the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Thul said:
    I've been protecting myself. Every night. That's been a thing. The only people I should be messing with are people messing with me.

    Do I need to explain my power here again? I put up my shield on night one. During that night, anybody that hits me (with some apparent exceptions) gets smacked with amnesia. I do not know what happens that night. On night two, I get to look at a list of effects that would have happened to me (or when I still had the ability to target multiple people, to my target, and to actions the target was trying to perform,) and choose which ones do or do not go off. The effects I let go through occur on a delay, which can lead to some chaos which I've been trying to mitigate as best I can.

    Meanwhile, I've had some time to cool off, think about stuff, and, uh. Does nobody else have a comment about Ssaliss trying to gack my Pokemon? Am I taking this too personally? Did that not come off as the world's biggest scum tell to anyone else? Did I just hallucinate that while I was at work?

    Might need to actually off him tonight, if he is scum. I'd forgotten all about that Solrock, but Sunny Day in scum hands is potentially game over for town.
    To be frank, I recalled that the ability is also the "attack" and if it does no damage, they can't really do any damage. This was a vaguely relevant detail to me at the start of the game since I have a non-damaging pokemon ability (though my pokemon doesn't need exp to evolve, so whatever). I thought Ssaliss went into it knowing it'd just Sunny Day.

    It is, indeed, odd behaviour for Ssaliss. I have never seen him pull something like this before. However, I do get the feeling it was to try to bait out a retaliation, if you had any.

    I'm just waiting to see if he does anything else atypical.

    The Solrock observation is important, though. Conveniently, Ssaliss can always trade it off too, if we are inclined to apply enough pressure. I'd be curious to see who, if anyone, would favour such a move.

  • Othero said:
    But that's what I'm confused on. According to Thul he picks someone and actions taken on that target fail. The next night he then sees the actions and gets to decide if they continue to fail or if they take effect that night. So everything he gave us is what happened two nights ago. I targeted Thul last night and it worked without any weirdness which means he didn't target himself last night.
    I'm wondering what happened here myself. I've been hiding behind my Pokemon literally every night of this game. I most certainly didn't protect Cyndarin. I wrote her off as worthless nights ago. >_> Sorry.

    I want to say that you should've been slowed down, even if I'm just camping out in my room the entire time. Maybe you're a good enough ninja that even Foresight* didn't pick up on it? I mean, Tremula nerfed me once already, and Melali can tell you all about arbitrary holes in powers. Apparently I can't pick up on Ileein either.

    Another possibility, of course, is that you didn't visit me at all, and are just saying you did to throw suspicion on me. If that's the case... well. I'm leaning towards "arbitrary hole in Poke-defense" right now. If I'm wrong, I'll know when the townies with the slit throats show up tomorrow. Zoroark tried that on me once already.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Well, given Othero's current suspicions and angling, I think I'd be the first on his hit list if I don't get lynched today.

    @CyndarinAscends, do you still need to scan Deino? Might want to work out how that might be possible if it isn't done already. Then if you got a dragon type down, will there be anything else?

  • I am going to tell you all a story.

    It is a story about you, and a story about me, but it is mostly a story about a little electric mouse.

    When my beloved Raichu was but a mere Pichu (all of 3 days ago...), she loved nothing more than to run up to and hug random strangers. Unfortunately for those strangers, little Pichu had a habit of dragging her feet along the carpet and invariably would harmlessly shock them into a minor paralysis that would prevent them from acting during that day/night cycle. The static electricity took a bit of time to reload, unfortunately, and she could only do this effectively every other day.

    But through rigorous training and hard work, lil' Pichu evolved into Pikachu. She had mastered her electric powers at that point, and could direct lightning bolts against both trainers and Pokemon which would both paralyze and damage them. This could be used every phase and with unerring precision; she went from dragging socks on the ground every other day to launching cruise missiles every phase.

