A short conversation with Ladae Mistskimmer

Ladae Mistskimmer dips into a formal curtsey, tilting her head in greeting.
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "Greetings, Luce. Welcome to the Emerald Enclave."
You say, "Thank you, Ladae."
You ask Ladae Mistskimmer, "What do you know of recent events?"
Smiling broadly, Ladae Mistskimmer says, "All this shouting? Goodness, we'd hardly paid it any mind.
We have still been celebrating, you see."
You ask, "Celebrating?"
Ladae Mistskimmer exclaims, "Of course! Celebrating the demise of the Enemy!"
You gulp nervously.
You ask, "The Nightmares are no more, here?"
Ladae Mistskimmer exclaims, "Oh, echoes of His power remain, of course. But He is gone." Her eyes
glam with barely-contained emotion. "He is gone, and perhaps one day Her royal highness can be
You ask, "When was this..?"
Clearly confused, Ladae Mistskimmer says, "Did...did you not see the great battle? All of the
Soulless Ones came forth into the sky, and were defeated! Defeated by our saviors. We pray that They
will grant us audience, now, to help us free Her royal highness."
You say, "Ah."
You ask, "It's almost like a Dream, isn't it?"
Ladae Mistskimmer gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
You say, "A dream come true..."
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "You might say that, I suppose. Though dreams are more than simply fancy, or
wish. They can be terrible things. No, this is not a dream - it is a miracle."
The tingling on the back of your neck returns momentarily before abruptly vanishing.
Magister Lorina, of Hallowed Waters says, "Hmm."
You greet Lorina with a sincere smile.
Covered in downy white plumage, this diminutive trill has a slender and fragile frame at odds with
the impressive wingspan that does much to disguise her otherwise small stature. A beautiful
periwinkle blue gown of wispy lace and smooth silk enshrouds her form, ever so slightly more
artistic than formal. The fluffy texture of both her feathers and clothing is exaggerated by the
empyreal aura that envelops her dreambody, lending her aristocratic features slightly hazy lines.
Ladae Mistskimmer looks to be crushingly strong.
You ask, "Lady Mistskimmer, is it possible for those without the art of dreamwalking to become
trapped within a dream, hypothetically?"
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "Theoretically in the Dreaming, or with the Dreaming, anything is possible."
Lorina blinks.
You say, "And..."
You ask, "And if one needed to force oneself out of such a trap?"
You say, "How would one go about it?"
Ladae Mistskimmer lazily draws her wings to and fro through the air, fanning them slowly.
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "I'm afraid that would entirely depend upon the nature of the trap - how it
was made, who it was made by."
Magister Lorina, of Hallowed Waters says to Luce, "Both of which, we do not know."say to lorina That seems like information it might behoove us to learn, then...
You say, "To lorina That seems like information it might behoove us to learn, then..."
Before the Aegis of Vestera.
Enveloped in an unearthly aura, Ladae Mistskimmer stands here with her velutinous wings folded at
her sides. Situated at the centre of the dais, the Aegis of Vestera glows with divine power.
Shifting Current Luce Shevat is here, sound asleep. Magister Lorina, of Hallowed Waters is here,
Magister Lorina, of Hallowed Waters says to Ladae Mistskimmer, "Is there anyway for us to learn who
could be weaving such a large-scale slumber to ensnare the entire Basin?"
Magister Lorina, of Hallowed Waters says to Luce, "That has the biggest question... Who could be
causing it, and how with ultimately... Why?"
You say, "And the Manifestations. They were empowered, before the trap was sprung..."
You ask, "Could the Aegis, or the Seal of Beauty be harnessed to create such a trap?"
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "The Dreamer created His Aegis to act as a shield for the Sleeping Child. He
foresaw that, with time, Her slumber could be unsettled by the power of the Enemy."
Ladae Mistskimmer smiles softly.
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "It acts as a house for Her dreams, and in doing so ensures that they are
purged of the Enemy's influence."
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "The Aegis, certainly not. This Seal, I don't know."
Lorina creases her brow in a frown.
You say, "The Dreamer became the Seal to hold back Kethuru."
Ladae Mistskimmer lowers her head in respect.
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "He orchestrated all of this. We know what happened to Him - we could feel
it when He sacrificed Himself - but even still I am comforted by the fact that I can still feel His
presence in the world, every moment. Here, and beyond, in the dreams of all who walk the world."
Ladae Mistskimmer gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
You chew on your lip thoughtfully.
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "As for ensnaring the entire basin - well, that is quite impossible. Nothing
has enough power to do that."
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "I doubt even the Elder Gods could."
Ladae Mistskimmer creases her brow in a frown.
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "Before They perished, of course."
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "I'm afraid I don't know the Seal's workings well enough to say. I doubt it,
You say, "The Enemy...with His ties to the Dreaming, if He abandoned His attempts to influence the
Child...how powerful could He have been?"
Her expression flashing with relief, Ladae Mistskimmer says, "Thank you, Luce, for not speaking His
name. I would rather not speak of Him, but..."
Pain clouds Ladae Mistskimmer's expression, though it is quickly schooled away. "Many of us lost a
great deal to Him. Without Her royal highness, countless more would have been lost. Choosing to
stand guard here was a difficult decision for all of us, but one we would take again in a heartbeat
to ensure that She is kept safe."
Ladae Mistskimmer says, "I would rather not think about that, to be honest. This should be a happy
Lorina inclines her head politely to those around her.
Magister Lorina, of Hallowed Waters says to Luce, "Departing."
Lorina pulls on her silver cord and disappears.
You say, "We're in something of a dour mood, in the waking world. Our...Saviors have placed us in a
very uncomfortable position. My home was lost to the madness, so forgive my melancholic questions."
You say, "We were afraid it might have been a corrupted Dream, you see. But if you say it's
impossible, then I defer to your expertise."You say to Ladae Mistskimmer, "I must go, I think. Thank you for your wisdom."

And a short thank-you to the Divine who was humoring me and possibly leading the rest of the sane members of the Basin on a merry chase at the same time.
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