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  • edited March 2014
    Tridemon said:
    Neos said:
    I remembered why I didn't want to take any leadership positions.
    Well, a decision's been made on the matter, and all you have to do in this instance is decline to disagree with me about it.

    I was dreamweaving enemies, in enemy orgs.  Let me just emphasize: they are city, guild, and Order enemies.  If I am trying to kill an illithoid titan who is enemied with dreamweaving, that is grounds for a slap on the wrist? Wow.

    So a GM is banning me from dreamweaving in any city or commune, including enemy orgs, and I cannot engage in hostility with anyone unless they are a demigod?

    Are you kidding?  Also, Malarious is a wanted criminal, but you are taking his story at face value.  There were no novice or 'young' being killed. 

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • Tetra said:
    Tridemon said:
    Neos said:
    I remembered why I didn't want to take any leadership positions.
    Well, a decision's been made on the matter, and all you have to do in this instance is decline to disagree with me about it.

    I was dreamweaving enemies, in enemy orgs.  Let me just emphasize: they are city, guild, and Order enemies.  If I am trying to kill an illithoid titan who is enemied with dreamweaving, that is grounds for a slap on the wrist? Wow.

    So a GM is banning me from dreamweaving in any city or commune, including enemy orgs, and I cannot engage in hostility with anyone unless they are a demigod?

    Are you kidding?  Also, Malarious is a wanted criminal, but you are taking his story at face value.  There were no novice or 'young' being killed. 

    Never thought this would happen but I agree with Tetra here.  Dreamweaving is a douchebag way of killing people but they are enemies to your org.  I would have thought you would have supported your own, rather than us, the dirty enemies who kill you on sight. 

    On another note it gives us a reason to hunt down Tetra ;)


    06/30/2014 19:37 Silvanus channels the power of the Megalith of Doom for you, stripping you of your Vernal Ascendant status.......bastard!!

  • edited March 2014
    Munsia said:
    Avenger only protects prime, for one, for two the act of killing a newbie at all is griefing them, and if you do it to more and more newbies it's a pattern on that person targeting anyone who cannot fight back.


    Mysrai's Order has been griefing me for over a whole IRL year.  A whole year.  I cannot even so much as leave the city without a group of Illuminati swarming me.  If you want me to be very frank and candid right now, it has made the game very unplayable and at times, unenjoyable for me.  And you know what?  In that whole amount of time, I have not complained once, because I realize it is just a game.

    Conflict happens.  And that includes characters who are 'lowbies', or do not know combat.  You cannot coddle a player base that way.  It is like saying because a baby bird doesn't know how to fly, it shouldn't be pushed out of the nest.  Lusternia is a roleplaying game with dynamic struggles.  If a member of the Star Council is banning me from attacking enemies in Magnagora?  Wow.  You are asking to lose your job.

    It's also erroneous to assume that just because someone is a higher level or been playing longer, that makes them better at combat and thus more 'valid' targets. Even as a demigod, I struggle with learning combat, yet plenty of people feel free to grief me because my name is recognizable. So what you are saying right now is a load of BS, purely because it is within my experience to say so.

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • NeosNeos The Subtle Griefer
    Tridemon said:
    Neos said:
    I remembered why I didn't want to take any leadership positions.
    Well, a decision's been made on the matter, and all you have to do in this instance is decline to disagree with me about it.
    If only it were that simple.
    Love gaming? Love gaming stuff? Sign up for Lootcrate and get awesome gaming items. Accompanying video.


    Celina said:
    You can't really same the same, can you?
    Zvoltz said:
    "The Panthron"
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Right, Zuthior and Yukira are enemies of Celest, Aquamancers and Valtreth? Please, you are pathetic if that's your excuse.

    I know I know, you'll just say that you would have killed them if you were trying, but attacking them at all is pathetic. Why can't you admit that you're griefing them, take the slap on the wrist and untwist your seemingly always twisted panties? it makes life much easier on everyone, plus its more pleasent.

    (watch for not so subtle insulting response about me)

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Synkarin said:
    Right, Zuthior and Yukira are enemies of Celest, Aquamancers and Valtreth? Please, you are pathetic if that's your excuse. I know I know, you'll just say that you would have killed them if you were trying, but attacking them at all is pathetic. Why can't you admit that you're griefing them, take the slap on the wrist and untwist your seemingly always twisted panties? it makes life much easier on everyone, plus its more pleasent. (watch for not so subtle insulting response about me)

    I was going to possess him to speak over CT, for roleplay purposes.  Neither of them were killed, and I didn't touch the other one.

