Simple questions?



  • Elryn said:
    Where is the Wheel of Tzaraziko? I have a feeling that should be in a help file somewhere...
    Cave of Chaos
  • Elryn said:
    Where is the Wheel of Tzaraziko? I have a feeling that should be in a help file somewhere...
    It's in the Seal of Chaos room, on Avechna's peak. It's in the same section as the artifacts chamber.

  • @Zvoltz or @Ieptix or @whicheverdivinecanhelp

    Any chance HELP CURELIST could get updated to the current set up? It is pre-overhaul and still lists mending and doesn't mention restorative ice. 
  • @Maylea is the master of the help files, but she might have it on her to-do list already!

  • edited March 2016
    Elryn said:
    Where is the Wheel of Tzaraziko? I have a feeling that should be in a help file somewhere...
    PATH WALK 7330

    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Ranah said:
    @Zvoltz or @Ieptix or @whicheverdivinecanhelp

    Any chance HELP CURELIST could get updated to the current set up? It is pre-overhaul and still lists mending and doesn't mention restorative ice. 
    The commands AFFS LIST/INFO and CURES LIST/INFO might be of interest to you. Any overhauled cure or affliction will be visible there.
  • Q: Would any of the coders/Gods be able to comment on how randomisation is achieved on the Wheel? Here's why I'm asking: I have three characters. One keeps on* getting dolls. One keeps on* getting pins. One keeps on* getting crit clovers. I am an absolute sucker for this kind of 'gambling' promo, but if the randomisation is somehow based upon the character itself it becomes a good deal less attractive.

    *I get that availability bias and confirmation bias, and sampling error are a thing, but one of them has 4 pins and the others don't, one has 4 dolls and the others don't. It's becoming uncanny.
  • This maybe requires its own thread for more detailed discussion, but has anyone got Pureblade to work? I can't seem to build wounds or bleeding enough to make any difference. I know I am not at the top tier of fighters, but I like to think I am improving every day, so I am baffled at this spec.

    Or is this a case of the special report is addressing this and hopefully it will turn around after that?
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Honestly, I haven't had any real luck with pureblade. And I tinkered with it a goodly bit. I just don't see how the ability to build wounds and keep them up is there. Hence hoping they hurry up on allowing some of the 2h spec modifiers to add one wound in addition to an aff. I'm going to be tinkering with BM and BC at some point to see if I can pull shenanigans with regular/power strike + aff modification strike. Axelord is beastly due to the overall higher damage, decent bleeding it can cause, and if they're foolish enough to let you hit heavy wounds on chest, it just ramps up. Though getting people to heavy wounds on the chest with them actively fighting back is a bit tough. Cav I have no experience with, from what  I understand, their beast kill (2 damage, 2 mutilated limbs) seems pretty impossible to me. The other requires critical wounds on the chest (or gut), and again, doesn't seem practical in a real right. Anyone else have opinions counter to these observations?
  • Demartel said:
    This maybe requires its own thread for more detailed discussion, but has anyone got Pureblade to work? I can't seem to build wounds or bleeding enough to make any difference. I know I am not at the top tier of fighters, but I like to think I am improving every day, so I am baffled at this spec.

    Or is this a case of the special report is addressing this and hopefully it will turn around after that?
    The COMBAT OVERHAUL FORUM {hint hint} has a thread just about this:
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Sorry for the multitude of questions (and thanks for the answers so far!).

    I'm now trying to work out what clothing/armour/tattoos I should be looking at, and I don't quite get how the resistance/influence weights are affected by item characteristics.

    1) Does armour resistance apply on top of the buffs/weighting system? So if I were to wear fullplate (which is weird for a tree, I admit), that is effectively a 'hidden' additional weighting of about 6.66 (if each weight is 3% resist) to blunt and cutting damage types over and above what I already have on BODYSCAN? So for example, if I currently see 7 as my blunt resist total on BODYSCAN, if I wear full plate that's actually closer to 14? Or are they combined in a different way?

    2) Similarly, does prestige rank stack on top of influence buffs? So if I can get the right combination of clothes/jewelry to get to a prestige like royalty, that might be a hidden +5 (assuming there are ten prestige ranks in total) weighting on top of my influence bonus on BODYSCAN for all types except charity? Then that would explain why Stag Trueheart doesn't show up on BODYSCAN either.
  • I'm not an expert by any means, so maybe we'll both be enlightened. But as I understand it, armor is "outside" the resist system, and is a flat reduction of armor rating taken before resists are applied.

