General Dissatisfaction



  • An update since I was foolish enough to feel genuinely bad for my stepsister. After learning she was rejected from an additional 7 schools, I had the following conversation with my dad:

    Him: So, bad news. We heard from the Ivies this week. She didn't get in anywhere.

    Me: Seriously?

    Him: None of them.

    Me: Not even Princeton? [Legacy]

    Him: Nope.

    Me: Not even Columbia? [Legacy]

    Him: No. We're just... and her mother is just incredibly upset.

    Me: I don't get it. I mean, she's perfect. [She really is.]

    Him: *shakes head* I don't know what happened. I mean, we even hired someone to write her essays.

    Me: Wait, what?

    Him: We hired a professional guy to write all her essays.

    Me: *flabbergasted* Seriously?

    Him: Yeah. What?

    Me: Um, you know that they have software that scans language patterns and checks for plagiarism, right?

    Him: What do you mean?

    Me: I mean they can tell pretty much immediately if she didn't actually write her own essays. What the hell, dad? Why would you do that?

    Him: Oh. Well, it wasn't my call.

    Me: Uh-huh.

    So, mystery solved, and four years of private high school, private tutors, test prep, college prep, fine arts academies, camps, seminars, etc., plus all the community service, volunteer work, and extra-curriculars they could cram into her schedule go completely down the drain. At least she might catch a nap this summer.

    Score one for "cheaters never prosper."


    Vive l'apostrophe!
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear  Like, with all that work, why would you
  • Talan said:


    Lovely.  They basically helped her commit academic suicide.
    Kiss of the Enchantress hisses eerily, "Let them fear, and despair."
  • Talan said:

    <snip />

    ::catches breath::

    Send her to State school.  She might even like it.
  • OK, back onto the ``general dissatisfaction'' genre of this thread...
    yeah, that must really stink! None of them hired Kurt Vonnegut to write your essays on Slaughterhouse Five, did they?  None of them hired NASA to do your Astronomy homework for you, eh? None of them remodeled your dormitory rooms into a 4,200sqft party shack! None of them hired Oingo Boingo to play on the weekend parties!

    You should totally kick their asses! YEAH! I'm madder than all Jebeezus Heck Holy Double Hockey Sticks, and you shouldn't take it anymore!
  • @Talan Whoa. Just... wow. I feel sorry for your sister, probably not her decision.

    Again, I'¨m glad I live in a country where university applicants are invited to entrance exams to test their suitability.
  • edited April 2015
    @Talan Holy Fudgecakes, that's awful!
    is dead like the dodo
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    @Talan - well, that's a rather facepalming moment. Parents, what can you do? Sorry for your sis. Hope things work out.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Sounds like a good opportunity for her to develop goals and values of her own instead of bearing her parents'?
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • edited April 2015
    Thesis draft due for review on Friday and I need to get a script for analysing syllable nuclei to work. Grr.

    PS. Sleep is for the weak.
  • An unrelated rant: been hovering around Lusty all day (around five hours alltogether), met three people.
  • Talan said:

    An update since I was foolish enough to feel genuinely bad for my stepsister. After learning she was rejected from an additional 7 schools, I had the following conversation with my dad:

    Him: So, bad news. We heard from the Ivies this week. She didn't get in anywhere.

    Me: Seriously?

    Him: None of them.

    Me: Not even Princeton? [Legacy]

    Him: Nope.

    Me: Not even Columbia? [Legacy]

    Him: No. We're just... and her mother is just incredibly upset.

    Me: I don't get it. I mean, she's perfect. [She really is.]

    Him: *shakes head* I don't know what happened. I mean, we even hired someone to write her essays.

    Me: Wait, what?

    Him: We hired a professional guy to write all her essays.

    Me: *flabbergasted* Seriously?

    Him: Yeah. What?

    Me: Um, you know that they have software that scans language patterns and checks for plagiarism, right?

    Him: What do you mean?

    Me: I mean they can tell pretty much immediately if she didn't actually write her own essays. What the hell, dad? Why would you do that?

