
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Apparently, the illusion spawn... as it does spawn an object that creates the illusion itself... needs to have the ability to fly. Problem solved.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • Well, Tacita DIED... It was a REALLY heavy illusion, you know.....
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice

    (Peasantface): Ssaliss says, "You are so evil."

    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • All hail @Akyaevin, Urlach's new Avatar!
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    You play a shadowy chord on an ebony and moonhart mandolin and direct the notes towards Akyaevin.
    A shadow passes over Akyaevin whose skin turns an unnatural pale hue.
    Your lust for Akyaevin makes you jealous with rage.
    The music here inspires you to greater heights.
    Darkness swells from Akyaevin and strikes at you.
    (p) 1521h, 6150m, 7422e, 10p, 21885en, 27181w lrx-(-3289h, 68.4%, -77e, 1.0%)

    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • The world is going to end... because this happened...

    (We Are Doomed): Lyora says, "Too many cookies Anky! I have no more gold D:."
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    A figurine of a warrior merian yells, "HELP, HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED!"

    I forgot they did this. :D
  • Daevos has been summarily beheaded by Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight.
    You see the death occur at path lined with smoldering ash.

    It's never not funny.
  • Thalkros said:
    Daevos has been summarily beheaded by Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight.
    You see the death occur at path lined with smoldering ash.

    It's never not funny.
    I always wondered if that was possible.
    A masked taurian exclaims, "Sugoi! Gorlois-kun is kawaii, uguu~!"
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Gorlois said:
    Thalkros said:
    Daevos has been summarily beheaded by Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight.
    You see the death occur at path lined with smoldering ash.

    It's never not funny.
    I always wondered if that was possible.
    With blinding speed, Elanorwen darts forward and pecks out your left eye, and you scream in agony as blood flows down your face. The eyeball plops messily to the ground.

    It's a murder on one's neck, though.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Elanorwen said:
    Gorlois said:
    Thalkros said:
    Daevos has been summarily beheaded by Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight.
    You see the death occur at path lined with smoldering ash.

    It's never not funny.
    I always wondered if that was possible.
    With blinding speed, Elanorwen darts forward and pecks out your left eye, and you scream in agony as blood flows down your face. The eyeball plops messily to the ground.

    It's a murder on one's neck, though.
    It's more likely that he had high wounds on his head and hit rebounding in this case, though.  'Tis a little different from masochism.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Certainly possible... and definitely a bit more amusing, but eh.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • (The Crux): You say, "Save the mothies!"
    (The Crux): Elanorwen (from the Realm of the Beckoner Beyond the Maze) says, "Okay, Shulamit."
    (The Crux): Eritheyl (from the Realm of the Beckoner Beyond the Maze) says, "They need to breed less often."

    Bahaha. Also, today's aetherhunt with Gaudi was even better, but for everyone's sake I shall not post it.
    Mysrai, the Beckoner Beyond the Maze intones, "Continue to manifest the paradigm of working, My Alary."
    The Divine voice of Camus the Cinderfly echoes in your head, "Thank you, once-body. I am happy that I fell into that eye."
  • EritheylEritheyl ** Trigger Warning **
    Alary said:
    (The Crux): You say, "Save the mothies!"
    (The Crux): Elanorwen (from the Realm of the Beckoner Beyond the Maze) says, "Okay, Shulamit."
    (The Crux): Eritheyl (from the Realm of the Beckoner Beyond the Maze) says, "They need to breed less often."

    Bahaha. Also, today's aetherhunt with Gaudi was even better, but for everyone's sake I shall not post it.
    The part with the humor, or the part where I flipped my poop? >_>
    Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."


    With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
  • (Geomancers): You say, "There appears to be a new room in our Tower."

    (Geomancers): You say, "A very old room."

    (Geomancers): Ryanne says, "Eh? Are you telling me it just appeared over night?"

    (Geomancers): You say, "I do."

    (Geomancers): You say, "And there is a creepy statue in it as well."

    (Geomancers): Yoseph says, "A very old room that appeared over night? Sounds creepy. You guys check it out."

    Made my day for some reason.
  • edited April 2013
    Jadice, the Frost Queen says to you, "Constant vigilance."
  • Nakarel said:
    (Geomancers): You say, "There appears to be a new room in our Tower."

    (Geomancers): You say, "A very old room."

    (Geomancers): Ryanne says, "Eh? Are you telling me it just appeared over night?"

    (Geomancers): You say, "I do."

    (Geomancers): You say, "And there is a creepy statue in it as well."

