My head is on the verge of exploding. So, I've been trying to make sense of channels, how they work, etc. I -think- I finally understand the very basics after spending hours making txt documentation on these abilities. That makes it easier for me to understand new things in these games. Even so, I am unsure how to proceed with the best way to combine abilities, since channels are involved. I don't know how to track my channels. Maybe if I could somehow track them in Mudlet I could integrate each ability and the channel/s that are used/locked.
Halp, before my family finds me in a corner, curled up in a little ball, quietly weeping. Thanks.
If you want to give a better explanation on what you're looking to do, we can help you.
- S = Superstratus
- Abilities with an * in the AB PSIONICS or AB PSYCHOMETABOLISM will lock a channel and prevent it from being used for anything else
lua gmcp.Char.Vitals.psisub
shows the status of the three psi channels each. a value of the string "1" shows the channel is there (you have the balance for that channel) while a string "0" does show that you don't currently can use that channel.
in addition the 'stratagems' in combat can do stuff based on when you get a channel back.