
Proudest moment: - Most shameful moment: -
If I could have one wish: a giant bunny
Why you should hate him: No
Why you should love him: Because he just wants to help you
Why you should fear her: He might actually kill you by being too rough when hugging
Why he is harmless: He's not smart enough to do anything too complex
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Bunnies, free food and general feel good
The deep, rumbling voice of Weiwae says from within your heart, "I am so happy to hear of your progress, and I thank you for bringing my influence over more shards of My Brother Tae."
Character Name: Faeie Hartfire Full title: Faeie Hartfire, Hearty Healer
Race: Dirty Human (A short one)
Gender: Non-Binary/Gender-Fluid Guild: Celestines
City/Commune: New Celest
Order: Weiwae (Mender of Broken Hearts)
THE LOOK (Profile pic!)
Hair: Dusky pink. It is shorter at the sides and longer at the middle, falling over to one side or the other and swirling delicately.
Eyes: Sparkly and green. Height: Short (5')
Build: Fairly fit but smooth.
Defining Features: Their relative androgyny and demeanor, surely.
Piercings: None yet! Scars: None yet!
Strengths: Very loving and caring. Values understanding above all. Excellent listener and navigator of social situations despite their apparent naivety.
Weaknesses: Some would say prone to being emotional, but they're actually very strong emotionally. Their biggest weakness is probably simply their incapacity to inflict pain, physical ineptitude and overall lack of confidence to make harsh decisions.
Attitude: Very caring and playful. Morals: They value all and believe in a Greater Good, that is the capacity of everyone to collaborate in making the world better for everyone else. They find this conflicts with most cities and communes and it makes them sad. Pet Peeves: Apathy and zealotry. People who deem emotions weak or lesser than logic.
Best way to piss me off: Be hateful and irrational. Best way to get on my good side: Be a decent bean.
Color: Green/Pink. Skill: Healing.
Tertiary Ability: SUCCOR (HEAL, CURE, EMPATHY)
Location: New Celest.
God/Goddess: Weiwae
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Aeldra. Artifact (don't have to own): Beast Collar, probably?
Commodity: ??? Animal: Pegasi.
Item owned: Metric Ton of Flowers. Village/forest/region: ???
NPC: Raziela.
Memory: Joining Weiwae's order.
Song: Too many!!
Drink: Lemonade!!!
Goals: Become the best healer ever and befriend EVERYONE (ok they realize the last one is not that realistic but in a perfect world). Amibitions: Becoming the head of the Celestines (or the new faction, whenever it comes)
Best personal achievement: Reached 80th circle! Worst personal achievement: Crying about quitting their guild and then coming back immediately after realizing they'd done a silly. And then joining a different guild anyway.
Update! I guess! I'll stop after this one I swear.
Eyes: Blue Height: Slightly taller than average for a merian
Build: Slim, bordering on athletic.
Defining Features: TBD
Piercings: None Scars: Scar running over his left eye and down his left cheek. A second, broader scar running diagonally over his chest.
Strengths: Calm, fatherly attitude. Willing to take on roles of leadership when required.
Weaknesses: Can be a little too set in his beliefs due to his age (read: Grumpy old fart at times)
Attitude: Friendly and welcoming, though can harbour grudges against past enemies. Will overlook grudges for greater good. Morals: Dedicated to the light, can't stand Magnagora or the taint. Pet Peeves: Nepotism/Despotism.
Best way to piss me off: Abuse your authority. Best way to get on my good side: Be helpful to others, show a kind and caring attitude.
Color: Blue Tertiary: Tarot Tertiary Skill: Let me get back to you on that.
Primary Skill: Inquisition
Location: The Hall of Meditation in his manse, or @Weiwae's fulcrux.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Don't really have a 'favourite'. Artifact (don't have to own): Mask of Esteemed Beauty
Commodity: Any food-related ones. >_> Animal: His Mizuchi, Emeraude (for those who have no idea what a mizuchi is, it's basically a water guardian shaped not unlike a leviathan)
Item owned: His symbol, Umbra Tenuitas Village/forest/region: Tosha Monastery
NPC: Let me get back to you on that.
Memory: Finally achieving one of his life ambitions and becoming an Avatar.
Song: He doesn't sing.
Drink: He doesn't drink - he had a bit of a drinking problem in his youth.