    And then Pikachu ran face first into a Thunderstone and became the terrifyingly mighty Raichu. And I do mean terrifying. You see, when the lightning mouse absorbed the vast electrical energy stored in the Thunderstone, she lost all semblance of control over her power. When she uses her shockwave, she could no longer discern friend nor foe, but would hit ALL pokemon...paralyzing, damaging, AND interrupting every one. In effect, she went from cruise missile to atomic bomb (ground/stone types not-withstanding)

    The reason I tell you this story is as a prelude to the following action:

    Raichu! Use...Psychological Warfare!

    Yeah, you see, I can't in good conscience use shockwave. It's monstrously powerful, but given the likely makeup of the remaining group it would hurt town far more than mafia. Instead, I'm going to go ahead and do this instead:

    Trade Raichu for Mystery Pokemon #3

    Raichu and I had a long talk and she understands that we must part ways (at least temporarily) in order to ensure victory. If the cruise ends and she remains unclaimed, I'll go and grab her back. If one of ya'll claim her instead...well, that says a lot too.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Ooh. A mystery pokemon shall be revealed! How fun.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    I'd like to politely ask everyone to use italics or underlines for emphasis (ctrl+i or ctrl+u) rather than bold so no one reading, playing, or modding gets confused and looks for a power where there isn't one. Thank you!

    Krackenor steps up to Alec and hands out his pokeball and Trainer Card. The Champion takes it and places it on one pedestal of the machine and begins typing. A second pokeball Appears on the opposite pedestal, the faint scent of burning ozone only present for a moment before vanishing entirely. You all look expectantly to the screen, and the image of Raichu appears on one end, and the Articuno! They cross places and the machine dings happily before beginning to churn out a new Trainer Card.

    Alec holds the ball out but when Krackenor makes to take it, the Champion does not relinquish his grip. "Be careful with this." There is a slight edge to his voice as he continues, "The previous trainer did not have the journey's best interests at heart." Krackenor nods and the Champion turns to grab Raichu's ball and toss it to Sylandra, who Disappears it once more.

    Krackenor has traded Raichu for Mystery Pokemon #3: Articuno! Pokemon may not be traded until further notice.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • Hot damn :D
  • Well, glad that Raichu nuke is out of the way.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Wow. Articuno was always my favourite in Gen 1, so OP in that era. I'm guessing it is probably as OP as Raichu, though, if not more so.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    The machine dings and Alec waves the fresh laminate through the air before handing it to Krackenor with a small smile on his face. 

    Pokemon may be traded once more. Play continues as normal.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Aha! I finally know which Pokemon has the freezing move! I've been wondering about that since the day we bought items. 

    So, is it Blizzard or Ice Beam?
  • Ice-ocolypse, conjurer of slurpees
  • Also, it's Icy Wind
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Krackenor said:
    Also, it's Icy Wind
    Articuno can't even learn Icy Wind you hacker.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Phoebus said:
    Krackenor said:
    Also, it's Icy Wind
    Articuno can't even learn Icy Wind you hacker.
    Tutor, from Generation 6.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Icy Wind does sound kind of weaksauce for Articuno, but then again, Shockwave isn't something the Pikachu line can learn in the games either, and it in the games Shockwave is also weaker than Thunderbolt (though has the advantage that it can't miss). I think Trem might just be filling in his favourite type-based moves where he wants to.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Oh, wait. Just as I thought I was done looking, it appears as though the pikachu line could learn it in Gen III and Gen IV. Sneaky.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Tremula said:
    Phoebus said:
    Krackenor said:
    Also, it's Icy Wind
    Articuno can't even learn Icy Wind you hacker.
    Tutor, from Generation 6.
    But why.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Phoebus said:
    But why.
    Some want to just put the whole world on ice. Others simply want eco-friendly air-conditioning. We're working with the latter here.

  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Ok, I guess Icy Wind wins out over a better Ice move if you're playing doubles, because it hits adjacent. I never do double battles though.
  • Re: me trying to "gack" Thul's pokemon: Perhaps I didn't explain it properly enough, but the reason I tried to attack it is because Thul lied about both which pokemon he has and which move he uses, and I honestly can't think of a single good reason why. What does he have to hide? What else has he lied about? Which pokemon does he actually have, and what move does he actually use? Also, did I go into it thinking it would try to use Sunny Day? Of course not. All that does is end the night; it's useless during the actual day, so why on earth would I use it now?

