the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • Sylandra said:
    Why are you trying so hard to remove the only person in this game who can verify Pokemon and their powers? That's an incredibly useful skill considering Pokemon powers aren't revealed on death!

    It seems to me that we have gotten more information about Pokémon and their powers from trading. If Ushaara is correct (I find the logic dizzying) then he is advocating to off somebody who can not infact confirm Pokémon or powers.
  • Lehki said:
    Lehki said:
    Okay I was completely off because that's a weird as fuck power. But why were you trying to use that on Sandshrew?  I think we're lucky we didn't have one go off in the night again. =/
    No no, I just attacked Sandshrew. We can attack without using a power. Gain exp and take out the sandshrew. 
    Wait really? That's not how I'd been understanding battles this whole time.

    @Tremula, could you confirm that?

    I agree with Cyndarin's reading of how Pokémon battles work.
  • So, uh. What does a Magistrate do in mafia? Is that the investigator? Because that was Alary.

    If a magistrate is an investigator, what are the odds that the town has two? I don't doubt that there are duplicate investigation roles, but I'd bet that some of them belong to competing Mafia sides.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    But Ushaara is making wrong connections based on false information. If @Melali doesn't come forward by the end of today I'll explain why myself. I'll throw this out there, though: Melali is not the investigator.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Othero said:
    Weiwae said:
    Sylandra said:
    Ushaara's claim of being investigator seems very...ill-timed. Why announce that now, unless you found a certain scum result? If anything it sounds like this theory crafting of Ushaara's is even more dangerous than people posed Melali's was earlier; seems like it's making odd leaps and promising to distract the town on a merry chase.

    I do believe Cyndarin's claim, particularly since both Vivet and Krackenor saw her act. She's also proven it by naming Krackenor's Pokemon. Honestly he's been remarkably straightforward throughout.

    Only reason I can figure anyone would be trying to shut her up at this point is because they don't want her figuring out their Pokemon? :-?

    But Portius has caught cyndarin in a pretty bad lie.
    No he hasn't. You don't know this. Portius -says- he caught Cyndarin in a lie with no real information about that lie. Once we learn about the pokemon that did attack we'll know if it was a lie or not from Cyndarin. But right now Portius just says he caught Cyndarin in a lie.

    True, but then Portius is randomly lying. Portius can you explain further?
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Who is Vivet's pokemon then? Why did you reveal Krackenor's but not Vivets?

    Not asking for powers, just a name.

    Thul - Allyrianne mentioned earlier that a Magistrate prevents someone from voting or being voted for. so kind of like a vote jailer.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Anyway - really interested in what @Melali has to say 

    (it's funny that Cynkarin gets uppity about how her name is spelled, but then does #sorrynotsorry when messing up Melali's pronouns)

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Weiwae said:
    Lehki said:
    Lehki said:
    Okay I was completely off because that's a weird as fuck power. But why were you trying to use that on Sandshrew?  I think we're lucky we didn't have one go off in the night again. =/
    No no, I just attacked Sandshrew. We can attack without using a power. Gain exp and take out the sandshrew. 
    Wait really? That's not how I'd been understanding battles this whole time.

    Tremula, could you confirm that?

    I agree with Cyndarin's reading of how Pokémon battles work.
    When you use a move or ability against another Pokémon, it is considered a battle. If your typing is superior to theirs, you will gain DOUBLE EXPERIENCE and they will gain NONE from the encounter. If your typing is equal, you will both gain experience. If your typing is inferior, you will gain no experience and they will gain experience.

    This reads to me as battles happen when you use your pokemon abilities on other pokemon. There's no direct mention of attacking without using a power in any of the rules posts. 

    But if Cyndarin was able to do that, guess I was wrong. Was anybody else able to attack other mons at night without using powers?
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Yeah, I thought just using my pokemon moves was 'battling' 

    Clarification would be nice.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • It's entirely possible neither of us are lying. 

    Consider that I got no message about pumpkaboo attacking sandshrew. That could very well mean pumpkaboo did not attack sandshrew for whatever reason. 

    I suspect the others got to sandshrew before I did therefor I got a fat goose egg as a result. So Portius could have very well not seen pumpkaboo attack sandshrew. 

