Trigger Lines

edited February 2013 in Mechanic's Corner
Howdy all!

In an effort to try to make it easier for new coders and system makers I have teamed up with Rivius to gather a list of trigger lines!


Donations welcome of course, feedback as well!

EDIT: Format changed to improve readability.


  • Adding the names of the actual afflictions would be helpful.
  • Finding this after coming back from a two-year hiatus... it's a godsend. I... I think I love you guys.
  • very nice list!  seems pretty complete and useful.  the only change i suggest would be to either add the name of the trigger or the cure for it.

    But besides that, thank you very much
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    edited April 2013
    It's automatically generated, so we would need to manually annotate the triggers to do so. The names are provided and follow the AB format where possible so you can cross-check them with resources like Xiel's website in order to discern the skills they correspond to and what afflictions they land wherever it informs you of such.
  • edited April 2013
    I really like this list - thank you so much for taking the time to assemble it and distribute it to everyone! I was wondering how you automatically generated it, and if it would be possible to get the third person views of all of these affs easily in a similar way (so you could do things when people do something to someone beside you).

    If it is possible I would love to help in any way I can.
  • Created an alias in Mushclient using the GetTriggerInfo on a for list with GetTriggerList.

    Pulls the trigger name then what it's matching on.

    Not easy to get the third person views unless someone has all those recorded already.
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