    Him: Oh. Well, it wasn't my call.

    Me: Uh-huh.

    So, mystery solved, and four years of private high school, private tutors, test prep, college prep, fine arts academies, camps, seminars, etc., plus all the community service, volunteer work, and extra-curriculars they could cram into her schedule go completely down the drain. At least she might catch a nap this summer.

    Score one for "cheaters never prosper."

    Half me is cringing, the other half is laughing.  

    State school it is.  Or the military.  Or University of Phoenix.
    Stangmar - Retired

  • I hate my state's legislature. Also stupid people. Also people who can't be assed to listen when the nice guy on the phone tells them something. Also kids who SCREEEEEAM when their parents are on the phone. And parent's who don't go into the next room. And my ears. Can I get a do-over on today?
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    I would name a state and ask if that was yours, but NO POLITICS.  Alas.
  • Stangmar said:

    State school it is.  Or the military.  Or University of Phoenix.
    I remember this one accountant with whom I worked while I was with the Attorney General.  She wore hooker-boots and was proud of her University of Pheonix Online degree.  Make of it what you wish.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    To be fair, most people severely dislike telemarketing/phone polls/Things of that nature. If you make the mistake of calling me while I'm dealing with an upset child, sucks to be you. Hang up. Move on to the next number.
  • Tarkenton said:

    To be fair, most people severely dislike telemarketing/phone polls/Things of that nature. If you make the mistake of calling me while I'm dealing with an upset child, sucks to be you. Hang up. Move on to the next number.

    Yeah, it's a bummer they got lives to lead which sometimes impacts your own life to live. I try to wish them well and hang up before my sheer annoyance compels me to promise the commission of felonies.
  • Tarkenton said:

    To be fair, most people severely dislike telemarketing/phone polls/Things of that nature. If you make the mistake of calling me while I'm dealing with an upset child, sucks to be you. Hang up. Move on to the next number.

    A) I'm a pharmacy tech dispensing their medcations and B)  I'm about 90% inbound. (this was one of those calls)
  • edited April 2015
    Delphas said:

    Tarkenton said:

    To be fair, most people severely dislike telemarketing/phone polls/Things of that nature. If you make the mistake of calling me while I'm dealing with an upset child, sucks to be you. Hang up. Move on to the next number.

    Yeah, it's a bummer they got lives to lead which sometimes impacts your own life to live. I try to wish them well and hang up before my sheer annoyance compels me to promise the commission of felonies.
    It is actually not illegal in a lot of places for telemarketers/researchers to phone, as irritating as it may be.   Best thing to do is join a Do Not Call register, if they have one in your state/country.  Most HONEST telemarketers are well aware of that fact and will simply correct you if you try to say "What you are doing is illegal, don't call me back." The ethical ones (yes, they exist, they often work for government-endorsed research companies) will even tell you HOW to get on a DNC register if you ask.   

    If you are on a do-not-call register and they still call you despite that, then yes, it IS illegal in that scenario.

    There is even a case in Germany where a lady got charged and fined after blowing a whistle in the phone when a telephone researcher was on the other end of the line.  (Source: )

    (That being said, I have no sympathy for people who complain about 'their voice never being heard' and then in the same breath complaining when research companies ask them for their opinions about local and national issues)
    Kiss of the Enchantress hisses eerily, "Let them fear, and despair."
  • I think he was suggesting that if they didn't stop bothering him, he was going to commit said felonies.
  • edited April 2015
    Aerotan said:

    I think he was suggesting that if they didn't stop bothering him, he was going to commit said felonies.

