Simple questions?



  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink

  • Speaking of runes..

    Anyone with pliers be careful. If you accidentally or intentionally attach a rune to a non-decay item, if you remove it, it will make the item decay. Yes, even artifact items like brooch of the tempest.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Ixion said:
    Speaking of runes..

    Anyone with pliers be careful. If you accidentally or intentionally attach a rune to a non-decay item, if you remove it, it will make the item decay. Yes, even artifact items like brooch of the tempest.
    Since when?  Hm.

    Now you are making me wonder if I've destroyed any of my things accidentally at some point.

  • Ixion said:
    Speaking of runes..

    Anyone with pliers be careful. If you accidentally or intentionally attach a rune to a non-decay item, if you remove it, it will make the item decay. Yes, even artifact items like brooch of the tempest.
    That sounds like a bug and you should BUG it. If you have artifacts that are now decaying, please ISSUE ME with the id# of the items that are decaying and we will take a look.

  • edited January 2016
    Not sure since when Xenthos, but I've done it a couple times on accident in the past few months. I bugged it (13222), but wanted to mention it because it's probably not easy for someone to notice that an artifact is decaying.

    It happened to my non-decay hoop snake hoop as well- I just runed it rather than deal with the decay thing again.
  • Aeldra said:
    if one attaches a rune to a talisman (athame in my case) does it make the thing permanent?
    Not only that, but then you can customize it.
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Tylwyth said:
    Aeldra said:
    if one attaches a rune to a talisman (athame in my case) does it make the thing permanent?
    Not only that, but then you can customize it.
    Technically you can customise it even if you don't attach a rune to it. It'd be pretty silly though, since you lose it again in 10 days (IIRC), but yeah.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    As I remember it, if you customize a resummonable object (like an athame) it decays as normal but when you resummon it, the new one is still customized. At least, that's how it works in other IREs and how it should work in Lusternia. 
  • Hmm. You sure? I seem to recall that there have been arguments made for customising summonable pets, which have failed because they'd apparently revert back to their original descriptions the next time they're summoned.
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    edited January 2016
    Great Rune of Planar Mastery: 100 credits
       - Allows users to transverse to any plane connected to a gate - even those
         that they would normally require a special ability to use, for example
         transversing to the Elemental Plane through a city nexus.

    Does this allow you to skip the middle Planes (i.e. transverse directly to Cosmic from Prime, rather than having to go through Ethereal & Elemental)?

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    @Rancoura yep. I can directly transverse astral from Celest's nexus with it, though. From nexi that don't have direct connections to astral (read: the forests) it doesn't work, though.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    edited January 2016
    Is there a way to easily tell the relative prestige level of your jewelry, like how 'itemlist clothes' shows things like 'bargain' and 'upscale'?

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited January 2016
    Qistrel said:
    Is there a way to easily tell the relative prestige level of your jewelry, like how 'itemlist clothes' shows things like 'bargain' and 'upscale'?

    Also, clotheslist does not show any clothing that does not provide warmth.  Apparently that is how the game determines whether or not it is actually clothing?  It's weird, but padded armour shows up on the list and unpadded armour does not.  An artifact Forsaken veil that provides 1 unit of clothing does, but other artifact clothing items that provides prestige do not (verified by using the tailoring bow curios).
  • Enyalida said:
    As I remember it, if you customize a resummonable object (like an athame) it decays as normal but when you resummon it, the new one is still customized. At least, that's how it works in other IREs and how it should work in Lusternia. 
    Can you actually customise a guild object that isn't runed? I always thought they needed to be and because of that they don't decay.
  • Is the warrior and equipment overhaul active yet?
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    No it's not. Was supposed to be by end of yesterday, but hasn't happened. I'm sure it's being worked on, and they've just hit some sort of unexpected legacy coding problem or something

  • @Qistrel: Thanks for the swift reply!
  • It has now been released:
    Date: 1/19/2016 at 21:13
    From: Ieptix the Anomaly
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Big Changes Come to Lusternia!