    I recall someone said a water type attacked sandshrew. So in theory, water type does 2 damage, whoever that second pokemon was did 1 damage, sandshrew  is incapacitated. If my attack was third in line, I would have hit nothing.
  • It's entirely possible neither of us are lying. 

    Consider that I got no message about pumpkaboo attacking sandshrew. That could very well mean pumpkaboo did not attack sandshrew for whatever reason. 

    I suspect the others got to sandshrew before I did therefor I got a fat goose egg as a result. So Portius could have very well not seen pumpkaboo attack sandshrew. 

    I recall someone said a water type attacked sandshrew. So in theory, water type does 2 damage, whoever that second pokemon was did 1 damage, sandshrew  is incapacitated. If my attack was third in line, I would have hit nothing.
    Tremula said that type effective moves just result in more XP, not more damage. So 3 pokemon would have had to hit it before yours for that to work
  • Synkarin said:
    Anyway - really interested in what @Melali has to say 

    (it's funny that Cynkarin gets uppity about how her name is spelled, but then does #sorrynotsorry when messing up Melali's pronouns)
    Mine was a joke :(
  • I have to go, and will be gone for a while. It seems to me that we are either going to lynch Ushaara for jumping on incomplete information or Cyndarin for lying. If the facts support Ushaara, I feel confident that we will all lynch Cyndarin and my vote won't be needed. However if the facts don't support Ushaara I'm not confident there will be a unanimous vote. Therefore, in preparation for being busy all day, I am going to vote: Ushaara
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Synkarin, Cyndarin. Too similar! But hey, I'm called Ushaata and Usharaara on the same page!
  • Sylandra said:
    But Ushaara is making wrong connections based on false information. If @Melali doesn't come forward by the end of today I'll explain why myself. I'll throw this out there, though: Melali is not the investigator.
    I think I know what you're getting at, Sylandra. And if I'm guessing your reasoning right, I think there's a pretty obvious counter argument. I'll wait till you wanna explain it yourself though, before saying anything else about that. (even though a lot of guesses I've had so far have been way off base oh well)
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    The more I read what Ushaara has to say the more concerned I get. He's currently trying to off what he imagines are two investigators: Cyndarin and Melali. Even though Melali is not an investigator, the fact he's so willing to off both of these roles under the belief we have an investigative mafia team is really concerning to me. A townie ought to think carefully about removing those powers from play unless they have proof that they're mafia aligned.

    If you're an investigator Ushaara, here's a question for you: do you see alignment, or just powers? From the way you're talking it seems like you dont receive alignment. And "interrogating" sounds like flavor text, not explicit mafia power names, which means you don't get much in the way of investigating powers either. So based on that, it sounds to me like you're building an argument on very little evidence here, and using it to off two investigators.

    Vote: Ushaara
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Damn these forums and broken quotes
  • Lehki said:
    It's entirely possible neither of us are lying. 

    Consider that I got no message about pumpkaboo attacking sandshrew. That could very well mean pumpkaboo did not attack sandshrew for whatever reason. 

    I suspect the others got to sandshrew before I did therefor I got a fat goose egg as a result. So Portius could have very well not seen pumpkaboo attack sandshrew. 

    I recall someone said a water type attacked sandshrew. So in theory, water type does 2 damage, whoever that second pokemon was did 1 damage, sandshrew  is incapacitated. If my attack was third in line, I would have hit nothing.
    Tremula said that type effective moves just result in more XP, not more damage. So 3 pokemon would have had to hit it before yours for that to work
    Gah this game is confusing. If that's the case, that's not how it works in the game!

    Either way, it's just a theory or an example of how we're both not lying.
  • Lehki said:
    Weiwae said:
    Lehki said:
    Lehki said:
    Okay I was completely off because that's a weird as fuck power. But why were you trying to use that on Sandshrew?  I think we're lucky we didn't have one go off in the night again. =/
    No no, I just attacked Sandshrew. We can attack without using a power. Gain exp and take out the sandshrew. 
    Wait really? That's not how I'd been understanding battles this whole time.

    Tremula, could you confirm that?

