how would I make an alias like pointing staff in a direction or moving a phantomsphere in a certain direction? I apologize because I have asked this before, but I forgot how to. In mudlet that is.
This should probably be in the mechanic's corner, but I'm assuming you want to do something like PST <person> <dir>?
If so, under the Alias window, create a new alias with Add Item.
Your pattern is going to be ^pst (\w+) (\w+)$ as regex, then your main window would have send("Point Staff "..matches[2].." "..matches[3]) This will let you do pst Roark e to send the staff command at Roark, to the east.
Obviously whatever you want the command to be goes under pattern.
For the record, matches[1] returns the whole pattern (pst Roark e).
If so, under the Alias window, create a new alias with Add Item.
Your pattern is going to be ^pst (\w+) (\w+)$ as regex, then your main window would have send("Point Staff "..matches[2].." "..matches[3])
This will let you do pst Roark e to send the staff command at Roark, to the east.
Obviously whatever you want the command to be goes under pattern.
For the record, matches[1] returns the whole pattern (pst Roark e).
if matches[3] == nil then
send("point staff "" "..matches[2])
send("point staff "..matches[3].." " ..matches[2])
Usage: pst e, for example, will point staff at your target to the east.
pst e lerad, will point staff at lerad to the east.
The above will trigger on pst lerad e, not Pst lerad e or PST lerad e.
It might help if you can show us exactly what your alias looks like.
point staff leard e is what it does. I was doing just pst before, it needed the entire pst leard e to work.