I found this charming
old log and thought it would be fun to share. Daraius was not happy to be having anything to do with a Glom, but everyone knows he'd do anything for Sylandra! Eliron ultimately ended up designing Syl and Dar's wedding ring. Edited so you don't have to pretend you're me.
~ Part One, in which Introductions are made and Tea is sipped ~
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Maestro, this is Minister Daraius Shevat, head of Cultural Affairs in Hallifax."
Daraius Shevat says, "Good afternoon, Maestro."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Minister, please meet Maestro Eliron Inseira of the Harbingers."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Daraius, "Currently we have oolong tea and not white, I trust that won't be an issue?"
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence smiles and says to Daraius, "A pleasure. I think we may have met briefly once, but Hallifax has been in such good culture standing lately that I wanted to make a better acquaintance."
Daraius nods his head at Eliron.
Daraius Shevat says, "We have crossed paths once or twice."
Daraius Shevat says to Sylandra, "I have my own supply, and a cup as well, thank you."
Eliron's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Daraius Shevat says to Sylandra, "The cup is by happenstance. I never seem to have enough on hand since I began studying the artisan craft."
Sylandra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "I've started carrying a few with me since I've taken to drinking tea instead of alcohol."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "Between them, Sylandra and my brother Maellio may just nearly civilize me."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Eliron, "I haven't had alcohol in years. I find I never know when I'll have to speak on the city aether."
Daraius Shevat says, "I imagine the switch to tea has improved your quality of life considerably."
Eliron nods his head at Sylandra.
Eliron's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Daraius, "It's certainly expanded my tastes."
Daraius nods his head slowly in understanding.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Orventa is rather fond of creating tea designs. I rather do like her ambrosial wind wisp tea."
Eliron's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "I'll have to get a bottle from her."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "I only tried designing tea once. I think I shall stick to jewelry."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "That is one trade I have yet to design for. Though I admit I am considering learning it myself."
Daraius Shevat says, "Is that her recipe? It is one of my favorites."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Sylandra, "Jewelry or cooking?"
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Jewelry."
Daraius takes a drink from a filigreed crystal tea cup.
Eliron gives a horrified gasp.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale laughingly says to Eliron, "What, sir, can't a Hallifaxian share your trade?"
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Sylandra, "You'll break my heart if you stop wearing my designs!"
Sylandra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "I imagine you wouldn't let me into your cartel to prevent that."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Daraius, "It's not easy finding someone to wear lyrebird jewelry in the Glomdoring."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Sylandra, "Inseira only. I'm afraid you'd have to marry in."
Eliron ponders Sylandra thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Sylandra, "I'd be delighted to arrange it."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Heavens, a Glomdorian marriage. I'm unsure I could handle that."
Eliron utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Daraius shifts his stance slightly and subtly adjusts his tie.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "The politics of the matter would be very complicated, I will respectfully decline."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "Are you certain? We're a charming people, and I'm certain we could arrange to have only a few spiders at the wedding."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Daraius, "I believe if I had a father, he would act as the Maestro does to me."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Perhaps sans spiders."
Eliron utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "All my daughters have been far too independent minded for me to play match maker."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Eliron, "Speaking of playing, or plays rather, when do you plan to perform 'Five Fates and a Portal,' by chance?"
Daraius downs the last drop from a filigreed crystal tea cup.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence sighs softly.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "I recall it winning literary merit, did it not?"
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "When I can rely on myself to wake at a set rehearsal time."
Eliron beams broadly.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "It did. I'm quite proud of it, and I want it on the stage."
Sylandra smiles softly.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "I look forward to the competition."
The corners of Eliron's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "I'll wager a new lyrebird design on my play taking victory."
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Then I shall have to work even harder, sir. I am a competitive woman."
Eliron's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Daraius, "I believe Lady Nihmriel is working on a play, is she not?"
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "Will you make a wager in return?"
Eliron turns his attention towards Daraius as his ears perk up in interest.
Gazing into his empty cup, Daraius Shevat says, "I have heard a rumor to that effect."
Daraius pours cherry blossom sunrise white tea from a dove-grey porcelain serving bottle into a filigreed crystal tea cup.
Daraius Shevat says, "She has not seen fit to show me a script, however."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Eliron, "And as to your query, I am unsure what I have to offer."
Sylandra nods her head at Daraius.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Daraius, "I'll admit, I'm quite impressed with how the Hallifax stage has been doing without a bard guild dedicated to it."
Daraius Shevat says, "We are fortunate to have Mayor Silverwind dedicated to it."
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Sylandra, "Hmm. You've politically nixed my arranging meetings with available offspring and my husband has eternally nixed my wagering for kisses."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Sylandra, "We'll think of something."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Daraius, "That's not quite fair. Lady Nihmriel and your brother contribute a good amount."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "They are merely slower."
Daraius Shevat says, "Yes, I was about to note the scientific contributions of our guilds."
With a flicker of amusement, Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Eliron, "You and your brother would do well enough to leave other's business alone."
Daraius's whiskers twitch abruptly.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Daraius, "I'd have stolen her off for Glomdoring's stage if she'd have let me, but she gives quite a lot of credit to you for Hallifax's culture."
Daraius flattens his ears against his head.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Sylandra, "My goodness, however did you know that gossip on my brother was going to be my next request?"
Quietly, Daraius Shevat says, "I only keep the paperwork in order."
Daraius takes a drink from a filigreed crystal tea cup.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "Then, much to my own horror, I may have to reverse my opinion on paperwork."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Daraius, "A Ministry cannot flourish with a head who is unresponsive or unorganized. The fact that it can flourish under your leadership at all says something about the quality of your work."
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Eliron, "Yes, do be less savage about paperwork, it has done my city much good compared to bad."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says to Sylandra, "Mmm. But savage has served me so well so far."
Sylandra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Perhaps it is different for communes."
Eliron utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "I can make no claims about the northern forest."
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence says, "And some in the Glomdoring do approve of paperwork, but it's so hard to read in the dark."
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says to Eliron, "Clearly come to Hallifax. The crystal can illuminate rather nicely."
Eliron utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Maestro Eliron Inseira, Shadowed Cadence laughingly says, "My dear, you say that like a good thing."
Sylandra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lady Sylandra Silverwind, the Morning Gale says, "Then it came as intended."
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
(But thank you for fixing this deficit
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Though my fault for suggesting him in the first place I imagine
Tea with Sylandra was always so much fun, especially with Daraius there to be mildly horrified by Eliron's existence. ^_^