The new year doesn't really mean much IG in terms of roleplayed new years resolutions resolutions, but the solstice is a time of rebirth, charity, and funny vests! So instead of New Year Resolutions, what are your Lusternia Solstice Resolutions? What do you plan on doing before next Solstice?
Here's what I plan
1. Be nicer to people, which includes forgetting past issues.
2. RP more! No more chatting ooc when I'm trying to RP. If I can't say it IG then I won't say it! This also includes thinking more from my character's point of view than my own.
3. Design more things. I need to have a million billion designs done before Solstice to give out as presents.
4. Help more people in an RP setting. One of my favourite things as a novice was when I was taken aside and taught my skills, one by one, by the guildmembers (This was before the College. Sorry Meliana

5. Just generally try to remember that Lusternia is just a game and I can walk away at any point.
I would like to see some more writing done- I guess the problem will be to have a think about some topics I can work towards!
Homestead, woo!
5) Rise in Jadice's order. Join Drocilla's order.
2) Submit an artisanal every month
== Professional Girl Gamer ==
Yes I play games
Yes I'm a girl
get over it