You follow Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh up to the icy throne of the Lord Nightmare.
Eliron kneels before Manteekan, swearing his allegiance to Him.
You curtsey gracefully before Manteekan.
The icy throne of the Lord Nightmare.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. High atop the Tower of
Nightmares, a regal chamber overlooks the land beyond, massive windows of an age-tinted
glass allowing sight far into the horizon. A dais rises from the room's centre out of which
jagged shards of ice shoot towards the peaked ceiling high above. The icy structure glows
with a bright white light, casting eerie shadows about the space as it thrums with an
entrancing power. An imposing throne carved from ice towers here, its sharp spines and eerie
presence dominating the room. A painting of the Dark Raptures of the Haze is proudly
exhibited on a nearby wall. Ravila, Lady of Misted Intent hovers idly here, her alluring
voice stirring the haze about her. Manteekan, the Nightmare sits here atop the Throne of
Nightmares, His needle-like fingers tapping gently upon it as He gazes out over the Haze. A
regal slaugh priestess waits here, her posture perfect and poised as she scrutinizes the
You see a single exit leading down.
He is a radiant immortal and gazes sternly about from behind His icy, pale eyes, rubbing His
needle-like fingers together as He watches. Hanging in the air like a veil of fine mist, His
presence is nothing more than a chill upon the skin. Transparent flesh is pulled taut over
His frail, bony frame, revealing an empty void that lurks just beneath it. Chin tilted to
the sky, He stands with an arrogance not afforded to Him by His form. A ghastly aura hangs
about Him, manifesting in a cool fog that gathers at His feet, the miasma roiling like an
impending storm. He is wearing a torturous noose of thorn and vine and billowing robes of a
chilled mist.
Lifting His hand to His chin as He turns towards you both, Manteekan, the Nightmare says,
"Tidings, children."
The air stills as all sound is muted by a deafening silence that fills the chapel.
You have emoted: Remaining silent, Issey inclines her head politely to Manteekan.
Brushing His alabaster hair behind His ear, Manteekan, the Nightmare says to you, "I trust
My Eliron has told you why you've been summoned?"
You nod your head emphatically.
Manteekan, the Nightmare says to you, "Then is it true you have asked to join the Haze?"
You say to Manteekan, "It is."
Manteekan, the Nightmare says to you, "Tell Eliron, then, why it is you wish to be one of My
You stop listening to the family channel.
Manteekan, the Nightmare says to Eliron, "You shall be the judge as to if this little one is
Eliron Shee-Slaugh bows deeply to Manteekan than turns to you, canting his head to one side
as he listens.
You have emoted: With a nod to Manteekan, Issey turns to Eliron and says, "After speaking to
you, and Stratas, about the Nightmare I have became interested in following. Stratas has
said it allows him to embrace the Wyrd in a way he previously hasn't been able to." She
leans on Lechuza, the Demented before she continues, "I like keeping myself busy and growing,
religious study will give me more opportunity to keep me from being idle."
A manic laughter echoes throughout the chapel, the raucous sound vibrating the air as it
grates against the senses.
Cupping ^Eliron's cheek briefly, Manteekan, the Nightmare says to Eliron, "And you, My child,
may follow up with questions of your own."
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says, "I will, my Lord. Unless she has more she wishes to say now?"
You shake your head at Eliron.
Veyils disbands Ysav'rai.
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says to you, "Every Patron of the Glomdoring has much to teach us
about the Glomdoring and the Wyrd, and any of them could provide you with much to learn. Why
do you seek to join the Nightmare's Haze instead of seeking out the Lady of Thorns or the
Silent Lord?"
A manic laughter echoes throughout the chapel, the raucous sound vibrating the air as it
grates against the senses.
(Glomdoring): Veyils (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I am considering an Astral hunt
You cease listening to the commune channel.
Your karma falls to keep up the karmic blessing of war.
You say to Eliron, "Or Lord Shikari, as well. I have looked into the Lady of Thorns, I've
more than learned that I'm not exactly the...type of person that would do well. My memory is
failing me slightly on what Stratas and I spoke of the Haze but, I see Lord Manteekan as
myself. Slightly. He isn't native to the Glomdoring or the Wyrd, technically, and neither am
I, but He has allowed it to transform Him and I hope to do similar."