    Prestige is completely different from influence buffs, though. As you influence something, they become more 'resistant' to the influence, which is shown by you using more ego per attack, and by increased chance of attacks flat missing. Prestige modifies at the very least the hit chance. It does not affect the -damage- of the attack. Influence buffs are what increase damage. So if you approach a charity battle with prestige like royalty and a level 13 charity buff, you'll still do 39% more damage per charity hit, but probably have a much worse time hitting.
    The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!
  • Thanks @Stratas, that's very helpful! :)
  • I'm not following that line of thought. Prestige should make you hit more often? Or am I just reading that wrong? Low prestige is what makes stubbornness happen.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    For charity in particular you want low prestige.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Yes but "charity" prestige works the exact same way. And if you have "good" charity prestige ("negative prestige" in any other case) it's even worse than being naked? Many open questions here.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    edited March 2016
    Prestige is to-hit, influence buffs affect damage when you do hit. Low prestige has nothing to do with causing stubborness directly (iirc), high prestige works such that the stubbornness of the npc is treated as if it were lower for your influence attack.  

    Basically, npcs have a hidden stubbornness counter that's roughly equivalent to a counter of how many times they've been influenced. Having low/no prestige does nothing to this. High prestige applies as a modifier to this stubbornness. In other words, let's have a hypothetical where a npc's beg stubbornness counter is at 50 and that means you have a 50% chance to hit (numbers made up). Low prestige does not modify this. High prestige gives you a (say) -20, so they act as if they are at 30 with a 70% chance to hit. Having better prestige improves your chances to hit by impacting how stubbornness and chance-to-hit are calculated backstage, not by changing the buildup of stubbornness.  

    I might have logged the conversation where all of this was explained in depth on Envoys, I'll see if I can dig it up to confirm the exact details. 
  • Please do, @Enyalida. It's been an open question for years.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    The broad strokes of my post are correct. Prestige shifts the to-hit counter for the user's attacks, which is what stubbornness does (it's not increasing resistance to the damage of the influence attack, it's increased dodge over time/decreased to-hit).  What I don't remember clearly is if missing an influence attack increases stubbornness more. 
  • Can you tell when you 'miss' an influence attack, or is this behind the scenes?
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    You can tell when you hit (now). If you don't see the "They consider your words" type message, you missed. 
  • My understanding was that prestige altered the resistance effect of a mob's stubbornness.  So the better your prestige (in relation to type of influence mode), the less of an effect stubbornness has.  I took that from a help file... not sure which offhand.  Though I suppose help files aren't always an indication of the mechanics.

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    That's what I am saying, yes - but 'resistance' has been qualified as not being protection against damage but a miss chance on your influence attack. Having prestige makes the mob count as if they have a lower stubbornness, functionally delaying the number of strikes before you start regularly missing. IIRC, the help file has been updated to be somewhat more clear on this. 
  • How do Prayers work? If the god(des) is not around at the time you pray will they see it when they next log in?

    I know, and understand, Maylea has familial obligations, but I was not sure if she would see my prayer when she can return or if I should just send a message to her.
  • Is there any Equilibrium buff with a max of 5 or higher?
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Demartel said:
    How do Prayers work? If the god(des) is not around at the time you pray will they see it when they next log in?

    I know, and understand, Maylea has familial obligations, but I was not sure if she would see my prayer when she can return or if I should just send a message to her.

    Prayers work as IC messages to the gods, as far as I know. So yes, they will recieve them even if they are not online at the time. 
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Lehki said:
    Is there any Equilibrium buff with a max of 5 or higher?

    Yes. Quicken is a lot higher than a 5 maximum.
  • Is there a way I can have a skylark pet long term..?
  • Enyalida said:
    Lehki said:
    Is there any Equilibrium buff with a max of 5 or higher?

    Yes. Quicken is a lot higher than a 5 maximum.
    You'll have to remind me what that is
  • Lehki said:
    Enyalida said:
    Lehki said:
    Is there any Equilibrium buff with a max of 5 or higher?

    Yes. Quicken is a lot higher than a 5 maximum.
    You'll have to remind me what that is

    Cosmic ability, lasts a short while, 25/25 boost to eq iirc. I can check later when I can login again.
    See you in Sapience.
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