Tweets VII: Tweet Child of Mine



  • Or a southerner wants the artifact because a sotherner set a fire and the northerners attacked a southern city.
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • In any case, it was hilarious to see 64 guards summoned between Ixthiaxa and Southgard. :3
    See you in Sapience.
  • Conclusion: Set fire to everyone and raid everyone.
  • My perspective:

    - I log in after getting home, and hear prime denizen calls for help.

    - Hear people asking, confusedly what was happening, what's going on.

    - I go to see what's up, it's Yarith bashing villagers.

    - Summon a small number of guards to encourage him to find somewhere else to have fun.

    - Find out from Yarith that Issey was making trouble (in your words, "having fun"), with a "maybe an SD was involved!" as the reason.

    - Before I can continue conversation, hear another village's NPCs getting hit on CT, go to find Twtych.

    - Decided I've had enough, and to get a larger amount of guards because, why not, we have too much power anyway.

    - When I finally returned to continue the conversation, got rudely told that I should "react in a similar fashion", so I did.

    - And apparently, reacting as asked was a reason to get guard-raided

    - Found out 25 guards is too little for kill people with the new vitals/resistances, so got more guards to finally stop the harassment.

    One hour of dealing with "maybe an SD was involved!" Glad you had fun, at least someone did, is the silver lining, huh.

  • edited July 2016

    Dylara said:
    Demartel said:
    Wait wait... When Cyndarin sets Serenwilde on fire because Twytch set Glomdoring on fire nobody bats an eye (we even pointed out the same "logic" you are trying to argue now), but when Hallifax mentions wanting an artifact to set Glomdoring on fire in response to Issey setting Serenwilde on fire everybody has an opinion.

    Other way around bro.

    Lerad, the Glom, wants the arti. Halli attacked Glom because a Gaudi set fire to Seren.

    Oh so you are right, allow me to alter my post.

    Wait wait... When Cyndarin(Gaudiguch) sets Serenwilde on fire because Twytch(Hallifax) set Glomdoring on fire nobody bats an eye (we even pointed out the same "logic" you are trying to argue now), but when Hallifax raids Glomdoring in response to Issey setting Serenwilde on fire everybody has an opinion.

  • Demartel said:
    Wait wait... When Cyndarin sets Serenwilde on fire because Twytch set Glomdoring on fire nobody bats an eye (we even pointed out the same "logic" you are trying to argue now), but when Hallifax mentions wanting an artifact to set Glomdoring on fire in response to Issey setting Serenwilde on fire everybody has an opinion.

    Show me the post where I condoned any form of fire setting.

  • Lerad said:
    Demartel said:
    Wait wait... When Cyndarin sets Serenwilde on fire because Twytch set Glomdoring on fire nobody bats an eye (we even pointed out the same "logic" you are trying to argue now), but when Hallifax mentions wanting an artifact to set Glomdoring on fire in response to Issey setting Serenwilde on fire everybody has an opinion.

    Show me the post where I condoned any form of fire setting.
    Show me the post where you called Cyndarin out for setting fires in Serenwilde as a response to Hallifax setting fires in Glomdoring.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited July 2016
    Yarith said:
    Or a southerner wants the artifact because a sotherner set a fire and the northerners attacked a southern city.

    Glomdoring is not a city. You should know this!
  • edited July 2016
    Not yet!! >:)
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • Needs to be 25 guards + enchanted statue/totem + bard guard (the one that stuns? or is that the mage/druid one?) for it to be unkillable. This has been the case for a couple of years, I think?

    In any case, 64 guards is nothing when you have a passive 1k+ power coming in per day from totems.
    See you in Sapience.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Demartel said:
    Lerad said:
    Demartel said:
    Wait wait... When Cyndarin sets Serenwilde on fire because Twytch set Glomdoring on fire nobody bats an eye (we even pointed out the same "logic" you are trying to argue now), but when Hallifax mentions wanting an artifact to set Glomdoring on fire in response to Issey setting Serenwilde on fire everybody has an opinion.

    Show me the post where I condoned any form of fire setting.
    Show me the post where you called Cyndarin out for setting fires in Serenwilde as a response to Hallifax setting fires in Glomdoring.

    IIRC, it was mostly us saying fires sucked and asking why you only cared when it was Celina doing it to Serenwilde and not when Twytch was doing it to Glomdoring. No condoning, simply pointing out the double standard. Incidentally, that is what you are trying to do now. Plagiarism, I say.

  • Demartel said:
    Lerad said:
    Demartel said:
    Wait wait... When Cyndarin sets Serenwilde on fire because Twytch set Glomdoring on fire nobody bats an eye (we even pointed out the same "logic" you are trying to argue now), but when Hallifax mentions wanting an artifact to set Glomdoring on fire in response to Issey setting Serenwilde on fire everybody has an opinion.

    Show me the post where I condoned any form of fire setting.
    Show me the post where you called Cyndarin out for setting fires in Serenwilde as a response to Hallifax setting fires in Glomdoring.
    Oh, since you changed the way you phrased it.

    Show me the post where I condoned Cyndarin acting as Glomdoring's proxy. Oh, wait. Sorry, the only posts about fire I made during those pages (see: pages 195-196) were the ones that got me a forums warning for language. At least I think it was those.

    But yeah, I clearly have no right to be complaining about this because I told Cyndarin to go ahead, and gave her a thumbs up while doing it.

    Oh maybe I should add that as step 2a,

  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Where are the people who condemned Celina condemning these guys?