    (Geomancers): Yoseph says, "A very old room that appeared over night? Sounds creepy. You guys check it out."

    Made my day for some reason.

    Now all you need is a Scooby and a Daphne, and you're all set!
  • edited April 2013
    2013/04/17 03:01:28 - The House's eyes are raised as its honour improves: Our family owns the largest aethership in the land, and people look to us in awe.

    Now I feel bad that, if the message can be taken literally (and isn't a bug), no one is seeing it but an entirely inactive family.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    I've seen Deepnight, and I've seen svana's monstrosity that she gave to Jerica. How the heck is your ship bigger?
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Everyone is getting that, as far as I've heard. At least two other families that I'm aware of anyway.
  • edited April 2013
    I have one that's pretty large, but I didn't think it was bigger than Deepnight.  Songbird is 66 rooms (and has all the modules with all the diamonuts, at least all the ones that existed when I went dormant).  That's why I was surprised to see that (and thought it might be a bug).

    Further thought: is it possible that "in the land" refers somehow to specific nations, and it's just the biggest ship owned by a Seren?  (It can't be that it's the largest deeded to Serenwilde, because I undeeded it after an overzealous power minister unlinked it despite the perms being right, and then ignored my messages.)
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    It could be a case of a limit. Say... 100 rooms, and if you have a bigger aethership, you get the message. It could also be a case of the size of the aethership within the city/commune in question.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    *********************[ THE FREE COLLECTIVE OF GLOMDORING ]*********************
    Commune Member Rank Position CT
    Ssaliss Shadow Warden Chancellor On
    Sunmai Shade On
    Astraea Guardian of the Dark For Shadow Court On
    Tau Guardian of the Dark For Shadow Court On
    Siam Shadow Warden Commune Aide On
    Thul Shadow Warden On
    Currently, there are 6 Commune Members on this Plane and 1 on other Planes.
    4810h, 6275m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%) clt5 oh
    (Peasantface): You say, "Oh."
    4810h, 6300m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-(+25m, 0.4%) clt5 check CWHO
    (Peasantface): You say, "Check CWHO."
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%) clt5 SSATST
    (Peasantface): You say, "SSATST."
    4810h, 6200m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%)
    You have fully recovered your breath.
    4810h, 6200m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-(hold breath)
    You inhale deeply and begin holding your breath.
    4810h, 6125m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-(-75m, 1.2%) clt5 asty is a lone
    (Peasantface): You say, "Asty is a lone."
    4810h, 6125m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-qw
    Astraea, Ixchilgal, Naralis, Shiawase, Siam, Ssaliss, Stratas, Xypher, Adrala, Aelmy, Aiyana,
    Arsalil, Conrad, Dyagho, Feyda, Gertrude, Irillia, Luthian, Maric, Marlowe, Shandra, Sunmai,
    (*) Currently, there are 23 Lusternians on this Plane and 30 on other Planes.
    4810h, 6075m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%) ql
    Before the Master Ravenwood Tree.
    Brennan Stormcrow paces here, his cadaverous body twitching with sudden jerks. The Master Ravenwood
    Tree towers over everything here, pulsing with an immeasurable yet dark power. There are 16 dark
    nighthags here. Casting darkness all around, a shadow totem thrusts up from the ground, chilling the
    air. There are 4 black direwolves here. There are 5 illithoid scourges here. In the shape of an open
    palm, a metallic sigil lies here. A crudely crafted shrine of harsh black crystal stands here,
    thrumming powerfully. A mature hemlock tree stands proudly here. An animated skeleton stands here
    with a ghostly outline of a wasp around its skull. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly
    outline of a beetle around its skull. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a
    spider around its skull. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a bat around its
    skull. Ssaliss Shee-Slaugh is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand.
    You see a single exit leading north.
    4810h, 6300m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(+225m, 3.6%) clt5 must convert
    (Peasantface): You say, "Must convert."
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%)
    (Peasantface): Astraea says, "Whut."
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-
    (Peasantface): Ssaliss says, "She's unique."
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-cw
    *********************[ THE FREE COLLECTIVE OF GLOMDORING ]*********************
    Commune Member Rank Position CT
    Ssaliss Shadow Warden Chancellor On
    Sunmai Shade On
    Astraea Guardian of the Dark For Shadow Court On
    Tau Guardian of the Dark For Shadow Court On
    Siam Shadow Warden Commune Aide On
    Thul Shadow Warden On
    Currently, there are 6 Commune Members on this Plane and 1 on other Planes.
    4810h, 6200m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%) clt5 the lone vowel