Goals: Become a master of the Open Hand of Abanoi Amibitions: That's a secret >_>
Nemesis: Would say at one point it would have been Leolamins or Silvanus, but haven't seen them around in ages.
Best personal achievement: Becoming an Avatar. Worst personal achievement: Leaving @Eventru's order after a difference of opinions with Him during the Zenos event
Proudest moment: Becoming @Weiwae's Avatar Most shameful moment: Not telling.
If I could make one wish: Would like Kagato to become an Ascendant one day, but that won't be happening due to my distaste for PvP.
Why you should hate her: He can be a bit too set in his ways and be particularly hard-headed/stubborn.
Why you should love her: He will not hesitate to help people that have not gotten on his bad side, within reason.
Why you should fear her: He has knowledge and wisdom and will not hesitate to give one an intellectual man-beating if they get on his bad side.
Why he is harmless: He is EXTREMELY patient and rarely holds a grudge, with a couple of exceptions.
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Harmony.
Never put passion before principle. Even if you win, you lose.
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
Discord: Rey#1460
Given Name: Xeii
Song: @Allyrianne's Duet of Shards.
https://estelss16.deviantart.com/, visit if interested.
Character Name: Kistan
Race: Viscanti
Gender: Male
Guild: Minstrels
City/Commune: Gaudiguch
Order: None
Hair: Short and black at the moment. He plays around with illusions a lot and I sometimes forget the original
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6 foot or just slightly under
Build: Average. Maybe a little soft due to a life of ease
Defining Features: Little horns and a tail. Mostly the tail. Definitely the tail.
Piercings: Eyebrow (that can be seen) – a lovely peacock
Scars: None
Strengths: Has absolute confidence in himself. Rarely if ever feels doubt outside of his manse.
Weaknesses: Women. So easily distracted. One in particular but women in general.
Attitude: A bit of a flirt. Very outgoing. Will talk to anyone and quickly develop an opinion on anything
Morals: of an alley cat? Feels something is missing in his life. Thinks it is to do with him not having a family and being a viscanti outside Magnagora. Makes him feel the need to be loved. Once he has more solid foundations, he becomes much more loyal.
Pet Peeves: Indifference. Love him, hate him, just don’t ignore him. And cold – spends winter on the fire plane
Best way to piss me off: Ignore him
Best way to get on my good side: Play him some music
Color: Blue
Tertiary: Illusions
Tertiary Skill: illusion
Primary Skill: Music
Location: Aetherplex with the other reprobates, watching the world go by
God/Goddess: Drocilla
Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Talan, even before she was
Artifact (don't have to own): All of them? I have a huge pile of credits and can’t decide what to spend them on – I want them all
Commodity: Milk
Animal: Dragon
Item owned: Rainbow scarf
Village/forest/region: Mount Zoaka
NPC: I need to get out more
Memory: First kiss
Song: Too many to count – collects them from other bards. Lets go with the Ballad of @Hezbit
Drink: Whiskey when moping over women, otherwise wine
Goals: Seem to change regularly – was going to try and go back to Magnagora once he had got his youthful exuberance out of his system. Would still like to be adopted by a Magnagoran family but having met more of them, is having doubts
Ambitions: See out the world stage
Nemesis: I should get one of these – @Elarin?
Rival: Does not consider himself to have any rivals
Best Friend: @Thayan. Though once his fear of @Enadonella fades, Enadonella. Or if @Nikkakorra comes back, her. Anyone who talks to him for long enough really
Idol: @Eleniel – so good and wholesome
Best personal achievement: She won’t let me say
Worst personal achievement: The pile of books sitting there waiting to be finished
Proudest moment: Seeing his first book in the library
Most shameful moment: First time drinking whiskey
Why you should hate him: His arrogance, sense of entitlement, the confidence with which he breezes through the world like he owns it
Why you should love him: Once you get past that, he is just fabulous! Wicked sense of humour, a willingness to try anything at least once, a love of performing
Why you should fear him: Do you have daughters? Hide them! Never let them see him, they will run away with him
Why he is harmless: He is a bard. With a lute. Could not be more harmless
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: No work to get done but it would be a beautiful place. Until the illusions faded
Character Name: Rhi
Race: Elfen
Gender: Female
Guild: Illuminati
City/Commune: Gaudiguch
Order: Mysrai
Hair: I realize I don't actually have it in my description but it's brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5ish feet tall
Build: Skeleton
Defining Features: Damaged lip
Piercings: none
Scars: Lip
Strengths: Studious
Weaknesses: Crowds, combat, pressure.
