the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Hmm, the spray of bubbles specifically covered both of us, leaving us annoyed, confused and irritated, but otherwise seemingly unaffected. Anyhoo, that's my early-warning out of the way..

    (headsup: family in town, will be less active... *collective yay!)
  • Oh, hey. Lehki's still alive. We should probably fix that.

    Nothing to report from last night.
  • Well! I'm glad I'm alive. I thought I was gonna die because I got redirected AGAIN. TO LEHKI'S COMPARTMENT. x_x So uncool.

    I'm going to go ahead and say this confirms it's a redirect and not a repelling effect like I suggested, because I chose a different target from the first time it happened to me. Same thing happened. I moved towards them, got that ominous gut feeling, and lost control of my body. I found myself walking in the opposite direction.

    So apart from my power working on Lehki (which sucks, btw, what a waste), I only saw one other thing. A white smoke billowed into the room, causing me to cough and choke before dissipating out the air vents. No idea what it did, if anything, or what it means. But I'm alive! Yay!

    Now if whoever is redirecting me could kindly STAHP IT, I'd be grateful. :(
  • Thul said:
    Oh, hey. Lehki's still alive. We should probably fix that.

    Nothing to report from last night.
    I'm pretty surprised too; either nobody tried to nightkill the guy we were worried about having daykill immunity, or he was protected somehow! Fortunately, assuming the sun cult has a mafia kill, it looks like they didn't succeed either.
    Jadice, the Frost Queen says to you, "Constant vigilance."
  • Cen said:
    Well! I'm glad I'm alive. I thought I was gonna die because I got redirected AGAIN. TO LEHKI'S COMPARTMENT. x_x So uncool.

    I'm going to go ahead and say this confirms it's a redirect and not a repelling effect like I suggested, because I chose a different target from the first time it happened to me. Same thing happened. I moved towards them, got that ominous gut feeling, and lost control of my body. I found myself walking in the opposite direction.

    So apart from my power working on Lehki (which sucks, btw, what a waste), I only saw one other thing. A white smoke billowed into the room, causing me to cough and choke before dissipating out the air vents. No idea what it did, if anything, or what it means. But I'm alive! Yay!

    Now if whoever is redirecting me could kindly STAHP IT, I'd be grateful. :(

    What was your power again? Trying to think of why some actions would succeed on Lehki and not others. Bus driver on Lehki would've redirected everything, so you... would have targeted yourself?

    Lehki being targeted by Luce is weird, since Lehki's expected survival rate to the end of the game is about nil. Assuming Lehki isn't just straight-up BSing.
  • Today's gonna be fun. I'm openly scum so everything I say and said is suspect. But Vivet also revealed there's another group of scum and taking them out is a priority for me, so everybody I've accused isn't off the hook yet. ;D

  • Although it could make sense if Luce was aiming for information gathering over win condition, which would be very useful to Town.

    I'm pretty surprised we did not kill Lehki last night. We should have at least one killer still active in addition to the Sun Mafia killer. Either they were blocked, had a cool down, or have some reasons of their own for not wanting to kill someone who is blatantly scum.

  • Thul said:

    What was your power again? Trying to think of why some actions would succeed on Lehki and not others. Bus driver on Lehki would've redirected everything, so you... would have targeted yourself?
    Not interested in sharing that yet.

    But yeah, I don't know. All I saw was the smoke thing, and I have no idea what it did (maybe a smokescreen to prevent me from detecting other actions..?). I spend the whole night in the compartment with whoever I target, which is why when I saw I got redirected to Lehki, I was so worried I'd get killed. He had a huge bullseye on his back and I thought I might get killed due to proximity, depending on how the killers' powers work.

    I'm convinced the person who redirected me is a baddie. The flavour-text is all scary, and they sent me to LEHKI of all people, a known mafioso.
  • I think I know what might have happened, assuming Cen isn't screwing with us, and assuming that Luce's entire role claim isn't BS. >_> If it works exactly as described, it's the most unwieldy win condition I've ever heard of.

    Waiting to hear from @Luce and anyone with any sort of investigative power.
  • @Portius: I block you and nobody dies. Please inform us why you shouldn't be murdered.
  • Krackenor said:
    @Portius: I block you and nobody dies. Please inform us why you shouldn't be murdered.
    Between you, Melali, and all the pokemon who can pull it, there's probably quite a few people who were blocked from acting last night.

    On the other hand I still stand by what I said that I received no notification that you were apparently blocking me the previous night, when I was definitely able to do both my trainer action and my pokemon. And Sylandra failed to notice any effect from you too. Will Portius claim to have seen nothing as well, perhaps?
  • @Melali, can you confirm something for me? Were you jailed or somehow protected last night?
  • Actually, after reviewing the thread I feel safe just saying it. I followed Salome last night on the thinking that they had been quiet and it was their first mafia game, really common for beginner scum to clam up. I followed them to Melali's cabin, Salome pulled out a knife, Melali was not in the cabin, and Salome's night action failed. Considering a knife in the back is how someone tried killing me I'm thinking we have one of the mafia.
  • Othero said:
    Actually, after reviewing the thread I feel safe just saying it. I followed Salome last night on the thinking that they had been quiet and it was their first mafia game, really common for beginner scum to clam up. I followed them to Melali's cabin, Salome pulled out a knife, Melali was not in the cabin, and Salome's night action failed. Considering a knife in the back is how someone tried killing me I'm thinking we have one of the mafia.
    Wait, so you're tracker and a watcher?
  • 1. Quiet Scum.
    2. I'm just reporting back what Tremula gives me from my target.
  • I almost forgot, Vote:Lehki

    Killing cult still takes precedent over traditional mafia. The more time the cult has to recruit the worse it will be for the town. It is a lot easier for us to slow down the mafia if we have their members pegged. 
  • I'll never go quietly!
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    At this point my win isn't happening, so I decided to snoop. Since we LOST a happy couple, I made a new one. c=

    Lehki and Ushaara are now a couple!
  • Nice.