    You don't get to LoL without calling attention to your own hyprocrisy.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • I'm pretty sure Gaudiguch has for longer and more often set fire to Serenwilde. I played Lusternia before during the heyday of Svana and company -- and fires were the least of their repertoire (hello, elder chopping).
    See you in Sapience.

  • Lerad said:
    Whatever, it's not even an IC motivation at this point, just a whiny little kid throwing a tantrum and abusing mechanics that do not have an equivalent response because he can't respect when people don't want to pvp with him.

    You can leave your stupid IC reasons and motivations and politicking at the door, please, thanks. It's about as relevant to what is actually happening as the pile of shit that's been coming out of the mouths of those justifying setting forests on fire for the sake of getting conflict.
    Here, I'll find it for you. I'll bold the part where I told Celina she did a good job for setting fire to Serenwilde...

    Oh wait...

  • Why are we arguing again? :(
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Twytch said:
    I'm pretty sure Gaudiguch has for longer and more often set fire to Serenwilde. I played Lusternia before during the heyday of Svana and company -- and fires were the least of their repertoire (hello, elder chopping).

    You mean like Arcanis and Marcella elder chopping Glomdoring? They got more elders than Svana did. Elder griefing is nothing new (and Yet Another Thing that is disproportionate, in that Communes have no effective way to do it back). At least forest fires are easy to put out with the liquidrift/bucket trick, I can put out all of Glomdoring in three minutes with one simple trigger on the room is ablaze line. Just takes walking around. Forest griefing can definitely go away with no tears being shed by most of us.
  • edited July 2016
    Yarith said:
    Why are we arguing again? :(
    Well, technically, it's probably because you told me to "react in a similar fashion"... but I guess that was my own fault for actually listening, I guess.

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited July 2016
    Yarith said:
    Why are we arguing again? :(

    Because Ciaran threw up some really shoddy logic to defend himself (and then went flag happy when it was pointed out to him) and Demartel is fanning the flames with opinions unsupported by either fact or truth. We would not be having this conversation otherwise, we would probably just be saying that forest fires are annoying (because they are).

    Edit: I guess if you did tell Lerad to respond in kind, that would also be a reason. :P
  • edited July 2016
    The only hypocrisy here is from the "south". When Celina was doing it you all railed on Twytch (not one person said "You know Cyndarin they are right, it is a Glomdoring/Hallifax thing". Synkarin even going so far as to call Twytch a Fralunah and Lerad dropping the F-bomb on him. All the rest basically saying to the North, "suck it up or call Twytch off"

    When the shoe is on the other foot all you can do is call us hypocrites and call us out for doing the same actions you may not have condoned but certainly did not condemn.

    Very good job, Lerad. You bolded a portion of a line to express your point, as though the context of the line left unbolded  or subject of the post did not matter. Nice tactic, purely transparent, but nice tactic all the same.
  • edited July 2016
    Oh. Probably. I don't think there's any reason to argue.
    My response was that you could react to being set on fire in a similar fashion if you wanted to. 
    I think that's how "You could react to fires in a similar fashion" comes across.

    Edit: I dunno why we're arguing though.
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • I think we're forgetting the whole envoy report Lerad made just to stop forest fires. 

    I don't care who is doing it, forest fires are dumb and annoying and I hate you.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • For the record I do not condone anyone setting fires, in fact when Issey started setting them the first thing I asked Twytch was if he had been setting Glomdoring on fire again to find out if this was another "response to Twytch"

    I have commented in private after putting out fires a few times that I wish I had the money for the gauntlets to return the favour of fires, but that was just frustration - not at putting out fires, but at the fact there is no point behind starting them other than to be a prat. It is not like the person setting them waits around to see if they get a fight out of it.

  • Why are you guys setting fires?
  • Envy that we aren't all pyros
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Demartel said:
    For the record I do not condone anyone setting fires, in fact when Issey started setting them the first thing I asked Twytch was if he had been setting Glomdoring on fire again to find out if this was another "response to Twytch"

    I have commented in private after putting out fires a few times that I wish I had the money for the gauntlets to return the favour of fires, but that was just frustration - not at putting out fires, but at the fact there is no point behind starting them other than to be a prat. It is not like the person setting them waits around to see if they get a fight out of it.

    (I wish you had just said this to begin with, btw)
  • edited July 2016
    I would definitely agree to removing fires and elder chopping as long as it goes hand in hand with removing power from totems. Put everyone on equal ground.

    P.S. The last time I set fires before today was in response to Kraw jumping Luas in the GIP (that triggered a whole Hallifax response along with Prime PK and killing mobs). And before that it's been weeks (finals season yo, a boy's gotta hit the books). Issey and whoever can set fire to Serenwilde/Glomdoring all they want, but put credit where credit is due: not on me (for now). :)
    See you in Sapience.
  • Xenthos said:
    Yarith said:
    Why are we arguing again? :(

    Because Ciaran threw up some really shoddy logic to defend himself (and then went flag happy when it was pointed out to him) and Demartel is fanning the flames with opinions unsupported by either fact or truth. We would not be having this conversation otherwise, we would probably just be saying that forest fires are annoying (because they are).

    Edit: I guess if you did tell Lerad to respond in kind, that would also be a reason. :P

    Wait, hahaha, what!?  Defend myself from what? I'm confused.  Did I do something wrong now? Xenthospolice, please read me my rights.
    Take great care of yourselves and each other.
  • On the same token, people who come in to kill Ladies and Daughters and then fingerblade/blossom out are just as guilty of being prats. You are not looking for a fight, you are looking to keep the grief train rolling.
  • Real answer: Gaudi doesn't get raided because Gaudi's retaliation would be much worse.
This discussion has been closed.