Manteekan's face contorts into a sinister grin, revealing the points of the sharpened teeth
hidden beneath each pale lip.
A manic laughter echoes throughout the chapel, the raucous sound vibrating the air as it
grates against the senses.
With a wry grin, Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "And what type is that, that you feel you
can not be of Viravain's?"
Shadows swirl around Eliron's arm as the Fingerblade of dha'Wyrden-cree shifts and turns
around his hand.
You look skeptical and say, "The type with my mother's passion and not her restraint. I'm
still very impulsive."
Your karma falls to keep up the karmic blessing of life.
Eliron smiles faintly, looking quite pleased.
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says to you, "A topic I believe we've discussed before, no?"
You nod your head at Eliron.
You smile and say, "Indeed."
Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "And your mother is?"
Comprehension flashes across Manteekan's face.
You smile and say, "Cyndarin."
Jarrule, a newbie in the Free Forest of Glomdoring, has left Lusternia.
Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Ah, I do apologize."
Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "How unfortunate you are."
A distorted laughter escapes Manteekan's throat, the forced amusement sending a shudder of
discomfort rippling down your spine.
Eliron gives a soft cough that gives no indication of being anything other than a genuine
Eliron Shee-Slaugh steps towards you, then glances up at her on top of Lechuza. "Come down,
Echo. I think this conversation better suited without a wall of feathers between us."
You step down off of Lechuza, the Demented.
Lechuza, the Demented obediently falls into line behind you.
Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "But, I shall not hold that against you. Do continue, Eliron."
Lines of power flare up along Eliron's body, connected by shimmering points of light. For a
brief moment, his body becomes a canvas displaying the constellations of Lusternia before
the light flickers and fades away.
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says to you, "Thank you. When we spoke, we touched briefly on how
such impulsiveness can thwart your own intent."
Lechuza, the Demented inhales shortly, then stares coldly around the room before flickering
her tongue out and emitting a short burst of smoke.
You nod your head at Eliron.
The crumbling stone emits a musty stench as a stale wind blows through the chapel's many
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says to you, "And now you recognize that impulsiveness. That is good.
Do you seek to join the Haze thinking it will accommodate such or thinking it will teach you
to temper it with cunning?"
You say to Eliron, "The latter, I don't really think impulsiveness is an admirable thing."
Wispy figures dart quickly by, passing through walls as they seek out whatever they may
Eliron Shee-Slaugh nods at you again, slowly circling around her as he thinks, stepping
around the bulk of Lechuza to do so.
From behind Issey, as if considering the sight of her before Lord Manteekan, Lord Eliron
Shee-Slaugh says, "And if you learn how to truly embrace the Wyrd, what do you hope it will
transform you into it?"
Wispy figures dart quickly by, passing through walls as they seek out whatever they may
Manteekan shifts slightly in His seat as His eyes dart between the two of you.
Looking directly at Manteekan, you say to Eliron, "I hope to be transformed into whatever
the Wyrd needs, an example I felt it call me to learn the way of the Murder because of the
Wyrd's need for it."
Grey lights flicker upon the walls, emanating from extinguished candles that fill the air
with a hazy smoke.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Eliron's lips.
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says, "An example I may ask about more closely later as a Harbinger,
and not a member of His Haze."
Manteekan's face contorts into a sinister grin, revealing the points of the sharpened teeth
hidden beneath each pale lip.
You nod your head at Eliron.
Turning his focus back to Manteekan, Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says, "My Lord, I think she has
the potential to do well in your Haze. Already I have witnessed her growth in her time in
the Harbingers, and now I learn it is a deliberate act of determination to achieve her goals.
Grey lights flicker upon the walls, emanating from extinguished candles that fill the air
with a hazy smoke.
Brother Shiro Aramanth, Supplicant of Humility has stopped his own heart, killing himself
You see the death occur at the Tabernacle of Japhiel. (1972)
From your knowledge, that room is in City of New Celest.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
[H: 7230|100%] [M: 6730|99%] [E: 10200|100%] [P: 10] [XP: 0] [Target: None] (+1m, 0.0%)
Staring at Issey as He responds in a faint hiss, Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Then, My
child, you may welcome her into the Haze."
