Funny/Cute Pictures



  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    I really regret that I didn't take a picture of my puppy every week to make a time lapse gif of his growth. Maybe next time around!
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    edited December 2014

    And I guess related to the previous one....


    Followed by something quite unrelated:



    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • i just thought the extended metaphors were absolutely hilarious

    i actually support the bottom ones, so stop supporting me llandros
  • My comment was about the bottom bit. There is no issue with the cartoon, only with the Anon below it, who as far as I can see it does nothing but state that a woman who has a certain weight has done so intentionally and is not 'worthy' of sex. Which is wrong on so many levels. If the Anon doesn't find that desirable, fine, but that is no reason to attack based on an assumption that someone is fat because they overeat and cannot stop themselves, because weight can come from so many different things. Even if it comes from massive overconsumption of food, this is very often a dysfunctional coping mechanism in which the person practices self-harm.

    All that is why I flagged it, and it seems I was correct in doing so, because it is considered amusing while really all it does is approve of "haha you are fat, you have no willpower" and other such blatant falsehoods and insults that overweight people have to put up with. Is the wordplay witty? Sure. But that doesn't justify the message. I could make a witty wordplay on genocide or any hot button political topic and you bet I'd get told that is not ok.
    You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
    Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
  • edited December 2014
    actually I'd love that please make some witticisms 

    jesus fed five thousand jews fish/bread

    hitler made millions of jews toast

    who is the better man
  • Rialorm said:
    My comment was about the bottom bit. There is no issue with the cartoon, only with the Anon below it, who as far as I can see it does nothing but state that a woman who has a certain weight has done so intentionally and is not 'worthy' of sex. Which is wrong on so many levels. If the Anon doesn't find that desirable, fine, but that is no reason to attack based on an assumption that someone is fat because they overeat and cannot stop themselves, because weight can come from so many different things. Even if it comes from massive overconsumption of food, this is very often a dysfunctional coping mechanism in which the person practices self-harm.

    All that is why I flagged it, and it seems I was correct in doing so, because it is considered amusing while really all it does is approve of "haha you are fat, you have no willpower" and other such blatant falsehoods and insults that overweight people have to put up with. Is the wordplay witty? Sure. But that doesn't justify the message. I could make a witty wordplay on genocide or any hot button political topic and you bet I'd get told that is not ok.
    Marcella has asked me to not defend her anymore. 

    However, genocide? Wow. Just wow.

  • What is so wow about genocide? You think genocide jokes are appropriate?  inappropriate = inappropriate, doesn't matter if the two inappropriate topics aren't themselves comparable.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    edited December 2014
    Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas this year is....



    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • edited December 2014
    This is my first attempt at doing the pictures thing, so here we go!



    I occasionally like to pretend that I'm replanting all of these herbs to attract bees, and might one day form an alliance with the bees and take over the Basin. Then we could have a wonderful tea party with plenty of honey and the best tea blends.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    edited December 2014
    Kurut said:
    There's an image button on the second row of icons in the editor (near the right hand side). Use that and just paste the url in the pop-up box.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • image



    ... I love frogs. They're so handsome and adorable and they OM NOM NOM anything you put in front of them.
    I occasionally like to pretend that I'm replanting all of these herbs to attract bees, and might one day form an alliance with the bees and take over the Basin. Then we could have a wonderful tea party with plenty of honey and the best tea blends.
  • It's time for MUGWUMP MONKS!!!



    I occasionally like to pretend that I'm replanting all of these herbs to attract bees, and might one day form an alliance with the bees and take over the Basin. Then we could have a wonderful tea party with plenty of honey and the best tea blends.
  • edited December 2014
    I found some strange, furry frogs. Hmm!




    And a new addition from @Vivet! Another curiously fuzzy frog!

    I occasionally like to pretend that I'm replanting all of these herbs to attract bees, and might one day form an alliance with the bees and take over the Basin. Then we could have a wonderful tea party with plenty of honey and the best tea blends.
  • Thanks for all the ``likes''.  I figured it was appropriate given one just can't exterminate all the entire merian, elfen, and kepheran races w/o cracking a few eggs.

    I shall now make a funny Bill Cosby face.
  • image
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    Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    It does seem like there are things in there that are forum-ban-worthy... I even see some slurs which have gotten people in a lot of trouble in-game.

    It's also a bit silly.  One of them goes "Think you're so smart" but uses "your" instead.  That's about where I stopped reading, except for the aforementioned slur that caught my eye as I tried to scroll on by.
  • that's the point @ the your bit
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    I enjoy politically incorrect humour often but that is all really, really bad taste.

  • And now, here's something we hope you'll really like:

  • @Marcella, I know you as a better / different person than this. I'm not sure why you are trying to push the boundaries purposely now, but I wish you'd reconsider. If you feel upset or hurt by me flagging you on the previous page, I'm sorry, I do not wish for you to take it as an attack on you as a person but simply as a disagreement about the humour in an image posted and my personal concern about the impact it may have in a community which has many individuals in it who are all dealing with great deals of hurt and come here to get away from that. I agree and disagree with people on many occasions, and it is good that we do else things would be fairly boring. If something else is bugging you or being the matter, speak to someone about it. I like you far better when you're the Marcella who sends about pamphlets or posts awesome logs :(
    You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
    Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
  • @Marcella: it's like watching Delphas in PvP... things just spiral out of control and he's lucky if he doesn't get killed by someone else's careless shot.
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