Attitude: Positive
Morals: All life is valuable and every person deserves a chance, and a second, a third for good measure.
Pet Peeves: Willingly ignorant people
Best way to piss me off: Kill her
Best way to get on my good side: Talk about poetry or history
Color: Red
Tertiary: Astrology (she likes star gazing)
Tertiary Skill: -
Primary Skill: Influence
Location: Anywhere as long as she can go unnoticed
God/Goddess: Mysrai
Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Xypher is the only one I've had
Artifact (don't have to own): Changeling Cameo
Commodity: Wood (for paper)
Animal: Butterfly
Item owned: a sandy journal graced with a fiery red nymph
Village/forest/region: -
NPC: -
Memory: Paradigmatics with @Breandryn / a close second: every time she meets someone who is nice to her
Song: -
Drink: Bromides
Goals: Read all the books accessible to her
Ambitions: Basin known poet
Nemesis: -
Rival: -
Best Friend: I don't think she has any really close friends besides @Breandryn and maybe @Talan because of their common interest in learning
Idol: I'm not going to say
Best personal achievement: Creating Sishi
Worst personal achievement: Forgetting to read a scroll for a ritual
Proudest moment: Proposing to @Danquik
Most shameful moment: Killing the defenseless orc at the Portal of Fate (hasn't killed since)
Why you should hate her: She is so...you know?
Why you should love her: She's the sweetest person Gaudiguch has and will give you the robes off her back if you need it
Why you should fear her: I am in the Illuminati, I'll mess up your paradigms
Why she is harmless: She absolutely refuses to fight
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Poetry readings every
Character Name: Orventa Trueflight-Onz'verheu
Hair: Complex curly/braided mohawk/deathawk, lots of gems woven in.
Height: 5 ft (tall ish for a faeling)
Scars: nada
Strengths: Trustworthy, loyal, sticks to her guns. Compassisonate.
Morals: Hates violence for violence's sake. She's a staunch non-comm. She'll hunt and kill only if necessary for survival/self defense.
Pet Peeves: Liars.
Best way to get on her good side: Give her sweets and exchange recipe ideas
Color: Blue
Tertiary: Healing
Animal: Turilira
Village/forest/region: Faethorn
Goals: To boldly go where no one has gone before... Seek out new life... new civilizations: Find Jojobo and beg the people there for cocoa trees, adopt more siblings, befriend a nimbuli and coronuli, get Demi.
Ambitions: Patron of the Arts
Worst personal achievement: Reaching 90th circle in [redacted] years of playing
Most shameful moment: [redacted]
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
Character Name: Danquik
Race: Dracnari
Gender: Male
Guild: Illuminati
City/Commune: Gaudiguch
Order: Mysrai
Hair: None he is a TREX
Eyes: Filled with the hunger of his ancestors
Height: 7ish feet tall
Build: He is a TREX
Defining Features: His short TREX arms
Piercings: none
Scars: None
Strengths: Quiet, serious, playful, TREX
Weaknesses: His short stubby arms
Attitude: Positive
Morals: Eat it first, ask questions later
Pet Peeves: Bovine sex in the Aetherplex
Best way to piss me off: Be a Monk
Best way to get on my good side: Don't be a Monk
Color: Red
Tertiary: All of them!
Tertiary Skill: -
Primary Skill: He is Illuminati he doesn't need skill, he has an Entourage.
Location: Anywhere stupid people are not
God/Goddess: Mysrai
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Not a large enough pool to choose from right now.
Artifact (don't have to own): POGO STICK
Commodity: None
Animal: None
Item owned: POGO STICK
Village/forest/region: -
NPC: -
Memory: When @Rhi proposed
Song: -
Drink: Whiskey
Goals: Rule the world
Ambitions: See Above
Nemesis: -
Rival: -
Best Friend: @Breandryn @Talan @Rhi
Idol: None
Best personal achievement: Pulling off Illuminates (that people say cannot be done)
Worst personal achievement: Tumbling into the enemy group and not having mending/regeneration for stupid Monks
Proudest moment: Tumbling out of enemy group and remembering how to Gedulah
Most shameful moment: Standing there deffing up while the enemy group comes and kills me anyways
Why you should hate him: He is Illuminati
Why you should love him: He has a Pogo Stick
Why you should fear him: He is a TREX on a Pogo Stick
Why he is harmless: He is a TREX on a Pogo Stick
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Pogo Sticks for everyone!
