Are you bored or want more things to do, if you don't have enough to do already? Do you like reading, do you have interests in reading with other people similar stuff and things? Do you like fangirl/fanboying over books like I do? Any kind of books? Me too! This thread is branching off from the 'What are you reading?' thread, and making it (hopefully) into an actual group!

I've been thinking about this idea for ages now, why isn't there a Lusternian Book Club? There's LoL thread, there's a bunch of Mafia games, but no book thread! Let me know if you're interested in having a little group thread about it. Maybe a reading a book every one or two months and having neat discussions about them would be interesting. Maybe turning Mafia into something based on the books we read? Just some little thoughts that I've been thinking about lurking around on the forums.

Coming up with a reading list is relatively easy if we have a lot of recommendations! It just depends on what genre we would like to read from! If you're interested or want to contribute, this would probably be a good place to do so.

What do you like to read, do you have genres that are unusually hipster? Is it about zombie dogs going on the moon and finding out that its made of cheese? Tell me! Get involved, and get to know other people in the community in Lusternia.

Interested people so far:
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
There is about 50 other books on my TBR pile that have been for months(some years)
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
The Rats in the Walls is one of the very few stories that provoked a strong emotional response from me. It might be a function of it being the first Lovecraft that I read or it being when I was like 14, but I endorse it.
Vive l'apostrophe!
Currently I'm reading Dune, because I'm a scrub and didn't read it when I was in high school like I should have. I'm about half way through, and it's really good so far!
Which positions you perfectly to recommend stuff and resources! Seriously though I have not read Proust or Cormac McCarthy or Victor Hugo more than a handfull of pages and I'm looking for an excuse. But before we jump into the deepend how about we start with a short story so we see who's game. If we want to go scifi or supernatural I suggest Breeds There A Man by Asimov or The Whimper of Whipped Dogs, respectively.
As for what I'm reading now, am years behind the curve and only just getting around to reading American Gods.
Also had great success reading Tess of d'Urbervilles with friends, aka The Original Series of Unfortunate Events, aka The Plot Screws Everyone Over.
@Tremula, @Kalaak, @Ayisdra, @Talan, @Havastus, @Ymuli @Shonjir and @Aerdureth so far for interest. Awesome guys, so happy you want to do this with me. I feel from what I'm seeing everyone wants to do a steam-punk, fantasy/science fiction historic Victorian vibe? That's a pretty wide genre and there's a lot to read! Here are my suggestions for the first book we want to tackle, I've put them in order sort of, so PICK 3 of these and MESSAGE ME. Which ever gets the most votes, we'll start with, sound fair?
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Complete Collection of H.P Lovecraft (We'd pick some short stories ala Portius)
The Portrait of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Rashomon and Other Classics
A Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart
The Hammer of Witches: A Complete Translation of the Malleus Maleficarum by Charles S. Mackay
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Pride & Predjudice and Zombies / Dreadfully Ever After by Jane Austen, Seth Grahame-Smith, Steve Hockensmith
Something from the Nightside (The Nightside Series) by Simon R. Green
The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers
Declare by Tim Powers
The Medusa Web by Tim Powers
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell by Susanna Clarke
The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke
Dragonsong (Pern: Harper Hall series) by Anne McCafferey
File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents (Reports 1-6) by Lemony Snicket
Let's see if we can find a cool book schedule that we can set up, we could try a chapter every week, a chapter every week and a half? What's good for you? Do you like slow or fast analysis of the materials.