the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Ok, so if Weiwae is the bomb, and Ushaara had investigated Weiwae, and that is one of the roles that he mentioned, why would he not start the day with pointing out that Weiwae is a bomb? Why did he question Melali, someone who he noticed investigating, and not Weiwae, someone with a bomb?

    A few pages ago, Ushaara was questioning Lehki saying "I thought you claimed bulletproof and not lynchproof." But it went unnoticed and never responded. If we lynch Lehki, there is a 50% chance he won't die, I believe he has a kill immunity and we do not reveal anything.

    If you are an investigator and you found an someone that interrogates and a bomb, why would you push to kill the interrogator and not the bomb?
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • ...assuming Weiwae doesn't fail for one reason or another, in which case we'll lynch him...

    ...I'm so frigging confused right now.
  • Phoebus said:
    Krackenor said:
    This has been ridonkulous, but I don't think the situation the situation is as grim as it appears. If Lehki's code phrase counts as an action, he is blocked and it cannot go through. If Weiwei does not need the code phrase to detonate, his offer of giving Iosion a last word let the latter use his Purrloin, which we already know blocks day powers. If neither the phrase nor the bomb detonation counts as an action, then I have no clue what an action actually means in this game.
    I feel like blocking wouldn't stop him from saying words that set off someone else's action. I think right now it comes down to if Purrloin can stop the bomb from exploding or not. I think it was already set in motion by the passcode being spoken, as Weiwae's response implies he's forced to choose a target and explode once it's out there, so unless Fakeout functions as an interrupt like Intimidate does, I'm not rating Iosion's chances of survival very high.
    Right, it all depends on what qualifies as an action. Setting off somebody else's ability sounds like an action to me, but that's up to Tremula to parse out now.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Silvanus said:
    Ok, so if Weiwae is the bomb, and Ushaara had investigated Weiwae, and that is one of the roles that he mentioned, why would he not start the day with pointing out that Weiwae is a bomb? Why did he question Melali, someone who he noticed investigating, and not Weiwae, someone with a bomb?

    A few pages ago, Ushaara was questioning Lehki saying "I thought you claimed bulletproof and not lynchproof." But it went unnoticed and never responded. If we lynch Lehki, there is a 50% chance he won't die, I believe he has a kill immunity and we do not reveal anything.

    If you are an investigator and you found an someone that interrogates and a bomb, why would you push to kill the interrogator and not the bomb?
    All I got was Weiwae was a bomb, which is often a town role since it blows the mafia who tries to off them up. Again, I don't get third-party/town faction reveals.

    And the lynch or kill proof was for Sylandra, not Lehki.

    You're the one proven to have been caught lying here, not me!!
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Again, earlier in the game, you said there is probably a mafia investigator that checked out roles or pokemon. You can't discern alignment like I can.

    You were given two roles: bomb and an investigator. And you choose to out the investigator instead of the bomb.

    My vote will stay on Ushaara for the rest of the day.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • @Ileein I was basically hoping it would play out as a day-vig kill. If I was right about Sylandra, she'd flip right then. If I was wrong, then vig would probably off me in the night for being super shady.

    When Tremula said nothings going to happen I figured the whole bomb thing probably was most likely just a headscrerw somebody tried to play on me N1 and I might as well explain everything. Weiwae pulling this is not something I had not considered. <_<
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Here you go, Bomb

    See: sided with town, that's why I didn't reveal him.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Krackenor said:
    Phoebus said:
    Krackenor said:
    This has been ridonkulous, but I don't think the situation the situation is as grim as it appears. If Lehki's code phrase counts as an action, he is blocked and it cannot go through. If Weiwei does not need the code phrase to detonate, his offer of giving Iosion a last word let the latter use his Purrloin, which we already know blocks day powers. If neither the phrase nor the bomb detonation counts as an action, then I have no clue what an action actually means in this game.
    I feel like blocking wouldn't stop him from saying words that set off someone else's action. I think right now it comes down to if Purrloin can stop the bomb from exploding or not. I think it was already set in motion by the passcode being spoken, as Weiwae's response implies he's forced to choose a target and explode once it's out there, so unless Fakeout functions as an interrupt like Intimidate does, I'm not rating Iosion's chances of survival very high.
    Right, it all depends on what qualifies as an action. Setting off somebody else's ability sounds like an action to me, but that's up to Tremula to parse out now.
    It's going to be pretty darn funny if Weiwae just kind of fizzles out and is left standing there, like, "um. Just kidding?" after all this buildup.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Honestly, if I'm going to die, I'm bringing Lehki down with me the best I can, my vote is staying there.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor

    Silvanus said:
    Again, earlier in the game, you said there is probably a mafia investigator that checked out roles or pokemon. You can't discern alignment like I can.

    You were given two roles: bomb and an investigator. And you choose to out the investigator instead of the bomb.

    My vote will stay on Ushaara for the rest of the day.
    If you can discern alignment, why are you running around copying pokedexes?

    You are lying, and have been proven to be lying time and time again at this point.