    (Peasantface): You say, "The lone vowel."
    4810h, 6300m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(+100m, 1.6%) clt5 in a sea of consonants
    (Peasantface): You say, "In a sea of consonants."
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%) qw
    Astraea, Ixchilgal, Naralis, Shiawase, Siam, Ssaliss, Stratas, Xypher, Adrala, Aelmy, Aiyana,
    Arsalil, Conrad, Dyagho, Feyda, Gertrude, Irillia, Luthian, Maric, Marlowe, Shandra, Sunmai,
    (*) Currently, there are 23 Lusternians on this Plane and 30 on other Planes.
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-ql
    Before the Master Ravenwood Tree.
    Brennan Stormcrow paces here, his cadaverous body twitching with sudden jerks. The Master Ravenwood
    Tree towers over everything here, pulsing with an immeasurable yet dark power. There are 16 dark
    nighthags here. Casting darkness all around, a shadow totem thrusts up from the ground, chilling the
    air. There are 4 black direwolves here. There are 5 illithoid scourges here. In the shape of an open
    palm, a metallic sigil lies here. A crudely crafted shrine of harsh black crystal stands here,
    thrumming powerfully. A mature hemlock tree stands proudly here. An animated skeleton stands here
    with a ghostly outline of a wasp around its skull. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly
    outline of a beetle around its skull. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a
    spider around its skull. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a bat around its
    skull. Ssaliss Shee-Slaugh is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand.
    You see a single exit leading north.
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-
    A large shadow flits across the edge of your vision for a bare instant, vanishing between the trees.
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-cw
    *********************[ THE FREE COLLECTIVE OF GLOMDORING ]*********************
    Commune Member Rank Position CT
    Ssaliss Shadow Warden Chancellor On
    Sunmai Shade On
    Astraea Guardian of the Dark For Shadow Court On
    Tau Guardian of the Dark For Shadow Court On
    Siam Shadow Warden Commune Aide On
    Thul Shadow Warden On
    Currently, there are 6 Commune Members on this Plane and 1 on other Planes.
    4810h, 6125m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-125m, 2.0%)
    (Peasantface): Astraea says, "I didn't notice."
    4810h, 6200m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(+75m, 1.2%)
    (Peasantface): Astraea says, "But now that I do, I'm spiraling into depression."
    4810h, 6300m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-(+100m, 1.6%)
    You can hold your breath no longer and gasp for air, fighting to bring oxygen back to your deprived
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%) cw
    *********************[ THE FREE COLLECTIVE OF GLOMDORING ]*********************
    Commune Member Rank Position CT
    Ssaliss Shadow Warden Chancellor On
    Sunmai Shade On
    Astraea Guardian of the Dark For Shadow Court On
    Tau Guardian of the Dark For Shadow Court On
    Siam Shadow Warden Commune Aide On
    Thul Shadow Warden On
    Currently, there are 6 Commune Members on this Plane and 1 on other Planes.
    4810h, 6125m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-125m, 2.0%)
    (Peasantface): Thul says, "Siam's going to fix it for you."
    4810h, 6300m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29400w elrx-(+175m, 2.8%)
    (Market): Ixchilgal says, "Buying esteem and dingbats."
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%) clt5 -comfort-
    (Peasantface): You say, "-comfort-."
    4810h, 6250m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-
    (Peasantface): Thul says, "He's going to break the world."
    4810h, 6200m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-50m, 0.8%) clt5 sasstraea
    (Peasantface): You say, "Sasstraea."
    4810h, 6125m, 7200e, 10p, 21900en, 29390w elrx-(-75m, 1.2%)
    (Peasantface): Astraea says, "-zsnap-."
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    A bloodthirsty loboshigaru pilgrim sighs dramatically and searches his pockets, looking for something to give you. 
    He gives a kafe bean to you.

    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • a small shrubbery has just replaced Archmage Xazlael Somnius, Archon of Tainted Earth as Guildmaster of the Geomancers.

  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Nakarel said:
    a small shrubbery has just replaced Archmage Xazlael Somnius, Archon of Tainted Earth as Guildmaster of the Geomancers.

    Only in Mag.

    What a failure.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
     Revan is here, tenderly massaging Elanorwen. He wields Ophiuchus in his left hand and a key in his right. Her fan held so as to cover her mouth, a bright-eyed, blushing young maiden is here.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Shaddus said:
     Revan is here, tenderly massaging Elanorwen. He wields Ophiuchus in his left hand and a key in his right. Her fan held so as to cover her mouth, a bright-eyed, blushing young maiden is here.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
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