    We have announced the release of the Warrior and Gear overhauls!

    Note that as the time of this posting, most relevant ABHELPs should have
    been adjusted, though help files have not. They will be brought up to
    speed throughout the evening, which will explain many of the below
    listed changes in exhausting detail.

    Additionally, relevant artifacts will be retired or put on sale shortly
    after this posting.

    This is a massive, massive batch of changes. I will almost certainly
    miss some changes in the following list. They will be added
    retroactively as needed.

    - The old deep wounds system has been replaced, with wounds now cured by
    restorative ice. Details will be able to be found in appropriate help
    files shortly.
    - Monk abilities relying on wound for affliction procs now have a static
    chance to fire. This is temporary and will be adjusted when monks are
    fully incorporated into the Overhaul system.
    - Monk base damage has been scaled up some to compensate for the lack of
    wounds. We will monitor this and adjust as needed.
    - All non-monk/warrior abilities that deal wounds should now be dealing
    the new overhaul wounds.
    - The broken limb afflictions have been converted to the new damagedlimb
    - Mangled and amputated limb afflictions have been converted to the new
    mutilatedlimb afflictions.
    - Crushedchest and collapsedlung have been converted to new Overhaul
    - The fracturedskull affliction has been converted to the damagedskull
    - The following new physical afflictions have been introduced:
    damagedorgans, damagedthroat, internalbleeding.
    - All new physical afflictions are cured by applying restorative ice to
    the appropriate body part.
    - Details on the afflictions can be found on AFFS LIST and AFFS INFO
    - Most physical afflictions have a curing delay based on the wound state
    of the targeted body part. Exceptions are the damagedlimb afflictions,
    which always cure instantly, and the mangledlimb afflictions, which
    always cure with the longest delay. It is possible to apply to other
    limbs while this process is on-going, so long as you have ice balance.
    - Asthma, anorexia, and slickness have been converted to their Overhaul
    - Knighthood and its specializations have been completely revamped from
    the ground up to take advantage of the new wounding and affliction
    - Weapons (bar kata weapons, for the meantime) have been completely
    reworked. Weapon stats no longer exist; instead, all weapons have a
    fixed speed and damage which is adjustable with enhancements (see below)
    and various abilities.
    - Knighthood is no longer affected by either rebounding or stances; both:
    remain in the interim due to monks.
    - Armour (including robes) has, likewise, been completely revamped.
    Armour stats have been removed, with each type of armour providing a
    fixed physical damage resistance. Armour can also be outfitted with
    enhancements (see below).
    - The ARMSTAT command has been removed.
    - Armour and weapons may now be enhanced! Enchanters enhance robes,
    forgers enhance armour and weapons. Each weapon/piece of armour has a
    fixed number of enhancement slots that may be filled. By default armour
    and all weapons have one slot, while robes have two. Masterweapons,
    masterarmour, and splendour robes all feature an additional slot over
    the base. At present, the enhancements are listed in the appropriate AB
    files for enchantment (greatrobes) and forging (weaponenhance and
    armourenhance), but will be included in a help file in the near future.
    - Enhancements for an item are listed on weaponprobe.
    - A new artifact, the Great Rune of the Elite Weaponsmith has been
    released. Each rune attached to a one-handed weapon adds one new
    enhancement slot, and each two attached to a two-handed weapon adds one
    new enhancement slots. Weapons may gain up to three new slots this way.
    This does not, at this time, apply to kata weapons.
    - A new artifact, the Great Rune of the Master Armourer, has been
    released. Each rune attached to armour or robes adds one new enhancement
    - A new artifact, the Hammer of Clangorum's Mastery, has been released.
    It allows forgers to access the enchanted and virulent enhancements when
    enhancing items.
    - Leather armour now grants no resistance at all, allowing it to be worn
    with tattoo or kephera armour without overriding those armours, while
    allowing access to the new enhancements.
    - The Tailoring proofing skills have been removed.
    - Several new tailoring abilities have been added for creating special
    knots, used by forgers and enchanters for armour enhancements.
    - Sharpness oil has been replaced by mineral oil, used by forgers when
    enhancing weapons.
    - The forging dwarven rune abilities have been removed.
    - The old-style weapon runes, as well as the old hammer of forging, have
    been retired.