    Greifing is repeatedly chasing or stalking a character and killing them over and over again.  I approached them once and have not since the status.  You are attacking me personally, why?  Because you allow OOC opinions to affect your perception of the game.  Because someone is a lowbie or doesn't have a system like you, all of a sudden they are socially exempt from conflict?

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    Unrelated to above:

    Relax. Breathe.

    I'm excited, but we're still planning stuff out. =]
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    All I'm saying is, I haven't seen a single person die to you that I didn't have to check the honours of because I'd never heard of them.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Shaddus said:
    All I'm saying is, I haven't seen a single person die to you that I didn't have to check the honours of because I'd never heard of them.

    So you're insinuating that notoriety in the game world dictates who is or isn't elligible for PK, or that because you personally haven't heard of a character, that means they aren't ready for conflict?  Hmmm.  Things.

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Tetra said:
    Shaddus said:
    All I'm saying is, I haven't seen a single person die to you that I didn't have to check the honours of because I'd never heard of them.

    So you're insinuating that notoriety in the game world dictates who is or isn't elligible for PK, or that because you personally haven't heard of a character, that means they aren't ready for conflict?  Hmmm.  Things.
    No. What I'm saying is that you're intentionally picking people who are easily killed via dreamweaving, who likely haven't done you any wrong. I'm half surprised you're not enemying people yourself just to give you a reason to kill them.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    edited March 2014
    Tetra said:
    , yet plenty of people feel free to grief me because my name is recognizable.
    Actually, plenty of people feel free to grief you because of exactly what you're doing, making excuses to kill people smaller than you. Drama also follows you around like Pigpen's cloud from Peanuts.

    Don't be a dirtbag. If you want to kill someone with dreamweaving, try Silvanus, or Malarious, or Ixchilgal, or even any random person who apparently has reflexes. You know, a challenge. 

    EDIT: By the way, sleeping on a monolith in your guildhall and killing people from safety isn't "conflict". 
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Shaddus said:
    Tetra said:
    Shaddus said:
    All I'm saying is, I haven't seen a single person die to you that I didn't have to check the honours of because I'd never heard of them.

    So you're insinuating that notoriety in the game world dictates who is or isn't elligible for PK, or that because you personally haven't heard of a character, that means they aren't ready for conflict?  Hmmm.  Things.
    No. What I'm saying is that you're intentionally picking people who are easily killed via dreamweaving, who likely haven't done you any wrong. I'm half surprised you're not enemying people yourself just to give you a reason to kill them.

    You are thin slicing again.  I'm often fighting with one person and also have one or two top-tier combatants on top of me.  Killing someone in dreamform is already a challenge as it is, and the ones who I have killed weren't "easy".  They had cures, they had a system with reflexes, they knew how to teleport or climb in trees, how to tumble out of rooms to lose link.  Yes, I'm choosing my targets.  Do you think I am going to eternalsleep Munsia at the Megalith?  That isn't going to happen.  The point is that you are still trying to dictate to me who I should or should not be fighting, based on your moral values.

    Now, it would be a different story if I repeatedly killed someone who had no cures, no reflexes, and just came out of the collegium.  Not only is that mechanically not possible, it would get me avenger status and prevent me from fighting at all.

    Dying once does not equal griefing, nor does it require a pity parade.

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • Munsia said:
    There is a general consensus from the game on what is and what isn't okay. On occasion some uppity nobody decides to break said general agreement across the game and start attacking the newbies. Usually this is some bottom tier combatant who thinks it's funny or something stupid like that, however all you're doing is pissing off the game and bringing it down on yourself. 

    Which newbies have I killed? I eternalsleep'd a prominent guildleader who was a city enemy/undead. 

     "The game" cannot be pissed off, it is an abstract concept that you're projecting into reality.  You are pissed off, you are trying to tell another player(and customer) how to experience the game.  Just because you choose to play the game by way of popular opinion does not mean everyone else does.

    I find it rich coming from you of all people.  Preaching about respecting game rules?  I think out of the entire game's history, Munsia, you are one of the most noted antagonists when it comes to PK, next to Malarious.  I have seen you genrun through the Undervault for hours, steal gold from organisations, and grief anyone or anything on two legs.