    Again, to salvage -anything- from this day, if we even have the option too I believe the best play is lynch Sylandra, which will confirm Cyndarin and Silvanus to also be scum.
  • Or, if we believe Sylandra to be at risk and to be town, we could try to lynch Weiwae to prevent the bomb from going off.
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Ushaara said:
    Here you go, Bomb

    See: sided with town, that's why I didn't reveal him.
    Except Weiwae appears to be a suicide bomber if his power is activated during the day, which tends to be more mafia related (Click to link here)

    And there has been zero proof of anything Ushaara, throwing out superlatives like that doesn't offer anything. The only thing that I can offer as a shred of proof is that I called Melali being the jailer, you said investigator, and I've investigated the Doctor. And neither of those have been confirmed. So no one has been proven to be lying.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • Synkarin said:
    Honestly, if I'm going to die, I'm bringing Lehki down with me the best I can, my vote is staying there.
    Yeh I think I'm just dead at this point and am cool with going down with the ship. However I think your moon thing with Vivet is something people should look at! 

    Lunaala was mentioned in the message I picked up, so I think it's a safe bet we might have Lunaala and Solgaleo as significant in this game. We were already suspecting 2 competing Mafia's so that would fit.
  • Sylandra's not at risk. Both because Weiwae's aimed at someone else, and because that kill immunity seems a lot more plausible right now.

    Still up for lynching Weiwae, though I'll wait for a Tremula post before starting that up.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    @Silvanus again, if you can investigate alignments, which is pretty much the most useful town power ever,

    Why on earth are you copying pokedexes?


    End the day, the suspense is killing me! Litterally!
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Omg Weiwae!

    Haha, goddamn you @Tremula for another leading flavour message!!
  • I am still on Ushaara. Lheki and Weiwai have done their damage. At this point we seem to be stuck with whatever is going to happen. Ushaara can still cause chaos and keeps trying to redirect to anyone they can.
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    I can investigate or I can copy the PokeDex.

    My investigation revealed the alignment. The friendly Doctor heard a scream and went to attend to it. I do not know why you have trouble discerning alignment, but it was never a question in my investigation.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • Finish the Lehki lynch train so we can end the day!!!!!!

    (God tomorrow is gonna be the fastest day if this bomb nonsense fizzles. Biiieeeee Weiwae ;) )
    OH cruel Fate, when wilt thou weary be?
    When satisfied with tormenting me?
    What have I e'er designed, but thou hast crost?
    All that I wished to gain by thee, I've lost:
    From my first infancy, thy spite thou'st shown
    and from my cradle, I've thy malice known...
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    If Weiwae is a mafia bomb, Ushaara and Lehki are probably mafia with him, and I am ok with that result.

    Vote: Weiwae
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • Ugh, fine. Vote: Lehki
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    @Othero that's fine. With the amount of confusion today I don't expect any different.

    But again, I didn't ask you to attack Sylandra, and still believe the I CAN ACTIVATE.. option would have better route, since I believe it would have shown that we -all- can activate our pokemon except seemingly for Sylandra!!

    Again, anomalous claims = indication of mafia.

  • So, @Tremula (or anyone else that keeps track), votecount?
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Ushaara said:
    Look, Lehki's play was insane, but again, I'm stuck on Sylandra's anomalous claim and believe lynching her will catch Cyndarin and Silvanus too.

    Let us salvage something from this mess!

    This again? I'm not working with Cyndarin or Silvanus. At least not intentionally. If anything, you and Lehki seem weirdly in sync this dayphase.

    I basically want Ushaara to flip for the same reasons @Silvanus and @Othero are posing. If Ushaara is mafia, Lehki will have more than a bomb to explain to us. And the bomb alone was a lot to explain. We could possibly lose 3 deaths thanks to "bad play" from @Lehki! Talk about an odd time to reveal your powers.
    Ssaliss said:
    Or, if we believe Sylandra to be at risk and to be town, we could try to lynch Weiwae to prevent the bomb from going off.

    Nah. Don't worry about me.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Ssaliss said:
    So, @Tremula (or anyone else that keeps track), votecount?
    I don't see more than 5 votes on anyone. It's going to be a long day.
  • Here is my unofficialy vote count since Trem's last check-in:

    Ushaara (4): Sylandra, Cen, Kalaneya, Lehki
    Weiwae (1): Silvanus
    Lehki (7): Krackenor, Synkarin, Luce, Iosion, Phoebus, Kaimanahi, Othero
    Sylandra (1): Ushaara

    OH cruel Fate, when wilt thou weary be?
    When satisfied with tormenting me?
    What have I e'er designed, but thou hast crost?
    All that I wished to gain by thee, I've lost:
    From my first infancy, thy spite thou'st shown
    and from my cradle, I've thy malice known...
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Weiwae said:
    Ssaliss said:
    So, @Tremula (or anyone else that keeps track), votecount?
    I don't see more than 5 votes on anyone. It's going to be a long day.

    That's the thing about big games; lynchtrains are a bitch to get chugging. :(
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • I don't know how many we need to lynch, but CHOO CHOO boys 'n girls! Day-end is gonna be fuuuuun
    OH cruel Fate, when wilt thou weary be?
    When satisfied with tormenting me?
    What have I e'er designed, but thou hast crost?
    All that I wished to gain by thee, I've lost:
    From my first infancy, thy spite thou'st shown
    and from my cradle, I've thy malice known...
  • Okay then. Let's do this for now:

    Vote: Weiwae

    Hopefully that'll stop her taking Iosion down with her. Odds are I'll change my vote in a few days if nothing comes of it.
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