Why can't I have a love button! Please sir, may I have some more?
Hair: Sandy, medium length
Height: Average
Scars: None
Strengths: Confident, able to bottle up emotions, energetic beyond measure when she catches the drive.
Morals: Adherent to the code of paladins.
Pet Peeves: Clueless people, time-wasting people, hopelessly romantic people
Best way to get on my good side: Be sincere with her.
Color: Silver
Tertiary: Athletics
Artifact (don't have to own): Too many favorites!
Animal: Fish, all those pretty colors!
Village/forest/region: i'Xiaa asylum and the mugwumps search for cure.
Goals: Getting knighted, getting bloodbonded with her mother officially.
Amibitions: Discovering cure for the insanity Alakar concocted.
Worst personal achievement: Not doing anything productive during an entire weave.
Most shameful moment: Showing her crazy to her mentor.
you should do it, too, unless your favourite god is still Isune.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
Character Name: Kendra
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Guild: Moondancers
City/Commune: Glumdoring and Serenwilde
Order: None
Hair: Long, dark hair with red and purple streaks
Eyes: Green and violet
Height: 6 foot'ish
Build: Sturdy
Defining Features: Traits of another bloodline
Piercings: Ears
Scars: None
Strengths: Resolute. Independent. Compassionate. Eager. Selfless.
Weaknesses: Just the one.
Attitude: Mostly warm and nurturing, fiercely loyal, but can be cold if she thinks it's required. Everything is water off a ducks back. Firm. Stubborn. Ill tempered. Down with conformity. Rebellious. Dislikes laws and rules.
Morals: Treat others how you wish to be treated. Lives freely. Keeps to herself unless needed.
Pet Peeves: Jaded attitude, bitterness, chip-on-shoulder syndrome, acting too sweet, drama queens.
Best way to piss me off: Only one person can. Can't let him know that.
Best way to get on my good side: Music, Aetherhunting, Hunting, Poems, Stories, Friendship, Tonics.
Color: Black
Tertiary: Wicca
Tertiary Skill: Hexes
Primary Skill: Moondance
Location: Undervaults, wandering the lands and getting lost...
God/Goddess: Undecided.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Rancoura was neat. (!st Guild Mistress) Ryboi&Aeldra
Artifact (don't have to own): Magical one. Want more. Need more.
Commodity: Alcohol.
Animal: Spider.
Item owned: He-who-shall-not-be-named
. J/K. Enchantment artithingymabob
Village/forest/region: Everywhere.
NPC: Ridien.
Memory: Joining Serenwilde.
Song: Has to be @Kilian song
Drink: Rum. Mostly Wine.
Goals: Get a family. Complete her half-finished guild tasks. Continue to gain circles. Continue with @Saz and @Aramel training. Continue to listen to @Tristanna teachings. Lead more Aetherhunts, because she can pilot and whatnot. More quests!
Ambitions: Put on a musical performance, build a ship. Learn more stuff.
Nemesis: Herself? Mismatched clothing? Nobody.
Rival: Nobody.
Best Friend: @Avalni
. @Issey @Tartanus
Idol: @Tristanna - Aspiring to be more like her.
Best personal achievement: That would really be letting the cat out of the bag.
Worst personal achievement: Unfinished tasks.
Proudest moment: Completing her first honours quest. Learning to fly the Songbird.
Most shameful moment: Drinking rum and blowing up her crew.
Why you should hate her: She will deflect you like light off of water..? She's quick to the cut. Sharp sickle. Reserved- Watches everything.
Why you should love her: Will do anything for anyone. Compassionate. Fiercely loyal. Strong sense of independence. Eager, questions everything, loves to learn, loves music, loves to perform. Wicked sense of humor.
Why you should fear her: Well thought out.
Why she is harmless: Completely oblivious.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: No rules, laws, banning, enemying. Everyone free to visit each city, people could sort out their fights between them. Don't like Jo next door? Fine. Go steal his washing off the line.