    You can break the game's actual rules and get shrubbed a million times, but you feel compelled to lecture a low-tier combatant who they can or cannot fight?  Just stop talking.

    All of my conflict is justified through roleplay, not through the mob psychology of the players.

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    edited March 2014
    I think you are SEVERELY misinformed, or you think I'm someone I'm not.

    I've NEVER stolen gold from an organization -ever- in my entire life, actually our family is noted for -giving away- gold. Do not even attempt to think I do that

    Secondly, I do not grief novices or newbies. The last time I did that was in open beta when EVERYONE was griefing EVERYONE...10years ago! The last noncom that got killed by me was a direct result of someone like you griefing -our- novices. I do not tolerate it, but I am for just means.

    I'll admit I've killed a newbie/noncom that defended it's home territory but we're entering a different side of pk there. We're talking about personal defense and actual pk. There's a difference between these types of newbies and total nobodies who are minding their own business. 

    People like you are always trying to pass the buck by insulting others and pointing out their faults, here's a fact. Noone approves of what you are doing (and if there are those who approve, they are exceedingly few in number) no conflict is justified through roleplay asside from political. How can we note this? Purely because it is ILLEGAL in game to kill Collegium mobs because they are for newbies. This exact reason notes that the admin look down upon hindering new players from doing anything.  I have a perfectly sound rp reason for demolishing everything in Celest to the grounds but the admins won't have it, now will they? Your argument is entirely moot and you need to check yourself. 

    If you think it's just me that is angry, go ahead and try to do anything besides dreamweave and we'll see if it's just me projecting my emotions. 
  • edited March 2014
    Shaddus said:
    Tetra said:
    , yet plenty of people feel free to grief me because my name is recognizable.
    Actually, plenty of people feel free to grief you because of exactly what you're doing, making excuses to kill people smaller than you. Drama also follows you around like Pigpen's cloud from Peanuts.

    Don't be a dirtbag. If you want to kill someone with dreamweaving, try Silvanus, or Malarious, or Ixchilgal, or even any random person who apparently has reflexes. You know, a challenge. 

    EDIT: By the way, sleeping on a monolith in your guildhall and killing people from safety isn't "conflict". 

    Prior to taking up dreamweaving three days ago, I wasn't even that involved in combat.  I am mostly a walking target.  Me being griefed by Mysrai has nothing to do with what we're talking about.  Again, thin slicing.  

    You view it as drama because you're attempting to police the game.  That is not your job.  A few inexperienced people dying -once- is not the end of the world, but you seem adamant on making it seem the game is crumbling for it.  Spare me the theatrics. 

    Again you're skirting around the issue.  You are saying its alright for higher-tier combatants to attack me because I'm also a demigod, even though I am terrible in combat.  But it's not okay for me to attack, say, Daebach, who is not a demigod.   The reality is Daebach is actually a better fighter than me, and he is not even my level.  So calling me a 'dirtbag' when asserting your backwards theory is not only inaccurate, but exquisitely hypocritical.

    How I choose to play is my prerogative, not yours, and trying to tell me how is not your place or your business. I am not as strong a Ixchilgal, Feyda, or Alary, but I will find ways to retaliate back.  Fighting someone doesn't require you to like the circumstances involved, it's quid pro cuo.  If you gang up on me, then expect to get something back in return.

    If not in a guildhall or nexus, where else would you sleep as a dreamweaver?  Somewhere nice and out in the open, so you can scry and speedwalk to my body.  Brilliant.

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • ZouviqilZouviqil Queen of Uberjerkiness
    All I can think while reading this is "dreamweavers shouldn't be able to dreamweave in a monolith'd room" and "I wonder if they've removed the ability for people to change descriptions with pookas yet, because if not, things will be getting VERY fun VERY soon."
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    ...that's not what quid pro quo means. 
  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess

    Just because your alt is an alt doesn't mean they actually know all that stuff you say they know...just saying.
  • edited March 2014
    Munsia said:
    I think you are SEVERELY misinformed, or you think I'm someone I'm not.

    I've NEVER stolen gold from an organization -ever- in my entire life, actually our family is noted for -giving away- gold. Do not even attempt to think I do that

    Secondly, I do not grief novices or newbies. The last time I did that was in open beta when EVERYONE was griefing EVERYONE...10years ago! The last noncom that got killed by me was a direct result of someone like you griefing -our- novices. I do not tolerate it, but I am for just means.