    With a batch of changes this massive, there will inevitably be plenty of
    things that don't quite work right or need adjustments. I will have a
    forum thread for discussion, and any critical bugs can be messaged to
    me. To reiterate the beginning of the post, help files are, at the time
    of this announcement, not yet up to date, but will be converted through
    the evening. Most relevant abhelps have been updates, though I am surely
    missing a few somewhere. Finally, the updates to what artifacts are for
    sale and what artifacts are retired will lag behind the post slightly,
    but will be up-to-date this evening.
    Penned by My hand on the 4th of Tzarin, in the year 432 CE.
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    I'm going to be that person and ask questions as I experiment.

    With leather armour, is it one enhancement per piece, so you get four total from skullcap, vest, leggings, and bracers all? If not, which piece is the "critical" piece?

    Similarly, since robes can hold two, is this mirrored in hat and suit/gown? One for hat, one for suit/gown?

  • the vest is the critical piece, and no, hats don't work, suit gets 2
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Oooh. So are hats vestigial now, and just something to make if you feel like it?
  • Yep, same as helmets
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    I am so happy about not needing a greatrobe hat anymore. Finally my fascinator hat can be replaced with a fascinator!  \m/

  • Ego          Netzach                                 1       2
    Ego          Histrionics                              1       4
    Ego          Magnetism                             1       4
    Ego          Karma beauty blessing           2       4
    Ego          Psi augmentation                    3       8
    Ego          Enthroned                               2       8
    Ego          Artifact rune                            2       12
                   Total                                         10

    Why is the total only 10?
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    If you skillflex out of tailoring, will you lose your splendours?
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    edited January 2016
    Gero said:
    Ego          Netzach                                 1       2
    Ego          Histrionics                              1       4
    Ego          Magnetism                             1       4
    Ego          Karma beauty blessing           2       4
    Ego          Psi augmentation                    3       8
    Ego          Enthroned                               2       8
    Ego          Artifact rune                            2       12
                   Total                                         10

    Why is the total only 10?
    Because you get to 8/8 at psi augmentation, so enthroned does nothing, cause it's also a /8. Then your artifact rune, which is 2/12 boosts you by 2 to 10.

    EDIT: No, I'm slightly wrong. You actually get to 3/4 with magnetism, then the karma blessing bumps you up by 1 to 4/4, and the extra 1 from the blessing is ignored, cause you're at max already. Then psi augmentation gets you to 7/8, and enthroned takes you to 8/8 and the extra 1 from the throne is ignored. Then you get to 10/12 from the artifact rune.

  • edited January 2016
    Syntax: CHANT ENCIPHER <journal/letter> <cipher> 
    READ <object> DECIPHER <cipher> 
    CHANT TRANSLATE <journal/letter>  <cipher> 

    So what are the limits of the <cipher>? 
    Character limits and stuff? 
    And if you give it to a ritualist can they then decipher it? 
    Anyone every use this? I mean, I assume it would be mostly for RP purposes....
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    I would like to point out that the buffs system is supposed to limit things. I don't think it's actually possible for a non-bard to get to a level 13 ego buff, unless there's a X/10 ego boost outside of Music that I don't know about.

    I encountered a similar thing with my magic resistance. I realised, after getting one, that my wearing a magic-proofed coat was pointless.

  • Qistrel said:
    I would like to point out that the buffs system is supposed to limit things. I don't think it's actually possible for a non-bard to get to a level 13 ego buff, unless there's a X/10 ego boost outside of Music that I don't know about.

    I encountered a similar thing with my magic resistance. I realised, after getting one, that my wearing a magic-proofed coat was pointless.
    A lot of primary/secondary skillsets have an x/10 buff ability now. 
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Well yes, but only Music has the ego one.

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