Does anyone know how to do this? I am writing a stat gain/loss counter script for Nexus, and having the echoes always printing on a new line below the prompt rather than on the prompt line itself, which is where it would ideally be, is distracting.
{<}{d}h, {d}m, {d}e, {d}p, {d}en, {d}w {w}{>}
#gag // gags the prompt sent by the server
#echo_ $1 //adds 1st number to prompt
#echo_ h, //adds "h, " to prompt
#echo_ $2 //adds 2nd number to prompt
#echo_ m, //adds "m, " to prompt
#echo_ $3 //adds 3rd number to prompt
#echo_ e, //adds "e, " to prompt
#echo_ $4 //adds 4th number to prompt
#echo_ p, //adds "p, " to prompt
#echo_ $5 //adds 5th number to prompt
#echo_ en, //adds "en, " to prompt
#echo_ $6 //adds 6th number to prompt
#echo_ w, //adds "w, " to prompt
#echo_ $7 //adds balances and "-" symbol to prompt
#echo_ $foo //adds contents of variable foo to prompt
#echo // echos all of the above on one line as the new prompt
Replace $foo with the variable containing whatever you want appended onto your prompt. If variable foo contains the message "bar" sans quotes, the result should, in theory, look something like:
1242h, 2535m, 2535e, 3p, 12535en, 14241w Bexrl- bar