Character Name: Anita Zayah
Hair: Snow-white, long, tight curly ringlets. / snow-white fur.
Height: Short. Inherited from her mumma, Aerys!
Scars: She's missing a toe.
Strengths: A good listener, always wanting to learn (sorry for my million questions), mostly takes time to help others even if she is busy/wants to do something else. Creative, very dedicated to something when she gets motivated. Kind & Compassionate (mostly). Fiercely loyal to following Mother Moon's teachings through the Canticle. Truthful.
Morals: Values honesty, respect, and not hiding what your feelings/intentions are.
Pet Peeves: People who don't understand personal boundries, general stupidity and disrespect to your elders.
Best way to get on my good side: Be honest and kind, give her orchids and cupcakes/sweets.
Colour: White/Silver/Blue
Tertiary: Healing (though she recently took up Hexes and still needs to learn)
Artifact (don't have to own): Candy box.
Animal: Wolf / her eagle / and now her lioness
Village/forest/region: Tolborolla
Goals: To help Serenwilde and the Coven grow and flourish.
Amibitions: Now that she hit demigoddess, her goal would be to win one of the Seals (possibly trying for TA, ha!) And otherwise helping the forest and Coven grow and flourish, try to motivate people.
Worst personal achievement: Probably changing the Moondancer advancement system and leaving for Glomdoring on the same day.
Most shameful moment: Arguing with her father as she left for Glomdoring, and still not made-up with him.
Character Name: Xypher Stormcrow
Race: Changeling
Gender: Male
Guild: Illuminati
City/Commune: Gaudiguch
Order: Mysrai
Hair: As a Trill - lots of fiery feathers. As faeling or human - short fiery reds and oranges.
Eyes: Left is Icy blue, right is polychromatic
Height: Various (yay changling)
Build: Lithe
Defining Features: Long list here. Ceremonial scars all over him, his unusual eyes, the jagged scars around his eyes. These persist through all changeling forms.
Piercings: none
Scars: Ceremonial scars all over. Yay Nekotai rituals!
Strengths: Loyal, dedicated, and eccentric.
Weaknesses: Combat, sap stories, and family.
Attitude: Typically very reserved.
Morals: He believes in truth and loyalty above all else.
Pet Peeves: Trying to impose upon someone's freedom.
Best way to piss me off: Betrayal. Nothing bothers him deeper than that.
Best way to get on my good side: Seeking the pathway to enlightenment.
Color: Saffron (or any other yellow)
Tertiary: Tarot
Tertiary Skill: D'varsh
Primary Skill: Transmology
Location: Stone of Many Stars, Mysrai's realm, and the Sunstone Sanctuary
God/Goddess: Mysrai
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Ragniliff or Dylara as head of the Stormcrows
Artifact (don't have to own): Changeling Cameo
Commodity: Gems
Animal: Egregore
Item owned: The shifting poppy from Mysrai
Village/forest/region: Vortex, Zoaka, and the Shifting City
NPC: Brennan Stormcrow
Memory: He has lived a long, long life. So there are quite a few memories. But currently his favorite one is of first interacting with Breandryn.
Song: -
Drink: Either Psychedelic Whiskey or a good white tea.
Goals: To see the Illuminati prosper
Ambitions: Return to a life free of leadership responsibilities
Nemesis: -
Rival: -
Best Friend: Breandryn, Rolan, Seraku, Riluna, his siblings.
Idol: Tzaraziko
Best personal achievement: Becoming Beloved in Saffron
Worst personal achievement: Being a part of the Kalin group that secretly controlled Gaudiguch.
Proudest moment: Finally accepting the call to Grand Cipher (was his lot to be one since day 1, but he gave it up)
Most shameful moment: Tearing out his eyes. Yes, Xypher is kinda extreme.
Why you should hate him: He carries a lot of secrets and won't share
Why you should love him: He wants to push everyone to be their true selves as his eye reveals to him. So he never means ill, though sometimes he is very firm.
Why you should fear him: He is the head of the illuminati.
Why he harmless: He has no capability or liking to fighting.
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: He doesn't need to rule the world. He was King of Gaudiguch once, and that was way more than his psychedelic mind could handle.
Hair: Black, one long braid, knee-length. Hair probably calf or ankle length unbraided.
Height: Tiny, for shoulder-sitting.