    I agree with Cyndarin's reading of how Pokémon battles work.
    When you use a move or ability against another Pokémon, it is considered a battle. If your typing is superior to theirs, you will gain DOUBLE EXPERIENCE and they will gain NONE from the encounter. If your typing is equal, you will both gain experience. If your typing is inferior, you will gain no experience and they will gain experience.

    This reads to me as battles happen when you use your pokemon abilities on other pokemon. There's no direct mention of attacking without using a power in any of the rules posts. 

    But if Cyndarin was able to do that, guess I was wrong. Was anybody else able to attack other mons at night without using powers?

    MOVE or ability. I read that as two possible ways of attacking.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    Weiwae said:
    Othero said:
    Weiwae said:
    Sylandra said:
    Ushaara's claim of being investigator seems very...ill-timed. Why announce that now, unless you found a certain scum result? If anything it sounds like this theory crafting of Ushaara's is even more dangerous than people posed Melali's was earlier; seems like it's making odd leaps and promising to distract the town on a merry chase.

    I do believe Cyndarin's claim, particularly since both Vivet and Krackenor saw her act. She's also proven it by naming Krackenor's Pokemon. Honestly he's been remarkably straightforward throughout.

    Only reason I can figure anyone would be trying to shut her up at this point is because they don't want her figuring out their Pokemon? :-?

    But Portius has caught cyndarin in a pretty bad lie.
    No he hasn't. You don't know this. Portius -says- he caught Cyndarin in a lie with no real information about that lie. Once we learn about the pokemon that did attack we'll know if it was a lie or not from Cyndarin. But right now Portius just says he caught Cyndarin in a lie.

    True, but then Portius is randomly lying. Portius can you explain further?

    Sure! Here's as much as I can say without claiming my role or pokemon. Which I'm open to doing if I need to. I'd naturally prefer to keep it secret, but I don't think I, personally, am likely to get a lot of value out of it. So the credibility here might be worth it. I haven't decided. Chime in if you have strong opinions there.

    Last night, I sent my pokemon to target Sandshrew. This action, if successful, would prevent Sandshrew from using day powers. My pokemon is immune to ground moves, so I was reasonably confident that I could prevent Magnitude from being  a problem for today. I was not confident that Rolsand would make it through the night in one piece, but I wanted the insurance. The power does not say that it does damage, but I suspect that it did anyway for reasons that I'll get into below.

    I witnessed the following things last night:

    -My pokemon successfully attacking Sandshrew.

    -One person with Rolsand, presumably his killer. This is why I'm assuming that bludgeoning and poisoning are the same person.

    -A Piplup using some sort of bubble attack on Sandshrew. Probably bubblebeam? This attack knocked Sandshrew out. This is why I think that my attack did damage anyway. 1 point from mine (no type advantage) + 2 points from Piplup (Water type, so presumably double damage against ground.)

    Now, I will grant that it's certainly possible that Cyndarin is telling the truth. It's possible that his pokemon action didn't trigger because Sandshrew got knocked out. That strikes me as unlikely because powers usually resolve simultaneously, but it could happen. It's also possible that I just didn't get to see everything that happened to Rolsand last night, but I don't know what factor would determine what I could see and what I missed. I think it's more likely that Cyndarin bluffed an attack on Sandshrew in order to create an alibi. As mentioned earlier, it's a hard one to disprove. I'd have bought it completely if I hadn't seen a Piplup instead of a Pumpkaboo.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • I thought Tremula said actions go in order of the trainer cards she receives. 
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    I thought that was only if she had to resolve specific weird interactions between powers? I suppose that this could be on of those cases. This uncertainty is why I'm more suspicious than normal but not convinced of your scumminess.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • Weiwae said:
    Lehki said:
    Weiwae said:
    Lehki said:
    Lehki said:
    Okay I was completely off because that's a weird as fuck power. But why were you trying to use that on Sandshrew?  I think we're lucky we didn't have one go off in the night again. =/
    No no, I just attacked Sandshrew. We can attack without using a power. Gain exp and take out the sandshrew. 
    Wait really? That's not how I'd been understanding battles this whole time.