    Meh, seems incredibly petty to be willing to consider such a level when a lot of people that are stuck doing these jobs are university students trying to scrape together a few extra dollars to make ends meet because they don't have enough time available for full time work (or are PENALISED for taking it up by having their student allowance garnished - yes, this happens in New Zealand!  Trivia:  An NZ university student can get $249 a week after tax on student allowance.  If they earn more than $211.96 before tax in any work, the balance is garnished out of their student allowance, giving them a hard limit of around $450 a week (average rent in Auckland is around $200+ a week).  So if you are earning minimum wage, currently $14.50/hr and work over 15 hours a week, you are just shooting yourself in the foot.) or are simply trying to keep a little cashflow going while they try to find a more steady job in an already oversaturated market.
    Kiss of the Enchantress hisses eerily, "Let them fear, and despair."
  • @Aerotan has legit reason, and I welcome those kind of calls (even when some gets the extension wrong I transfer the call to HR so it can go to the right person).

    @Sakaki, I think, misses my point.  Yes I sign up on the list.  Yes, I let it go to the machine during dinner (electronic devices do not exist at my dinner table -- period!-- just ask my nephew).  I think it's a bummer because most people calling are not aware and really don't want to inconvenience me.  These types are usually dealt with pretty easily (You are calling a cellular, I am on the Do Not Call List, I do not wish to do business with you).  My complaint is from the less-than-one-percent who just plain want to keep pressing a cold-call sale after above announcement, or continue to call after receiving said declaration.

    We all got jobs to do, and I don't demean the call center (I briefly worked as a Csr, so I can imagine 1/2 of it).  It's them very rare apples which spoil things now that we have decent laws (in the US).
  • edited April 2015
    I get what you're saying.  Some telemarketers ARE scumbags and just don't give up (I tend to lump these in with those scammers that say they are phoning from 'windows tech support' claiming that there is a problem with your computer, ignorant to the fact that one may be a linux/macOS user >_> )

    If they are calling your cellphone and you are in the USA, report it to the FCC.  Telemarketing companies are NOT allowed to call cellular devices without the owner having voluntarily given their details in advance (such as to a market research company for example)

    (source: FTC 2007 press release)
    "FCC regulations prohibit telemarketers from calling a cellular phone number with an automatic dialer under all circumstances"

    In 2014 Sprint was actually fined $7.5 million for not honoring customers requests to opt out of receiving telemarketing calls and texts. (source: )
    Kiss of the Enchantress hisses eerily, "Let them fear, and despair."
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Aerotan said:

    Tarkenton said:

    To be fair, most people severely dislike telemarketing/phone polls/Things of that nature. If you make the mistake of calling me while I'm dealing with an upset child, sucks to be you. Hang up. Move on to the next number.

    A) I'm a pharmacy tech dispensing their medcations and B)  I'm about 90% inbound. (this was one of those calls)
    That's different, obviously.  I assumed a cold call center, not a job where you're telling folks "Hey, yo' shiz be ready".  I do the same for my job.  In general, I'm polite to said cold callers since I deal with at least five or six a day at work, but some days are better than others.
  • Food Is fuel. I just ate a huuuge meal before bedtime. Now, despite only getting 5 broken hours of sleep last night, It's well past the witching hour, and My brain thinks that we're an Owl.

    *Who* *Who*

    is dead like the dodo
  • Thanks. You just made me want to rewatch all of Doctor Who.

    ... I'm not sure if that's a bad or a good thing, to be fair.
  • I normally like helping my juniors, but sometimes I wonder why we pay them $X/mo when I should have them arrested for loitering.  I was asked a question, so I gave them the answer.  The answer seemed to only beg more questions (on the ``Could you do my job for me while I get paid for it?'' variety):
    var pattern = this.RegexPattern;
    match = System.String.IsNullOrEmpty( pattern )
        ? x => true
        : x => System.Text.RegularExpressions.IsExactMatch( x, pattern )
    foreach ( var file in System.IO.Path.GetFiles( inputPathName ).Where(
        x => match( x )
    ) ) {
        // code here, stupid
  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA
    Elanorwen said:


    Poor 8.5/War always gets left out :( .

    As does the Doctor who looks most like an owl, now that I think about it.
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • I completely forgot schools are closed today (3-day weekend for Easter).  No bar for me, no work for me, no working from the bar for me.  I'm stuck in a house full of children.

    I guess I've no one to blame but myself; I'm the one who wanted them in the first place.
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