Scars: None, but I should probably add a few by now for all the shark shenanigans.
Strengths: Kind and loyal. Extremely open and honest. Can (almost) always understand someone else's side of the story if they tell it. She will help you with anything you ask, as much as she's able.
Morals: There's no reason to hurt anybody unless you have to defend yourself.
Pet Peeves: People who take her innocent nature and flighty attention span for stupidity.
Best way to get on her good side: 1: Exist. 2: Be nice. 3: Have cake, or be pro-cake. 4: Be fluffy (any sort of fur will do). 5: Be tall and okay with having your shoulder sat upon. 6: Affectionate gestures - hugs, hair ruffles, even smiles. 7: Take her seriously when she says she's Danger Sized.
Colour: Shades of purple (lavender, violet, etc.), shades of yellow (honey, gold, etc.). Not at the same time.
Tertiary: idk
Location: Inside the Pool of Stars.
Artifact (don't have to own): Don't know much about artifacts!
Animal: @Auriella's ryujin, also firefly squids and tae'dae cubs.
Village/forest/region: Inner Sea
Goals: To learn about her background, who her original parents were, why she was called to Celest when everyone insists she belongs in a forest.
Amibitions: To become just like her heroes in Celest and to be super important to the city that someone will make statues of her everywhere, too. And maybe to grow an inch or two.
Worst personal achievement: Tried to come assist to defend against raiders. Was straight up murdered in .004 seconds. Womp womp.
Most shameful moment: Attacked a guy who was hitting her. Got immediately enemied to Gaudiguch.
Character Name: Mairin
Family Name: Feyranti
Race: Viscanti
Gender: Female
Guild: Geomancers
City/Commune: Magnagora
Order: None
Hair: Long auburn hair, wavy/messy more often than not
Eyes: blue and gold
Height: around 5’2
Build: Slender
Defining Features: Her eyes
Piercings: None
Scars: Her palm
Strengths: Eager, loyal to those she cares for, willing to please
Weaknesses: Sometimes being -too kind- and naive.
Attitude: Whimsically whimsical. She'll do things because it is required of her, but really, she'd love to just play in the dirt and bake cookies.
Morals: ..Are a bit skewed.
Pet Peeves: When people don’t say hello or take her cookies
Best way to piss me off: Insulting her,her family, or City
Best way to get on my good side: Sugar, cookies, a flower, some dirt
Color: purple and red
God/Goddess: Undecided.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Nefara @Iosen @Rideta --essentially all her favourite people
Artifact (don't have to own): None
Commodity: Cookies
Animal: currently--her horse, until she probably kills it
Item owned: her nose
Village/forest/region: Top of the Tower in Magnagora
NPC: None--but must fix this.
Memory: First meeting of @Rideta
Song: The cookie song
Drink: Bubbles
Goals: Bettering herself in the Guild, furthering the advancement of her family
Ambitions: More honors lines
Nemesis: None
Rival: None
Best Friend: @Avurekhos
Idol: @Rideta --she’s always looked up to her
Best personal achievement: Reaching circle 80...finally.
Worst personal achievement: Getting helplessly lost around every corner
Proudest moment: Joining Mag
Most shameful moment: Death by drinking whiskey
Why you should hate her: lolz.
Why you should love her: She’d give you the shirt off her back if you asked for it, she is eager to please and is usually agreeable. (Until she isn’t)
Why you should fear her: She’s not as clueless as she makes herself out to be.
Why she is harmless: Offer her a cookie and she’s your best friend
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Cookies running everywhere...but no, really, support from her where-ever she may end up. But will ask for someone’s head if they displease her.
Full title: Floral Friend Faeie Hartfire, Hearty Healer
Guild: Moondancers
THE LOOK (Edit: Profile pic!)
Hair: Dusky pink. It is shorter at the sides and longer at the middle, falling over to one side or the other and swirling delicately.
Height: Slightly above average for a Faeling (3').
Scars: None yet!
Strengths: Very loving and caring. Values understanding above all. Excellent listener and navigator of social situations despite their apparent naivety.
Morals: They value all and believe in a Greater Good, that is the capacity of everyone to collaborate in making the world better for everyone else. They find this conflicts with most cities and communes and it makes them sad.
Pet Peeves: Apathy and zealotry. People who deem emotions weak or lesser than logic.
Best way to get on my good side: Be a decent bean.