    Also, re: my Solrock being good in the hands of scum: That's why I won't trade him off, to make sure they won't get their hands on him (imagine if they had the ability to do something during the night without anyone else acting if they were quick enough... yeah, let's not give them that). You might also notice that I haven't actually used him at all after that first night; that's because we haven't really had a decent enough secondary target. Would I use it if we had? Perhaps; it'd let me investigate someone without anyone else (well, hopefully no one else) getting to act, which would include the scum. I am, however, concerned about the countdown, so odds are I still wouldn't use it to ensure we get as much information out of the night as possible.
  • What? You don't know why people wouldn't want to immediately disclose their Pokemon and power? Like, Krackenor just painted a huge target on her back if she's not been recruited now that she has a legendary.
  • I didn't say Thul didn't immediately disclose it. I also wouldn't have had such a big issue with it if he had just gone "I'd rather not say". The issue I have is that he has consistently lied about it, making us think he had something he didn't. That makes me wonder exactly what he's hiding.
  • This theory makes no sense to me. The default position is generally you aren't totally up front and honest about your powers unless there is a specific reason to be. A better question is what do you think he's hiding by admitting he has different Pokemon? Unless you can answer that, and in a way that makes more sense than "I'd prefer people didn't try to murder my Pokemon," the whole line of questioning is pointless.
  • Well, given that you're on the hunt for his pokemon and want to scan it, it would've been revealed sooner or later anyway. That's why he admitted it now, rather than wait until he was caught in the act.

    You also touched on another thing:

    The default position is generally you aren't totally up front and honest about your powers unless there is a specific reason to be.

    Thing is, he has been honest (or at least I assume he has) about his power. That part of it is well known. So why the heck would he lie about which pokemon he has, or what the actual move is?
  • You didn't answer the question. If I scan him, what Pokemon will he have that will lead you to a given conclusion. What is the end scenario you are suspicious of? Instead of arguing a reasonable conclusion to your pursuit of him, you're arguing the semantics between how people will be not forthcoming about their Pokemon. Who cares if he said he had a one armed squirtle or a sparkly groudon. It's not telling of anything, except that we can draw a reasonable conclusion that his Pokemon is powerful and he's not trying to expose its weaknesses. 
  • What? You don't know why people wouldn't want to immediately disclose their Pokemon and power? Like, Krackenor just painted a huge target on her back if she's not been recruited now that she has a legendary.

    I... I'm a guy. We've met! In person;
  • I've explained my reasoning for hiding my mon's name and type. Several times now. Protection from unexpected, but realistically possible copy effects, and protection from people with a poor grasp on the local game mechanics. I think this stunt with Solrock only justifies my actions.

    The move works as I've been describing. The reason I volunteered the information about the power at all was specifically for the benefit of those who'd run into it by accident already. But if the name thing is really bugging people that much, I'll reveal if someone I trust feels it's best. >_> Short list right now. Hooray cult mechanics. I'm reasonably sure that @Portius isn't compromised yet, @Cen's probably still just a Poke-caretaker, and... let's go with @Dylara. If two of you feel like you need that info on the table, I'll reveal.

    And then rage-quit when one of these mystery Pokemon flips up Ditto, since it's been that sort of game.
  • It's not an end scenario I'm suspicious of. What I'm suspicious of is why he lied. If he wanted to keep his pokemon a secret, all he could've said was "I'd rather not share right now", which wouldn't be that weird for a town to say. Instead, he chose to lie.

    In the end, town wins by telling the truth. Scum wins by lying. Does it happen that a town lies? Of course it does. It happens far more often that a scum lies, however. That is why I'm suspicious of him.
  • Krackenor said:
    What? You don't know why people wouldn't want to immediately disclose their Pokemon and power? Like, Krackenor just painted a huge target on her back if she's not been recruited now that she has a legendary.

    I... I'm a guy. We've met! In person;
    Oh right. I'm drunk 98% of my life. I have the memory of a goldfish. Swimming in a bottle of Jack Daniels.
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