    I'll admit I've killed a newbie/noncom that defended it's home territory but we're entering a different side of pk there. We're talking about personal defense and actual pk. There's a difference between these types of newbies and total nobodies who are minding their own business. 

    People like you are always trying to pass the buck by insulting others and pointing out their faults, here's a fact. Noone approves of what you are doing (and if there are those who approve, they are exceedingly few in number) no conflict is justified through roleplay asside from political. How can we note this? Purely because it is ILLEGAL in game to kill Collegium mobs because they are for newbies. This exact reason notes that the admin look down upon hindering new players from doing anything.  I have a perfectly sound rp reason for demolishing everything in Celest to the grounds but the admins won't have it, now will they? Your argument is entirely moot and you need to check yourself. 

    If you think it's just me that is angry, go ahead and try to do anything besides dreamweave and we'll see if it's just me projecting my emotions. 

    I remember when you were still in Celest when Hajamin was around, you took around 2 mil gold worth of esteem from the city.  If you are going to deny that happened, suit yourself.  Anyways.

    I love how you are trying to justify PKing novices.  And let me clarify once again, none of the people I have killed with dreamweaving were novices or newbies.  So what's actually happening here is you are accusing me of something that -you- are guilty of.  I have asked you to provide names for these newbies I have allegedly griefed or killed and you still have not commented, probably because you know you're grasping at straws right now.

    Here's a fact: I do not care for, or need your approval to play the game my way.

    You're one of those people that will vaguely talk about something but not actually assemble any real kind of point.  Your argument revolves around the fact that there are combatants and non-combatants, and that in a perfect world, nobody would attack the noncoms because it is 'poor ettiquette'.  News flash, Lusternia is not a perfect world, and death happens.  

    If my character wants to erase the Soulless and undead/tainted, I'm not going to allow my personal feelings as a player colour that decision, just because they are not level 100 with artis and a chip on their shoulder.

    "I have a perfectly sound rp reason for demolishing everything in Celest to the grounds but the admins won't have it, now will they? "

    If you have a perfectly sound reason to demolish Celest, then play the game that way.  Why wouldn't you?  Because you are so above killing lower level players(which you clearly aren't since you've admitted to doing it yourself)? The admin are not sitting in the havens all day worried about the great lengths of your villain RP, they have better things to do.   Killing a circle 80 person once is not the end of the world/game, nor is it griefing or breaking any game rules.  

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    I am going to deny that, because you can't find anyone to back up that story. Actually you can continue to back that up with the fact that I didn't even influence until I was married to @Ixchilgal and living in Magnagora AFTER Hajamin died and AFTER Morgfyre came out....was Esteem even in existence at that point? I'm pretty sure it wasn't. 

    Soooo at this point we're gonna go with the fact that you're just trolling and you have nothing valuable to even input to this community, either in game, or on the forums. 
  • Celina said:
    ...that's not what quid pro quo means. 

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited March 2014
    Tetra said:
    Celina said:
    ...that's not what quid pro quo means. 

    Don't use a thesaurus for definitions.

    "Quid Pro Quo" is a favorable exchange of something of value, where one thing of value is contingent on the receipt of another. It's a voluntary agreement. 

    "Eye for an eye," would have been correct.
  • edited March 2014
    Celina said:
    Tetra said:
    Celina said:
    ...that's not what quid pro quo means. 

    Oh that's cute, he uses a thesaurus for definitions.

    If you already understand the definition of a word, all that's left is to provide context through synonyms.  Unless you really didn't know the meaning and wanted me to explain it. 

                                                                                           "A man's not dead while his name is still spoken."  - Terry Pratchett 1948-2015

  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    While in dreamform, you will never kill anyone that matters or that has a brain towards fighting.

    The only thing dreamform is there to do is grief and annoy. It's not your fault, it's the mechanics of it all.

    It's a very fun skill to have, for a time, but it has as much of use as Phase does in other IRE games, unphase, paralysis tipped arrow, rephase.

    Dreamweaving, however, is worth it just for the 8 seconds of blackout you can cause from puncture/memoryloss flick.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Just trying to help you, girl. Keep on quid pro "cuo"ing incorrectly if you want. You is a strong, independent woman.
  • ZouviqilZouviqil Queen of Uberjerkiness
    @Siam... again, I love you, but... man... why... do you make this so easy...

This discussion has been closed.