Color: Green/Pink.
Skill: Healing.
Artifact (don't have to own): Beast Collar, probably?
Animal: Spiders! They make beautiful webs!
Village/forest/region: Serenwilde.
Goals: Become the best healer ever and befriend EVERYONE (ok they realize the last one is not that realistic but in a perfect world).
Amibitions: Confirmed Best Healer and Best Friend Ever.
Worst personal achievement: Crying about quitting their guild and then coming back immediately after realizing they'd done a silly.
Anyway that's Faeie for ya.
Guild: Paladins
Eyes: Silvery gold
Height: Almost 7 feet
Strengths: Very loving and caring.
Morals: They're currently under construction
Pet Peeves: Rudeness
Best way to get on my good side: Be nice
Color: White
Skill: Admiration
Location: Tolborolla
Artifact (don't have to own): Rune of Charity
Animal: Rabbits
Village/forest/region: Tolborolla...
Goals: -
Ambitions: -
Worst personal achievement: Dropping poisoned foods in Hallifax and getting enemied
Most shameful moment: -
A fun game of how often can I say @Yomoigu in one survey
Character Name: Tirah Mzithrei
Race: Trill
Gender: Female
Guild: Pyromancers
City/Commune: Gaudiguch
Order: Yomoigu
Hair: Chin length, red plumage
Eyes: Dark blue
Height: Short
Build: Androgynous/Aerodynamic/Waif
Piercings: Varies
Scars: None
Strengths: Great fashion sense. Talking people into things. Convincing.
Weaknesses: Possessive, both of people, wealth and objects. Short attention span.
Attitude: Laidback.
Morals: Peace loving.
Best way to piss her off: Underpay, bore her, try to force her into doing something.
Best way to get on her good side: Let her dress you, tip her well for her work, let her talk to you about Lord Yomoigu and why he is the best.
Colour: Black
Skill: Influence and Arts
Tertiary Skill: Dreamweaving
Primary Skill: Pyromancy
Location: Dreamworld
God/Goddess: Yomoigu
Guild Master/House Head (all time): n/a
Artifact (don't have to own): Parafilament purse
Commodity: Silk
Animal: Wakabi
Item owned: Yomoigu themed necklace she designed.
Village/forest/region: Crumkindivia
Memory: The times when her parents and siblings all still woke.
Drink: Absinthe and Tequila
Hobbies: Psychodrama, collecting curios, raising beasts
Goals: Become an Avatar
Amibitions: Become a Cult leader
Nemesis: None
Rival: None
Best Friend: Hard to say, probably her mother, Leta
Idol: Iari, Yomoigu, Leta
Proudest moment: Being invited into Yomoigu’s inner circle and named the Soul of Fire
Most shameful moment: Leaving the Minstrels while their GA
If I could make one wish: I would make old friends and family members reappear
Why you should hate her: You should not!
Why you should love her: She is friendly and just wants everyone to get along.
Why you should fear her: Her pranks will find you as a victim too!
Why she is harmless: She is a pacifist (Unless aetherships are involved, then beware!)
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: A free pony for everyone (Paid for by massively increased taxes)
She has changed a bit in about 20 years.
Character Name: Kagato
Full title: Shining Mender, Kagato of the Platinum Lotus
Order: @Weiwae
Hair: Silver/grey.
Height: Slightly taller than average for a merian
Scars: Scar running over his left eye and down his left cheek. A second, broader scar running diagonally over his chest.
Strengths: Calm, fatherly attitude. Willing to take on roles of leadership when required.
Morals: Dedicated to the light, can't stand Magnagora or the taint.
Pet Peeves: Nepotism/Despotism.
Best way to get on my good side: Be helpful to others, show a kind and caring attitude.
Color: Blue
Tertiary: Tarot
Tertiary Skill: Let me get back to you on that.
Artifact (don't have to own): Mask of Esteemed Beauty
Animal: His Mizuchi, Emeraude (for those who have no idea what a mizuchi is, it's basically a water guardian shaped not unlike a leviathan)
Village/forest/region: Tosha Monastery
Goals: Become a master of the Open Hand of Abanoi
Amibitions: That's a secret >_>
Worst personal achievement: Leaving @Eventru's order after a difference of opinions with Him during the Zenos event
Most shameful moment: Not telling.
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?