(Market): Synkarin says, "Seeking Upper Lid of the Glaring Eyeball curio! Send messages!"
Giving Issey a small smile as he walks past her to resume his place before Manteekan's
throne, Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says, "Not that I thought it any less than that before."
Wispy figures dart quickly by, passing through walls as they seek out whatever they may
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh smiles and says, "As You wish, my Lord."
It has 221 months of usefulness left.
It appears to be of level 40.
It is smaller than most miniatures.
It weighs about 15 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of Talan Ysav'rai.
It is imbued with 24,680 units of esteem.
It has the following aliases: figurine.
Eliron Shee-Slaugh turns back to you and beckons you closer.
You have emoted: Issey takes a few steps towards Eliron, face breaking into another faint
Manteekan rises from the throne slowly as He drifts towards you both, arms outstretched as
He encircles the two of you with an icy embrace.
(The Crux): Kalaneya (from the Astral Plane) says, "Naoa *hic* lis with anylne?"
Eliron Shee-Slaugh reaches up and gently places a finger on your forehead, letting it remain
there a moment as the cold of Manteekan penetrates them both.
His lip folding back to reveal the points of His teeth beneath, Manteekan, the Nightmare
says, "Let us welcome this child into the Haze, and let us guide her carefully."
You are no longer protected by the deathsight defence.
So softly it's almost a whisper as his breath nearly freezes in the air, Lord Eliron Shee-
Slaugh says, "Welcome, Issey."
Eliron baptises you into The Haze of the Divine Order of Manteekan, the Nightmare.
Manteekan, the Nightmare has bestowed His divine truefavour upon you. It will last for 10
Tears flow freely from your eyes as Manteekan, the Nightmare appoints you to a Wisp of
Ravila, Lady of Misted Intent's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Grey lights flicker upon the walls, emanating from extinguished candles that fill the air
with a hazy smoke.
You say, "Thank you."
Rising from a spray of mist is the beautiful form of this graceful vila, her ghostly form
hued with soft, muted colours. Pale blue eyes and full lips tinted a soft pink stand
prominent upon her face, the colour a stark contrast to the faint peach of her skin. Golden
locks fall down from upon the crown of her head, twisting about her slender frame as they
stretch downward to her feet. Gossamer silks woven from the hazy droplets that surround her
hug each curve of her lithe body, the gown trailing behind her caught in the gusts of wind
that constantly swirl about her form.
Ravila, Lady of Misted Intent has an air of extreme strength.
She weighs about 31 pounds.
She has a slight resistance to cutting damage.
She has a slight weakness to magic damage.
She has a moderate resistance to poison damage.
She has a moderate resistance to excorable damage.
She has a moderate weakness to divinus damage.
She is loyal to the Divine Order of Manteekan, the Nightmare.
You cannot see what Ravila, Lady of Misted Intent is holding.
It has the following aliases: ravila, vila.
Manteekan, the Nightmare says to you, "I trust that Eliron will let you know what to do next.
For now, I must leave you both, unless you had need of Me?"
Grey lights flicker upon the walls, emanating from extinguished candles that fill the air
with a hazy smoke.
Shaking her head, you say to Manteekan, "I'll be fine. After Eliron speaks to me I have an
offering to make then I'll be starting on what he suggests."
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says to Manteekan, "When You have time, my Lord, I would like to
speak to you about the question You asked me last, about the Haze's role in the commune."
Manteekan, the Nightmare says to Eliron, "Indeed, child. Soon we shall speak."
Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "For now, there are... matters to attend to in the Haze."
Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Take care, My children."
Lord Eliron Shee-Slaugh says, "Of course, my Lord. Thank you."
Eliron bows respectfully to Manteekan.
Manteekan leans forward and places an icy kiss upon your brow.
You curtsey gracefully before Manteekan.
Manteekan caresses Eliron's cheek, His razor-like fingers leaving a faint scratch upon his
dark skin.
The incorporeal form of Manteekan, the Nightmare, dissolves into a cool mist which creeps
hauntingly away into the distance, leaving behind naught but an eerie silence and an
unsettling chill.
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