    Tremula, could you confirm that?

    I agree with Cyndarin's reading of how Pokémon battles work.
    When you use a move or ability against another Pokémon, it is considered a battle. If your typing is superior to theirs, you will gain DOUBLE EXPERIENCE and they will gain NONE from the encounter. If your typing is equal, you will both gain experience. If your typing is inferior, you will gain no experience and they will gain experience.

    This reads to me as battles happen when you use your pokemon abilities on other pokemon. There's no direct mention of attacking without using a power in any of the rules posts. 

    But if Cyndarin was able to do that, guess I was wrong. Was anybody else able to attack other mons at night without using powers?

    MOVE or ability. I read that as two possible ways of attacking.
    Yeah I did too. I just sent a message saying Pumpkaboo attack Sandshrew. 
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Attention: Pokemon MUST use their ability or move on a Pokemon for it to be considered a battle (this was done in a balancing attempt, otherwise Kecleon would be the most broken Pokemon and had to have been removed). I can not offer any more information about the night processes at this time, but you will find out everything Soon(tm).
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Sylandra said:
    The more I read what Ushaara has to say the more concerned I get. He's currently trying to off what he imagines are two investigators: Cyndarin and Melali. Even though Melali is not an investigator, the fact he's so willing to off both of these roles under the belief we have an investigative mafia team is really concerning to me. A townie ought to think carefully about removing those powers from play unless they have proof that they're mafia aligned.

    If you're an investigator Ushaara, here's a question for you: do you see alignment, or just powers? From the way you're talking it seems like you dont receive alignment. And "interrogating" sounds like flavor text, not explicit mafia power names, which means you don't get much in the way of investigating powers either. So based on that, it sounds to me like you're building an argument on very little evidence here, and using it to off two investigators.

    Vote: Ushaara
    I don't believe I'm trying to off two investigators. I believe I'm trying to off a mafia godfather and a mafia investigator. 

    I believe Cyndarin's claims to how she survived the toothbrush killer and Kilee's attack on the first night are shaky at best. I don't believe the earthquake stopped the attacks against her, but it is a convenient excuse for her to use. Thus I believe she is killproof, and will have to be lynched to remove from the game. This is a common power for the godfather.

    Very early in the day, she described the toothbrush attack as someone tried to stab her with a toothbrush (note the active descriptor). Late in the mess that was Day 1, this turned into just hearing them stumble around and seeing the toothbrush shank on the ground. Today it is described as hearing a yelp and seeing the shank. 

    The Darkrai attack was described as a block, but is now revealed to have been Kilee's serial killer attempt. She has no real account of how she survived this. Just passed out and woken by the Champion. Again, simply too convenient for me to believe.

    There are simply too many inconsistencies in her descriptions of her actions. This is partly why I believe she is lying, in addition to the claims today. 

    At this point, aside from revealing Weiwae's power, there's little I can do to prove things one way or another. 

    I said I like high stakes. I said I'd call Cyndarin's bluff. I'm all in on this lone-ranger sally, if I lose, I lose.

    Vote Cyndarin
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    wait wait wait - Sylandra is saying that Melali is not a pokemon investigator? How do you know this?

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Oh, okay, reading over Tremula's and my exchange. Gosh this game is confusing (though exciting).

    My pokemon power stated TRAINER only. So I just did generic attack on Sandshrew. Tremula then did clarify that was a typo and it was supposed to say trainer or pokemon and that the attack would constitute using confuse ray. 

    So apparently I used confuse ray on sandshrew as that is what was implied by attacking the sandshrew. 
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Oh, and I'm saying interrogating, because hopefully that will match up with how @Vivet perceived the visitor!
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    @Ushaara - I just told you that you're wrong about Melali. I have proof your theory is wrong. You're being very stubborn about this theory in the face of impending evidence to the contrary. You keep rising in suspicion levels for me the more you double down on this.

    @Tremula - Aw, no clarity on Pokemon battles? That's frustrating, but enough to make me willing to table the Portius vs Cyndarin testimonies for now. It's still possible they're both telling the truth, as Cyndarin said.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Always possible someone attacked Sandshrew night 1, as well.
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