    That may mean that Portius was the vigilante, thus explaining Lehki's survival.

    I am going to go ahead and vote: Salome under the circumstances. It would certainly be interesting to hear what explanation she can come up with for last night's events. Whatever Lehki's deal, it seems doubtful that killing him in the day is going to be successful. 
  • Othero said:
    I almost forgot, Vote:Lehki

    Killing cult still takes precedent over traditional mafia. The more time the cult has to recruit the worse it will be for the town. It is a lot easier for us to slow down the mafia if we have their members pegged. 
    You sure you wanna try that? Vivet was claiming she thought I had day immunity. ;P
  • Unvote I knew I was forgetting something. I'd believe it. (it's still early here. Early for me at least)
  • Oh, missed Luce's post. That lines up with the way the last day was going, so I'm not too terribly surprised, and more inclined to believe Luce than not.

    Now torn between voting for Ushaara and voting for Salome. On the one hand Ushaara's pokemon might make it harder to off Lehki tonight, On the other hand Salome seems very likely to be a non-town aligned killer.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Argh why am I now a match for Lehki. Was I converted last night. Is that what that noticing his shiny glow was signifying... God damn it. Do I go back to normal if we take out the cult leader? May explain why we appear to be missing a death if cult is limited to conversion or a kill per night. 
  • No deaths, huh. At least there are a few rainbows for us here, but I wasn't expecting Lehki to live. He didn't either!
    Luce said:
    At this point my win isn't happening, so I decided to snoop. Since we LOST a happy couple, I made a new one. c=

    Lehki and Ushaara are now a couple!
    This means they're the same alliance, right? So Lehki and Ushaara are sun cultists and Salome is a killer for some mafia or cult. 

    I buy Lehki's day immunity. Vivet seemed interested in taking down the rival cult so she probably wouldn't lie, we hope. My initial thought is to go with either Salome the killer or Ushaara. Ushaara could make his Victini protect Lehki at night, making him immune 24/7.
  • Something is very wrong with my forums, sorry.

  • Kalaneya said:
    No deaths, huh. At least there are a few rainbows for us here, but I wasn't expecting Lehki to live. He didn't either!
    Luce said:
    At this point my win isn't happening, so I decided to snoop. Since we LOST a happy couple, I made a new one. c=

    Lehki and Ushaara are now a couple!
    This means they're the same alliance, right? So Lehki and Ushaara are sun cultists and Salome is a killer for some mafia or cult. 

    I buy Lehki's day immunity. Vivet seemed interested in taking down the rival cult so she probably wouldn't lie, we hope. My initial thought is to go with either Salome the killer or Ushaara. Ushaara could make his Victini protect Lehki at night, making him immune 24/7.
    So you gonna believe everything Vivet claimed after confessing to scum? What was the benefit to getting herself killed right than vs letting town waste a lynch, than killing me in the night herself? If I had actually lived through that lynch I would have been a very likely target for a Vig kill too, getting town to do her dirty work. :o
  • So Lehki survived the night, how unfortunate that, and Luce matched up Ushaara and Lehki which is just plain weird. (I just don't get your role, no offence meant :( )

    And finally, some info from a dead person. Huzzah! Not so much as I'd hoped we would see, but still significant in that it does state that Vivet (and potentially her cult) were responsible for some deaths we have seen, and that it seems like others still exist from the mention of her always being on her pokegear.

    If it is true that Lehki has day-kill immunity, just UGH I say. Also, is someone able to do something about Lehki's pokemon? I can try and put him to sleep for some posts with Turtwig but I don't think that'll effect his pokemon.

    As for @Ushaara and his shiny comment, I don't see anything in the modpost about Lehki being extra shiny, or any mention of Lehki at all.

    @Cen who have you been trying to visit during your redirect? It may have something to do with the person? Or I guess it could be an attack, but you seem exceptionally benign right now, so I can't imagine someone attacking you on redirect, or even knowing where you're going each night.

    If what Othero is true, Salome is one of our killers. I'd like more information on that front.

    Vote: Salome

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Did nobody pick up Deino yesterday..?
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    @Ushaara I did see Piplup bubbling Sandshrew.

    @Krackenor because I'm the vigilante. There's really no concealing it now. Most of you probably suspected it anyway. I wasn't terribly subtle. I did nothing on night one because was wary of exposing myself until I had some idea of what powers were on the table and how pokemon worked. During night two, I went up to Rolsand, beat his head in like a rotten melon with an iron bar, and then poisoned him just to be sure. I'm very thorough.

    Last night, I attempted to kill Lehki. I don't think anyone will disagree when I say that he was the obvious choice. He is alive because Krackenor blocked me. My pokemon action was also blocked, which I assume was also Krackenor? The message made it sound that way.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
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